LogDeep is an open source deeplearning-based log analysis toolkit for automated anomaly detection.




LogDeep is an open source deeplearning-based log analysis toolkit for automated anomaly detection.

Framework of logdeep

Note: This repo does not include log parsing,if you need to use it, please check logparser

Major features

  • Modular Design

  • Support multi log event features out of box

  • State of the art(Including resluts from deeplog,loganomaly,robustlog...)


Model Paper reference
DeepLog [CCS'17] DeepLog: Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis from System Logs through Deep Learning
LogAnomaly [IJCAI'19] LogAnomaly: UnsupervisedDetectionof SequentialandQuantitativeAnomaliesinUnstructuredLogs
RobustLog [FSE'19] RobustLog-BasedAnomalyDetectiononUnstableLogData


  • python>=3.6
  • pytorch >= 1.1.0

Quick start

git clone https://github.com/donglee-afar/logdeep.git
cd logdeep

Example of building your own log dataset

Train & Test DeepLog example

cd demo
# Train
python deeplog.py train
# Test
python deeplog.py test

The output results, key parameters and train logs will be saved under result/ path

DIY your own pipeline

Here is an example of the key parameters of the loganomaly model which in demo/loganomaly.py
Try to modify these parameters to build a new model!

# Smaple
options['sample'] = "sliding_window"
options['window_size'] = 10

# Features
options['sequentials'] = True
options['quantitatives'] = True
options['semantics'] = False

Model = loganomaly(input_size=options['input_size'],

Benchmark results

Model feature Precision Recall F1
DeepLog(unsupervised) seq 0.9583 0.9330 0.9454
LogAnomaly(unsupervised) seq+quan 0.9690 0.9825 0.9757
RobustLog(supervised) semantic 0.9216 0.9586 0.9397
  • Question about obtaining the benchmark result

    Question about obtaining the benchmark result

    Thank you for all the amazing work you've done!

    I successfully ran through the training and predicting process of deeplog model using the same HDFS data file that you are using (from loghub).

    And I'm using Drain as my parsing tool to get the structured log data. I ended up having 48 unique event ID in the template. And I'm using around 5000 sessions for the training and the train loss and validation loss converged to 0.2 (start from 0.8) around 300+ epochs. I didn't change the default parameter setting in the deeplog.py file except for the number of classes (48 in my case).

    The result that I got from prediction is shown below. It does not look as promising as the benchmark. image

    I'm not sure why but is it because of the parsing tool?

    And idea or suggetions of improving the model results are welcome!!

    opened by cherishwsx 5
  • Question about LogAnomaly

    Question about LogAnomaly

    Thank you for your work. It was very helpful.

    I have a Two questions about LogAnomaly.

    First, When I read LogAnomaly paper there was Template2Vec Section. But I can't find that part in your code. There was a count vector part, but the sequence part does not seem to have Template2Vec applied.

    Second, Attention was implemented in the logdeep/models/lstm.py, but it was not used.

    Again, Thanks for your work. :)

    opened by yunsangq 2
  • Problems About RobustLog

    Problems About RobustLog

    Hi, thank you for this awesome toolkit!

    What confuses me is that it seems that you don't set an attention layer, which is mentioned in the paper, in the RobustLog model. Do you mind explaining the reason for me? I'm a ML/DL newbie. Thanks in advance!

    opened by rhanqtl 2
  • question about bgl dataset

    question about bgl dataset

    Hi, thank you for making this amazing project.

    I have some question when I use the BGL dataset to train and test. In the logdeep/dataset/sample.py you use 'hdfs/event2semantic_vec.json', I have no idea what is the function of this file. And when I use the BGL dataset, how I generate this file? Or I needn't this file? If it is not needed, how should I modify sample.py?

    looking forward to your reply.

    opened by Yanyyy 1
  • DeepLog hdfs original unpased data

    DeepLog hdfs original unpased data

    Hello, I started to use this ropo and it is grat! But I need to see the original data of the train and the test (normal and abnormal). I understood that the data generated from the csv 'HDFS_100k.log_structured', but how it has generated? and what format exactly is the date and time in this file?


    opened by shimonShouei 0
  • One-hot encoding?

    One-hot encoding?

    I look at your input to deeplog model is just numerical token sequences. Why isn't one-hot encoding transformation used as the input? The numbers in sequences represent operations, so they are nominal, not ordinal.

    opened by htcml 0
  • A data processing problem

    A data processing problem

    Hi @donglee-afar: I read the answers to the issue areas, but I still don't understand the data processing process. I don't know how to convert "sequece_hdfs.csv" to "hdfs_train" in logdeep project. image

    Could please you help me with it?😀 Can you provide a reference code and a workflow?

    thank you very much.

    opened by heyd7fc 1
  • Question about deeplog in logs Apache

    Question about deeplog in logs Apache

    How would I go about using deeplog for Apache logs? - - [15/Sep/2021:07:28:39 -0400] "GET /media/plg_system_popup/js/jquery.js HTTP/1.1" 200 293755 "" "Mozilla /5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0"

    opened by Levi-zz 0
  • An error occurs when the terminal command line runs

    An error occurs when the terminal command line runs

    (python38) houjingwen@MacBook-Pro-2 demo % python3 loganomaly.py train
    Traceback (most recent call last): File "loganomaly.py", line 11, in from logdeep.models.lstm import loganomaly,deeplog,robustlog File "/Users/houjingwen/Desktop/logdeep-master/logdeep/models/lstm.py", line 1, in import torch ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'

    opened by Houjingwen 0
Kaggle Master
Paper list of log-based anomaly detection

Paper list of log-based anomaly detection

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