Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition GitHub project


Exadel CompreFace is a leading free and open-source face recognition system

Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition service that can be easily integrated into any system without prior machine learning skills. CompreFace provides REST API for face recognition, face verification, face detection, landmark detection, age, and gender recognition and is easily deployed with docker.

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Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition GitHub project. Essentially, it is a docker-based application that can be used as a standalone server or deployed in the cloud. You don’t need prior machine learning skills to set up and use CompreFace.

The system provides REST API for face recognition, face verification, face detection, landmark detection, age, and gender recognition. The solution also features a role management system that allows you to easily control who has access to your Face Recognition Services.

CompreFace is delivered as a docker-compose config and supports different models that work on CPU and GPU. Our solution is based on state-of-the-art methods and libraries like FaceNet and InsightFace.


compreface-recognition-page compreface-main-page

compreface-recognition-page compreface-main-page

News and updates

Subscribe to CompreFace News and Updates to never miss new features and product improvements.


The system can accurately identify people even when it has only “seen” their photo once. Technology-wise, CompreFace has several advantages over similar free face recognition solutions. CompreFace:

  • Supports both CPU and GPU and is easy to scale up
  • Is open source and self-hosted, which gives you additional guarantees for data security
  • Can be deployed either in the cloud or on premises
  • Can be set up and used without machine learning expertise
  • Uses FaceNet and InsightFace libraries, which use state-of-the-art face recognition methods
  • Starts quickly with just one docker command


Getting Started with CompreFace


  1. Docker and Docker compose (or Docker Desktop)
  2. CompreFace could be run on most modern computers with x86 processor and AVX support. To check AVX support on Linux run lscpu | grep avx command

To get started (Linux, MacOS):

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose
  2. Download the archive from our latest release: https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases
  3. Unzip the archive
  4. Open the terminal in this folder and run this command: docker-compose up -d
  5. Open the service in your browser: http://localhost:8000/login

To get started (Windows):

  1. Install Docker Desktop
  2. Download the archive from our latest release: https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases
  3. Unzip the archive
  4. Run Docker
  5. Open Command prompt (write cmd in windows search bar)
  6. Open folder where you extracted zip archive (Write cd path_of_the_folder, press enter).
  7. Run command: docker-compose up -d
  8. Open http://localhost:8000/login

Getting started for contributors

Follow this link

CompreFace SDKs

SDK Repository
JavaScript https://github.com/exadel-inc/compreface-javascript-sdk
Python https://github.com/exadel-inc/compreface-python-sdk


More documentation is available here


We want to improve our open-source face recognition solution, so your contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated.

  • Just use CompreFace and report ideas and bugs on GitHub
  • Share knowledge and experience via posting guides and articles, or just improve our documentation
  • Create SDKs for favorite programming language, we will add it to our documentation
  • Integrate CompreFace support to other platforms like Home Assistant or DreamFactory, we will add it to our documentation
  • Contribute code
  • Add plugin to face services
  • And last, but not least, you can just give a star to our free facial recognition system on GitHub

For more information, visit our contributing guide, or create a discussion.

License info

CompreFace is open-source real-time facial recognition software released under the Apache 2.0 license.

  • Using Recognition Service with more than 20k images registered

    Using Recognition Service with more than 20k images registered

    Hi, I tested the application and it works really amazing. Thank you so much for the build and documentation. But when I upload images in excess of 1k and test the recognition services on it, the API container fails.

    After that I looked into custom builds and tried mobile net/face net/insight face, all of them with no GPU support but after uploading 3k images, the container again failed during a call to recognition service for just 1 patient. My current laptop configuration is - CPU - iIntel Core i3-1115G4 with 4.1 Ghz clock speed (Dual Core ) , OS - Win 10 64 bit, RAM - 8GB DDR4 2666 Mhz Hard Disk - 1TB HDD Graphic Card - Intel UHD Graphics 630 1666 MB

    The current laptop doesn't have nvidia graphics so no additional GPU support. This will act as a standalone system which should be capable of using the face recognition algorithm upto a scale of 20k images. I cannot host this on cloud, need this to be on-premise

    Can you please suggest a custom build and if such a build is not possible, what kind of system configurations will be needed to scale up to that level ?

