Coronavirus Tracker API

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Coronavirus Tracker API

Provides up-to-date data about Coronavirus outbreak. Includes numbers about confirmed cases, deaths and recovered. Support multiple data-sources.

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Live global stats (provided by fight-covid19/bagdes) from this API:

Covid-19 Confirmed Covid-19 Recovered Covid-19 Deaths

Recovered cases showing 0

JHU (our main data provider) no longer provides data for amount of recoveries, and as a result, the API will be showing 0 for this statistic. Apolegies for any inconvenience. Hopefully we'll be able to find an alternative data-source that offers this.

Available data-sources:

Currently 2 different data-sources are available to retrieve the data:

jhu data-source will be used as a default source if you don't specify a source parameter in your request.

API Reference

All endpoints are located at and are accessible via https. For instance: you can get data per location by using this URL:

You can open the URL in your browser to further inspect the response. Or you can make this curl call in your terminal to see the prettified response:

curl | json_pp


Consume our API through our super awesome and interactive SwaggerUI (on mobile, use the mobile friendly ReDocs instead for the best experience).

The OpenAPI json definition can be downloaded at

API Endpoints

Sources Endpoint

Getting the data-sources that are currently available to Coronavirus Tracker API to retrieve the data of the pandemic.

GET /v2/sources

Sample response

    "sources": [

Latest Endpoint

Getting latest amount of total confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered.

GET /v2/latest

Query String Parameters

Query string parameter Description Type
source The data-source where data will be retrieved from (jhu/csbs). Default is jhu String

Sample response

  "latest": {
    "confirmed": 197146,
    "deaths": 7905,
    "recovered": 80840

Locations Endpoint

Getting latest amount of confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered per location.

The Location Object

GET /v2/locations/:id

Path Parameters

Path parameter Required/Optional Description Type
id OPTIONAL The unique location id for which you want to call the Locations Endpoint. The list of valid location IDs (:id) can be found in the locations response: /v2/locations Integer

Query String Parameters

Query string parameter Description Type
source The data-source where data will be retrieved from (jhu/csbs). Default is jhu String

Example Request

GET /v2/locations/39

Sample response

  "location": {
    "id": 39,
    "country": "Norway",
    "country_code": "NO",
    "country_population": 5009150,
    "province": "",
    "county": "",
    "last_updated": "2020-03-21T06:59:11.315422Z",
    "coordinates": { },
    "latest": { },
    "timelines": {
      "confirmed": {
        "latest": 1463,
        "timeline": {
          "2020-03-16T00:00:00Z": 1333,
          "2020-03-17T00:00:00Z": 1463
      "deaths": { },
      "recovered": { }

List of all locations

GET /v2/locations

Query String Parameters

Query string parameter Description Type
source The data-source where data will be retrieved from.
Value can be: jhu/csbs. Default is jhu
country_code The ISO (alpha-2 country_code) to the Country/Province for which you're calling the Endpoint String
timelines To set the visibility of timelines (daily tracking).
Value can be: 0/1. Default is 0 (timelines are not visible)

Sample response

  "latest": {
    "confirmed": 272166,
    "deaths": 11299,
    "recovered": 87256
  "locations": [
      "id": 0,
      "country": "Thailand",
      "country_code": "TH",
      "country_population": 67089500,
      "province": "",
      "county": "",
      "last_updated": "2020-03-21T06:59:11.315422Z",
      "coordinates": {
        "latitude": "15",
        "longitude": "101"
      "latest": {
        "confirmed": 177,
        "deaths": 1,
        "recovered": 41
      "id": 39,
      "country": "Norway",
      "country_code": "NO",
      "province": "",
      "county": "",
      "last_updated": "2020-03-21T06:59:11.315422Z",
      "coordinates": {
        "latitude": "60.472",
        "longitude": "8.4689"
      "latest": {
        "confirmed": 1463,
        "deaths": 3,
        "recovered": 1

