Hackerone Passive Recon Tool
A passive-recon tool that parses through found assets and interacts with the Hackerone API.
Simply run setup.sh
to automatically install the required python libraries.
-q, --quiet Do not display banner.
-u USER, --user USER Hackerone username.
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Hackerone API token.
-p PROGRAM, --program PROGRAM
Program handle, not program name.
-i, --info Display program information.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output results to a file.
-w WAIT, --wait WAIT Pause between Google dorks.
-n, --noprint Don't print found assets at the end of execution.
The Process
- First, the program scope information is retrieved using the provided token and the H1 API.
- The base scope is sent to crt.sh where certificate transparency is checked.
- The base scope is sent to Sublist3r.
- The base scope's pages are parsed for additional assets.
- Results are printed and grepped. Throughout the process, assets that are out of scope are dropped.
This tool should not be relied on soley to retrieve accurate and culminating results. Use your arsenal and judgement. I am not responsible for the misuse of this tool.