    Update :- I will try running the docker container in a kubernetes cluster and see if that can help me in solving the scaling issue.

    Thank you.

    opened by AnkurChatter 25
  • Add to .env file

    Add to .env file "max_detect_size" option

    To improve performance on huge images, we resize it before face detection. The downside of this is that small faces could be not recognized.

    Some users complain that we do not catch too small faces in their 1080p camera.

    We need to make resizing a configurable variable, so users choose if we need to resize at all, or what resize to apply

    Here is where we init the variable in Python: https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/blob/c44c92eaea31798f8e68c91acc36144d3b8ab411/embedding-calculator/src/constants.py#L24

    So basically all we need is to add the "IMG_LENGTH_LIMIT" environment variable to docker-compose and then add it to .env file

    good first issue hacktoberfest contribution welcome first-timers-only 
    opened by pospielov 19
  • Error during synchronization between servers: Unexpected end of file from server executing GET http://compreface-core:3000/status

    Error during synchronization between servers: Unexpected end of file from server executing GET http://compreface-core:3000/status

    Describe the bug Getting this error message when logging in for the first time and trying to add a service to a new application in the UI

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to localhost:8000
    2. Log in
    3. Create a new application
    4. Click on it and wait for service synchronisation (I assume, because it has never gone further than this)
    5. Error message appears

    Expected behavior I would expect that a list of services would appear - e.g. face recognition, face detection, etc

    Screenshots image

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Browser Chrome
    • Version 92.0.4515.159 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    Additional context the compreface-core docker image doesnt seem to be listening on port 3000. docker compose pulls and extracts all containers with no errors. this is the SubCenter-ArcFace-r100-gpu custom-build

    CPU without AVX 
    opened by kanemari 17
  • mobilenet-gpu not working with double-take

    mobilenet-gpu not working with double-take

    Describe the bug Initially, mobilenet-gpu version appears to work in the GUI and I can successfully test my recognition application in the GUI using a stock photo. However, once I try to connect double-take to it using the url + key, it stalls and I receive errors in the compreface logs.

    notes -same behavior if I use Unraid single container version -compreface regular version works fine with double-take in both single container version and docker-compose version -same behavior with internal or external db -same behavior with arcface gpu version

    Hardware/OS Unraid 6.10-rc2 (docker-compose plugin) Nvidia Driver: 495.46 (patched) GTX 1050Ti Ryzen 9 3900X w/64MB RAM

    initial GUI test works and subsequent tests work image image

    then the double-take api connection fails image image

    nvidia-smi: image

    docker logs: compreface-db.txt compreface-ui.txt compreface-admin.txt compreface-api.txt compreface-core.txt

    .env: registry=exadel/ postgres_username=postgres postgres_password=postgres postgres_db=frs postgres_domain=compreface-postgres-db postgres_port=5432 email_host=smtp.gmail.com email_username= email_from= email_password= enable_email_server=false save_images_to_db=true compreface_api_java_options=-Xmx8g compreface_admin_java_options=-Xmx8g ADMIN_VERSION=0.6.1 API_VERSION=0.6.1 FE_VERSION=0.6.1 CORE_VERSION=0.6.1-mobilenet-gpu

    docker-compose: docker-compose.zip

    opened by bigbangus 15
  • Incorrect title for

    Incorrect title for "Applications" section when a user doesn't have any application

    Describe the bug When a user doesn't have any applications, he sees the "Create Application" title instead of "Applications"

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install and run CompreFace
    2. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/login
    3. Click "Sign up"
    4. Fill out the required fields -> Sign up
    5. Login with just created account
    6. Open the "Demo" application
    7. Click "delete" icon on the top right corner
    8. Confirm, you will be redirected to the main page
    9. Check the title for the application section

    Actual result: The title is "Create Application" image

    Expected behavior The title should be "Applications" image

    good first issue hacktoberfest contribution welcome JavaScript 
    opened by pospielov 13
  • Cannot Login

