The Web API toolkit. ๐Ÿ› 


API Star

๐Ÿ›  The Web API toolkit. ๐Ÿ› 

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Community: ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ’ญ ๐Ÿค“ ๐Ÿ’ฌ ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Documentation: ๐Ÿ“˜

Requirements: Python 3.6+

API Star is a toolkit for working with OpenAPI or Swagger schemas. It allows you to:

  • Build API documentation, with a selection of available themes.
  • Validate API schema documents, and provide contextual errors.
  • Make API requests using the dynamic client library.

You can use it to build static documentation, integrate it within a Web framework, or use it as the client library for interacting with other APIs.


Install API Star:

$ pip3 install apistar

Let's take a look at some of the functionality the toolkit provides...

We'll start by creating an OpenAPI schema, schema.yaml:

openapi: 3.0.0
  title: Widget API
  version: '1.0'
  description: An example API for widgets
  - url:
      summary: List all the widgets.
      operationId: listWidgets
      - in: query
        name: search
        description: Filter widgets by this search term.
          type: string

Let's also create a configuration file apistar.yml:

  path: schema.yaml
  format: openapi

We're now ready to start using the apistar command line tool.

We can validate our OpenAPI schema:

$ apistar validate
โœ“ Valid OpenAPI schema.

Or build developer documentation for our API:

$ apistar docs --serve
โœ“ Documentation available at "" (Ctrl+C to quit)

We can also make API requests to the server referenced in the schema:

$ apistar request listWidgets search=cogwheel

Where did the server go?

With version 0.6 onwards the API Star project is being focused as a framework-agnostic suite of API tooling. The plan is to build out this functionality in a way that makes it appropriate for use either as a stand-alone tool, or together with a large range of frameworks.

The 0.5 branch remains available on GitHub, and can be installed from PyPI with pip install apistar==0.5.41. Any further development of the API Star server would likely need to be against a fork of that, under a new maintainer.

If you're looking for a high-performance Python-based async framework, then I would instead recommend Starlette.

API Star is BSD licensed code.
Designed & built in Brighton, England.

API Star

  • Towards 0.4

    Towards 0.4

    Lots of big changes here. I'll keep the synopsis to a minimum...

    • Rewrite type system. (Don't use type subclasses, just plain old python objects please.)
    • Rewrite components. (Much simpler. Components as plain objects allows per-component configuration, rather than everything in a big global settings dict.)
    • Add event hooks.
    • ASGI becomes the asyncio interface, since it's latest re-write now supports our requirements.
    • OpenAPI to become the default schema representation.
    • Drop coreapi and coreschema - Schema generation and client library is now part of this package.
    • Drop built-in support for ORMs, push towards third-party instead.

    Here's the README


    • [x] Format support, eg. 'datetime' validation.
    • [x] Enforce location=query|path|body
    • [x] Enforce path fields as required, and matching uritemplate.
    • [x] Remove uritemplate dependency.
    • [x] Support Type.
    • [x] Deal with non-unique names in Routing (asserts at document level)
    • [x] Include Type and annotation information on schema.
    • [x] Allow Type subclasses to be used in validations.
    • [x] ASyncIO Support, with ASGI
    • [x] Static Files support for ASGI
    • [x] Update uvicorn for ASGI Support - See
    • [x] Resolve issue with dependency injection not persisting parameters between functions.
    • [x] Clean up TODOs in docs.


    • [ ] Add url to Section.
    • [ ] Guard against uvicorn calling into old-style interface, and yell loudly.
    • [ ] Response schemas in OpenAPI.
    • [ ] Consider types/fields instead of types/validators.
    • [ ] Bool and null coercions for query string and form data.
    • [ ] Use ConfigurationError, not assert
    • [ ] Subclassing Type and handling allOf relationships in JSON schema.
    • [ ] Reintroduce API docs.
    • [ ] Reintroduce command routing.
    • [ ] Test coverage & fixups.
    • [ ] Third-party Flask, Django variants.
    • [ ] Check for configuration errors when instantiating router from Document.
    • [ ] Use url not base_url for decode option from HTTPTransport.
    • [ ] Support errors override on type system.
    • [ ] Client should validate path/query/body parameters are appropriate primitive types only.
    opened by tomchristie 31
  • CORS Support

    CORS Support

    Using any API from the browser obviously requires support for CORS. Django and Flask have several ways to integrate this, and I'd love to see that in this project. Not sure what the most effective way to enable this is.