Response definitions

Response Item Description Type
{latest} The total amount of confirmed cases, deaths and recovered for all the locations Object
{latest}/confirmed The up-to-date total number of confirmed cases for all the locations within the data-source Integer
{latest}/deaths The up-to-date total amount of deaths for all the locations within the data-source Integer
{latest}/recovered The up-to-date total amount of recovered for all the locations within the data-source Integer
{locations} The collection of locations contained within the data-source Object
{location} Information that identifies a location Object
{latest} The amount of confirmed cases, deaths and recovered related to the specific location Object
{locations}/{location}/{latest}/confirmed The up-to-date number of confirmed cases related to the specific location Integer
{locations}/{location}/{latest}/deaths The up-to-date number of deaths related to the specific location Integer
{locations}/{location}/{latest}/recovered The up-to-date number of recovered related to the specific location Integer
{locations}/{location}/id The location id. This unique id is assigned to the location by the data-source. Integer
{locations}/{location}/country The Country name String
{locations}/{location}/country_code The ISO alpha-2 country_code Country code for the location. String
{locations}/{location}/province The province where the location belongs to. (Used for US locations coming from csbs data-source.
Empty when jhu data-source is used
{locations}/{location}/{coordinates}/latitude The location latitude Float
{locations}/{location}/{coordinates}/longitude The location longitude Float

Example Requests with parameters

Parameter: country_code

Getting data for the Country specified by the country_code parameter, in this case Italy - IT

GET /v2/locations?country_code=IT

Sample Response

  "latest": {
    "confirmed": 59138,
    "deaths": 5476,
    "recovered": 7024
  "locations": [
      "id": 16,
      "country": "Italy",
      "country_code": "IT",
      "country_population": 60340328,
      "province": "",
      "county": "",
      "last_updated": "2020-03-23T13:32:23.913872Z",
      "coordinates": {
          "latitude": "43",
          "longitude": "12"
      "latest": {
          "confirmed": 59138,
          "deaths": 5476,
          "recovered": 7024

Parameter: source

Getting the data from the data-source specified by the source parameter, in this case csbs

GET /v2/locations?source=csbs

Sample Response

  "latest": {
    "confirmed": 7596,
    "deaths": 43,
    "recovered": 0
  "locations": [
      "id": 0,
      "country": "US",
      "country_code": "US",
      "country_population": 310232863,
      "province": "New York",
      "state": "New York",
      "county": "New York",
      "last_updated": "2020-03-21T14:00:00Z",
      "coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.71455,
        "longitude": -74.00714
      "latest": {
        "confirmed": 6211,
        "deaths": 43,
        "recovered": 0
      "id": 1,
      "country": "US",
      "country_code": "US",
      "country_population": 310232863,
      "province": "New York",
      "state": "New York",
      "county": "Westchester",
      "last_updated": "2020-03-21T14:00:00Z",
      "coordinates": {
        "latitude": 41.16319759,
        "longitude": -73.7560629
      "latest": {
        "confirmed": 1385,
        "deaths": 0,
        "recovered": 0

Parameter: timelines

Getting the data for all the locations including the daily tracking of confirmed cases, deaths and recovered per location.

GET /v2/locations?timelines=1

Explore the response by opening the URL in your browser or make the following curl call in your terminal:

curl | json_pp

NOTE: Timelines tracking starts from day 22nd January 2020 and ends to the last available day in the data-source.


These are the available API wrappers created by the community. They are not necessarily maintained by any of this project's authors or contributors.










You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  • git clone
  • cd coronavirus-tracker-api
  1. Make sure you have python3.8 installed and on your PATH.
  2. Install the pipenv dependency manager
  3. Create virtual environment and install all dependencies $ pipenv sync --dev
  4. Activate/enter the virtual environment $ pipenv shell

And don't despair if don't get the python setup working on the first try. No one did. Guido got pretty close... once. But that's another story. Good luck.

Running / Development

For a live reloading on code changes.

  • pipenv run dev

Without live reloading.

  • pipenv run start

Visit your app at http://localhost:8000.

Alternatively run our API with Docker.

Running Tests


pipenv run test



pipenv run lint



pipenv run fmt

Update requirements files

invoke generate-reqs

Pipfile.lock will be automatically updated during pipenv install.


Our Docker image is based on tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi/.

invoke docker --build

Run with docker run or docker-compose


Additional developer commands can be run by calling them with the python invoke task runner.

invoke --list


Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


πŸ’» πŸ“– 🚧






πŸ’» ⚠️

Oliver Thamm


Mauro M.



πŸ’» πŸ“– ⚠️


πŸ’» πŸ“– ⚠️

Abdirahiim Yassin

πŸ“– πŸ”§ πŸ“¦

DarΓ­o HereΓ±ΓΊ







πŸ’» πŸš‡ ⚠️ πŸ“–

Kodjo Laurent Egbakou

πŸ“– πŸ”§ πŸ“¦



Ibtida Bhuiyan


James Gray



See for the license. Please link to this repo somewhere in your project :).

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