    Cannot Login

    Describe the bug Unable to log in on the UI interface, it was normal before. But the core functions are normal, I still can call the previous api-key through python-sdk.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to http://localhost:8000/login
    2. Click on Lonin
    3. See error

    Error log - CommonClientId [10/Mar/2022:07:39:21 +0000] "POST /admin/oauth/token HTTP/1.1" 502 552 "http://localhost:8000/login" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36"
    2022/03/10 07:39:21 [error] 22#22: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: ui, request: "POST /admin/oauth/token HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "localhost:8000", referrer: "http://localhost:8000/login"

    Screenshots Login docker

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Win10
    • Browser chrome
    opened by ZhiyuXu0124 11
  • No Login Controller

    No Login Controller

    Hi, I have installed compreFace locally and I created user but there is no login controller at all, Do I have to create it by myself because I want to create an app and get ApiKey but it requires jwt token if I am not mistaken because it says oops something went wrong

    opened by Arab04 9
  • incompatible types: com.exadel.frs.core.trainservice.dto.FindFacesResultDto cannot be converted to com.exadel.frs.core.trainservice.dto.FacePredictionResultDto

    incompatible types: com.exadel.frs.core.trainservice.dto.FindFacesResultDto cannot be converted to com.exadel.frs.core.trainservice.dto.FacePredictionResultDto

    Describe the bug incompatible types: com.exadel.frs.core.trainservice.dto.FindFacesResultDto cannot be converted to com.exadel.frs.core.trainservice.dto.FacePredictionResultDto

    error occurs when we want to build the java project on this class : FacesMapperImpl

    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) on project frs-core-app: Compilation failure [ERROR] /workspace/compreface/api/target/generated-sources/annotations/com/exadel/frs/core/trainservice/mapper/FacesMapperImpl.java:[250,45] incompatible types: com.exadel.frs.core.trainservice.dto.FindFacesResultDto cannot be converted to com.exadel.frs.core.trainservice.dto.FacePredictionResultDto

    it seems the map structur automatic mapper is not working

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    clone master branch and try to build java project

    java 11 or java 18

    Expected behavior Build works

    opened by leccyril 9
  • Incorrect text for error message when entered old password is less than 8 chars

    Incorrect text for error message when entered old password is less than 8 chars

    Describe the bug Incorrect error during changing password

    To Reproduce Go to http://localhost:8000/login Log in to the application Click on account icon -> Changes password Enter an incorrect password with less than 8 chars into the "Old password" field Enter a valid password (e.g., qwerty123) into "New password" and "Confirm password" fields Click "Change"

    Actual result: Error message is "Validation for field oldPassword failed: User's old password is incorrect" image

    Expected behavior Error message should be "User's password is incorrect" image

    good first issue hacktoberfest contribution welcome first-timers-only Java 
    opened by pospielov 9
  • Admin login bug

    Admin login bug

    I can login as user but the system does not recognize admin email/password

    To Reproduce on Debian Linux error

    1. Fresh install of Docker 20.10.8 and Dockers-compose 1.29.2
    2. Fresh install of CompreFace version 0.5.1
    3. Menu does not have demo option anymore
    4. Create login admin( 1rst time for admin )
    5. Create login user
    6. Login atempt from admin - error - "E-mail or Password is incorrect"
    7. Login atempt from user - no error (but no option to create app)


    • OS: Kali Linux Debian 64 bit 2021.1 amd64
    • Browser FireFox 78.7esr 64bit
    opened by Clinybug 9
  • Services in App Not Loading

    Services in App Not Loading

    Describe the bug I noticed that Double Take was not connecting to Compreface all of a sudden. I went into my App and noticed that I just had a loading spinner where my services should be. I can add a new service, but after refreshing the section is blank with a loading spinner.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to 'xxx.xxx.xx.xx:8000'
    2. Click Application
    3. Services just has a loading spinner

    Expected behavior Services should load what was previously set up.