    In a small API I built just recently, I've got it hardcoded, but it would be great to identify the headers, and turn it on.

    opened by kinabalu 29
  • allow changing folder in which resides

    allow changing folder in which resides

    This PR allows changing the folder in which resides by setting APISTAR_FOLDER environment variable. If you wanted to allow changing the filename of as well, you could supply the full path to the file and rename the environment variable to APISTAR_APP, more akin to flask.

    fixes #258

    opened by AlJohri 17
  • Issue with reloader for `apistar run` on Windows.

    Issue with reloader for `apistar run` on Windows.

    After the discussion on discourse, and #196 , #207 I think we can say there is an issue with windows.

    From the discussion on discourse it looks like the issue is with the app = get_current_app() line, where the app isn't being properly obtained. This is based on the comment that when pasting the app into it worked

    get_current_app() is defined in and I bet the issue is with the path resolution on windows. I don't have a windows system to test it out though, but all one would need to do is put a import pdb; pdb.set_trace() statement at the start of that function and step through to see where the path is resolving too.

    opened by audiolion 15
  • SQL Alchemy Backend

    SQL Alchemy Backend

    Example usage:

    • [x] Move SQL Alchemy initialisation into component
    • [x] Add command to create tables
    • Add db tests;
      • [x] SQLite
      • [x] PostgreSQL
    • [x] Pull config from settings
    • [x] Add documentation to readme


    • [ ] Add support or documentation for migrations
    • [ ] Use environment settings for db config
    • [ ] Add preloaded component (once available)
    opened by maximilianhurl 14
  • Exception handling

    Exception handling

    Closes #437. Closes #443. Closes #449. Closes #423. Closes #219.

    • on_response now runs for both regular reponses and handled exceptions.
    • on_error now only runs for unhandled exceptions (ie. 500 reponses).
    • Return 500 responses on error.
    • Test client raises exceptions instead of returning 500 responses.
    • Add debug flag to app.serve(), to switch between debugger vs. plain responses.
    opened by tomchristie 13
  • apistar project still active?

    apistar project still active?


    first of all, thanks for that great project; very intuitive and ambitiously work. currently i'm in the research phase for a python api framework for a bigger project. apistar would be my favourite.

    having that said, my impression is that this project kind of stalled. a couple of open, unanswered pull requests and issues. anybody here, who has insights about the motivation and development? are there others than @tomchristie who are maintainers?

    i would be not only interested to use this framework, but also to contribute to the missing response types part. this of course would be another discussion, in case of active maintainers existent.

    best, andi

    opened by pansen 13
  • Version 0.2 - asyncio support.

    Version 0.2 - asyncio support.

    Pretty serious re-working in progress here. For an overview you'll want to review the source code of the branch itself rather than attempting to review the diff.

    Take a look in particular at and You'll see that the dependency injection has been completely reworked, and that overriding components on applications looks far neater.

    The end result of this work is going to be the ability for API Star to support multiple types of application. asyncio is the obvious first target here, but I'd also like us to have Flask and Django variants. Having the ability to use their ORMs as we currently have is okay, but users still miss out on a vast amount of existing ecosystem.

    Update: This branch now introduces asyncio support.

    More work on this to come, but looking rather nice so far.

    • [x] MultiDict for headers and queryparams.
    • [x] Schema -> Components.
    • [x] Finesse
    • [x] Finesse view names.
    • [x] CLI support.
    • [x] Component pre-loading.
    • [x] Support defaults on params.
    • [x] Include support.
    • [x] Use Routes in preference to Router in components.
    • [x] Reintroduce remaining commands, and apistar main cli.
    • [x] Clean up response generation.
    • [x] Coverage -> 100%
    • [x] Simplify type->schema mapping.
    • [x] Compile changelist.
    • [x] Update docs.
    • [x] Add asyncio docs.
    • [x] Add Command docs.
    • [x] Improve formatting of argparse commands.
    • [x] Test API docs against 0.2
    • [x] Finish remaining asyncio coverage.
    • [x] Add run command for asyncio.
    • [x] Case-insensitivity on headers.
    • [x] Review typing.newtype() vs typing.integer(...) (Sticking with newtype for now)
    • [x] Reintroduce ORM components.
    • [x] Review statics/sendfile. Consider static docs generation.
    • [x] pip install apistar[asyncio], and update apistar new --layout to apistar new --framework
    • [x] Reintroduce test command, at least for now.
    • [x] Inline typesystem declarations.
    • [x] Review settings.
    • [ ] Finesse exception handling. 500 vs raise.
    • [ ] CORS handling in finalize_response.
    • [ ] Add backend testing docs for DB setup/teardown.
    • [ ] Support additional arguments in command line (eg. makemigrations)


