Just a simple python script to generate graphs of salt state requisites.
Installation Requirements
You will need to install graphviz
to render the dot files into images. Apt, Yum and Homebrew should all have versions that will work.
This script processes the json output from salt-call state.show_sls MYSTATE --out json
and it will output graphviz dot language that you can then process through dot
into an image, svg, or any other format that graphviz supports
Processing a json file
saltstatevis show_sls_file.json >
# generate a png image of the graph
dot -Tpng -o show_sls_file.png
One liner salt to svg file
SVG files are handy because you can open them natively in Chrome and they are rendered with actual text fields, allowing you to search for text in the page
salt-call state.show_sls some-salt-state --out json | saltstateviz | dot -Tsvg -o some-salt-stat.svg