CVE-2022-23046 - SQL Injection Vulnerability on PhpIPAM v1.4.4



PhpIPAM v1.4.4 allows an authenticated admin user to inject SQL sentences in the "subnet" parameter while searching a subnet via app/admin/routing/edit-bgp-mapping-search.php.


  1. Build
git clone
cd CVE-2022-23046 && docker-compose up -d 
pip3(or pip) install -r requirements.txt
python3(or python) -h
  1. Setup 2-1. Go to the http://[YOUR_IP] and Choose [New phpipam installation].

2-2. Choose [Automatic database installation].
2-3. MySQL username & Password is "root"/"my_secret_mysql_root_pass".

2-4. Setting the Password and Login to check the installation is complete.


  python3 --url http://localhost --user admin
  # and input your password


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