    • Remove coreschema, move form rendering into API Star. Add render_form, render_link.
    • ~~Asyncio support.~~
    • Flask support.
    • Django support.
    • ~~Reintroduce ORM components.~~
    • Schema as a well-defined interface.
    • Consider moving away from global settings.
    • Make standalone usage of app.injector easier, eg. static_files =, update corresponding test cases.
    • Better messages on injector configuration errors. (Use function and parameter name, not Parameter)
    • Coerce primitive types to typesystem types for the purposes of stricter behavior (eg. inf) and validation error messages.
    • Check for repeated list/dict in annotations, or list/dict on GET requests.
    • Support explicit location overrides on parameters.
    • Support form renderering list/dict type schemas fully, and schema output.
    • Support type aliases as parameter annotations. typing.List, typing.NewType etc...
    • Support defaults in params for HTTP.
    • Error details on 404. Consider removing "messages" and always error by key.
    • Finesse argparse support (use help/description generation for schemas too. support list/dict/enum)
    • Support async context managers.
    • Finesse Injector interface for sync/async, and raise error in sync case if coroutines are included.
    • Add logging to components throughout.

    Changelist: See README.

    Closes #29

    opened by tomchristie 13
  • Migrations support

    Migrations support

    Alembic seems to be the go-to choice for SQLAlchemy, but I don't have any experience personally of eg. what the alternatives are, or how this stacks up against Django's migrations framework.

    opened by tomchristie 13
  • Schema validation & annotation

    Schema validation & annotation

    We have some of this in place at the moment, but we still need:

    • [x] Object
    • [x] Array
    • [x] Enum
    • [x] Documentation
    • [x] Defaults on schema types.
    • [x] Nullable

    Plus a whole bunch of finessing around things like:

    • Keyword defaults on handler functions.
    • Support List in handler input types.
    • Coerce primitive types to schema types? (eg. bool then handles "True"/"False" string literals, str then trims whitespace by default.)
    • Returning aggregated validation errors for multiple parameters.
    • Which typing annotations we support in views.
    • Native formats such as datetime that have a string serialization.
    • If we want to constrain the typing system against GraphQL, eg. no general "Map" type.
    Baseline feature 
    opened by tomchristie 13
  • Introduce black to format source code

    Introduce black to format source code

    In this PR as @tomchristie requested to introduce black first as a source code formatting tool at Next PR will be with auto-formatted APIStar source and contributor docs explaining how enable automatic code formatting if needed.


    opened by sultaniman 12
  • Can you publish a wheel?

    Can you publish a wheel?

    If one is in an environment where sdist is prohibited and only wheels are allowed (as a security mitigation), it would be handy for a wheel to have been published.

    If you add bdist_wheel here:

    making python sdist bdist_wheel then it will build a wheel and you can upload it to pypi


    opened by matthewdeanmartin 0
  • Doing async requests

    Doing async requests

    Just found out to my surprise that the apistar client does not support async requests. As this project seems rather dead, maybe someone knows a similar one that implement async? did some overriding to achieve it in a hacky way:

    opened by kelvan 3
  • [Issue-657] Appending path to server url

    [Issue-657] Appending path to server url

    Fix for the problem stated in issue #657

    According OpenApi standard: "A relative path to an individual endpoint. The field name MUST begin with a forward slash (/). The path is appended (no relative URL resolution) to the expanded URL from the Server Object's url field in order to construct the full URL."

    *Added tests to test_openapi

    opened by QFer 0
  • Consistently name schema YAML file as schema.yml

    Consistently name schema YAML file as schema.yml

    As per the following issues, the documentation mixes between yaml and yml file extensions for the apistar and schema YAML files when the apistar file explicitly needs to have the yml extension. This PR amends the documentation for references to the schema YAML file to have the yml extension.

    #630 #670 #651

    opened by omussell 0
  • Unable to run .exe file

    Unable to run .exe file

    Please help someone to get this resolve. I am facing this issue while converting .py file to exe. File conversion is successful but while running .exe file its not executing. I searched for answer but no solution related to this error.

    Error :- SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\x90' in file Daily_PM_Guj.exe on line 1, but no encoding declared; see for details

    opened by github-pawan 0
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