    Screenshots Attached Screenshot 2022-01-04 165917

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Windows 11
    • Browser: Chrome
    • Version: Not sure
    opened by CZonin 8
  • Compreface-core fails on authorization failed

    Compreface-core fails on authorization failed

    Hi, for some reason when trying to run with GPU I get the following error:

    ERROR [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/compreface-core-ba 0.6s [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/compreface-core-base:base-cuda100-py37: failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: pull access denied, repository does not exist or may require authorization: server message: insufficient_scope: authorization failed ERROR: Service 'compreface-core' failed to build : Build failed

    Here's how to reproduce: Clone the repository Go to dev Run "docker-compose -f docker-compose-gpu.yml up -d"

    Am I doing anything wrong ? Thanks a lot anyway, CPU only is awesome (aside from the speed)

    opened by Elytum 0
  • Failed Startup after coming back to this app

    Failed Startup after coming back to this app

    Describe the bug I used to use once single container version was available for unRAID. I was on 0.6.1. I couldn't login anymore, decided to wipe and start fresh since I didn't do much with it initially, but now I have a new doorbell camera that I can use with it, so I'm back, but even after a clean reinstall, I cannot create an account, getting same error when trying to login on previous install. Same thing with both 0.6.1, and latest 1.1.0 version. I looked at log and it seems to fail at compreface-admin over and over.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Leave default 4 options that seem to use internal database from unRAID template, also clear them all which I think does same thing anyways. Either way is a problem.

    Expected behavior It it load up successfully so I can create and account and login.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: unRAID
    • Browser: Chrome
    • Version 108.0.5359.125

    Additional context Log attached next post.

    opened by Iceman248 4
  • {

    {"message":"Required part file is missing","code":34}

    Describe the bug When attempting to make a curl request in terminal I get the following response:

      "message" : "Required part file is missing",
      "code" : 34

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    run this in a terminal:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/v1/recognition/recognize -H "x-api-key: 6b9cca31-a5fe-xxxx-xxxx-6373513a1f83" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F file=person_1.jpg

    What am I doing wrong? I am trying to implement this API call in Python and am getting a 400 instead of a 200 and a result.

    opened by vmajor 4
  • Use 4K cameras for better facial recognition?

    Use 4K cameras for better facial recognition?

    Even though i use arcnet-cpu, and det-threshold of 98, i still get mislabeled faces outside. Partly this might be from needing more pictures (have about 80-100 per person, from different angles/light/etc) and partly because the resolution is to low (using 1080P) when viewed from far away.

    Seriously thinking about upgrading to 4K cameras. Going from substream to main stream was such a big difference, and my inference speed event went down to 10ms on the coral TPU.

    opened by atv2016 2
  • Raise JSONDecodeError(

    Raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

    An error occurs when trying to run compreface_webcam_recognition_demo.py on Desktop machine while CompreFace docker compose is run on server side.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Run docker-compose up on server side
    2. Obtain server IP address
    3. Test UI on desktop machine (works well)
    4. Run compreface_webcam_recognition_demo.py on desktop machine.
    5. See error

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    Webcam demo for face recognition to work as usual while docker container is run on server side.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS] Windows
    • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] Chrome
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    The webcam turns on, detects my face and draws the bounding box then it gets stuck and exits with the following error message shown:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\Abuelgasim\miniconda3\envs\compreface\lib\site-packages\requests\models.py", line 971, in json
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File ".\compreface_webcam_recognition_demo.py", line 141, in <module>
      File ".\compreface_webcam_recognition_demo.py", line 133, in update
        data = self.recognition.recognize(byte_im)
      File "C:\Users\Abuelgasim\miniconda3\envs\compreface\lib\site-packages\compreface\service\recognition_service.py", line 68, in recognize
        return self.recognize_face_from_images.execute(request, self.options if options == {} else options)
      File "C:\Users\Abuelgasim\miniconda3\envs\compreface\lib\site-packages\compreface\use_cases\recognize_face_from_image.py", line 37, in execute
        result: dict = self.recognize_face_from_image.post(
      File "C:\Users\Abuelgasim\miniconda3\envs\compreface\lib\site-packages\compreface\client\recognize_face_from_image.py", line 63, in post
        return result.json()
      File "C:\Users\Abuelgasim\miniconda3\envs\compreface\lib\site-packages\requests\models.py", line 975, in json
        raise RequestsJSONDecodeError(e.msg, e.doc, e.pos)
    requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
    opened by abuelgasimsaadeldin 1
  • v1.1.0(Oct 7, 2022)


    • Massive UX/UI redesign
    • Wizard for creating the first facial recognition service
    • Pose plugin
    • Service statistics
    • Automatic login after registration
    • Updated session logic, no need to re-login if the user is active
    • Property to set max image size in the .env file
    • Property to set the number of processes of uwsgi in the .env file
    • Property to set connection and read timeouts in the .env file
    • Optimized RAM usage


    • Postgres superuser permissions are not required anymore
    • Other fixes

    Migration from 1.0.1 version

    • No special migration is needed

    How to install:

    1. Download CompreFace_1.1.0.zip archive or run: wget -q -O tmp.zip 'https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases/download/v1.1.0/CompreFace_1.1.0.zip' && unzip tmp.zip && rm tmp.zip
    2. To start CompreFace run: docker-compose up -d
    3. Open in your browser: http://localhost:8000/login
    4. To stop properly run: docker-compose stop
    5. To start again run: docker-compose start

    More detail install guide(and Windows instructions) is on our readme page.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CompreFace_1.1.0.zip(22.27 KB)
  • v1.0.1(Jul 25, 2022)


    • Updated CUDA to 11.1 version (Ampere Nvidia GPU generation is supported)

    Migration from 1.0.0 version

    • Please check this article to make sure your GPU is supported. If you use the CPU version, no actions are needed.

    How to install:

    1. Download CompreFace_1.0.1.zip archive or run: wget -q -O tmp.zip 'https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases/download/v1.0.1/CompreFace_1.0.1.zip' && unzip tmp.zip && rm tmp.zip
    2. To start CompreFace run: docker-compose up -d
    3. Open in your browser: http://localhost:8000/login
    4. To stop properly run: docker-compose stop
    5. To start again run: docker-compose start

    More detail install guide(and Windows instructions) is on our readme page.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CompreFace_1.0.1.zip(20.74 KB)
  • v1.0.0(Apr 22, 2022)


    • Manage Collection page. Now you can manage subjects and images with our user-friendly UI.
    • Added 'Delete images in bulk' endpoint. Now you can delete several examples at one request.
    • Added mask plugin for Detection and Verification services
    • Added default Detection and Verification face services
    • Added query parameter to "List of All Saved Examples of the Subject" endpoint. Now you can filter examples by subject.


    • https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/issues/556
    • https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/issues/723
    • Other fixes

    More updates

    Migration from 0.6.1 version

    • No special migration is needed

    How to install:

    1. Download CompreFace_1.0.0.zip archive or run: wget -q -O tmp.zip 'https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases/download/v1.0.0/CompreFace_1.0.0.zip' && unzip tmp.zip && rm tmp.zip
    2. To start CompreFace run: docker-compose up -d
    3. Open in your browser: http://localhost:8000/login
    4. To stop properly run: docker-compose stop
    5. To start again run: docker-compose start

    More detail install guide(and Windows instructions) is on our readme page.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CompreFace_1.0.0.zip(20.73 KB)
  • v0.6.1(Nov 3, 2021)


    • fix for https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/issues/621 issue - "Connection Error: sorry, too many clients already"
    • fix for https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/issues/621 issue - "Your Layer or Model is in an invalid state"

    Migration from 0.6.0 version

    No special migration needed

    How to install:

    1. Download CompreFace_0.6.1.zip archive or run: wget -q -O tmp.zip 'https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases/download/v0.6.1/CompreFace_0.6.1.zip' && unzip tmp.zip && rm tmp.zip
    2. To start CompreFace run: docker-compose up -d
    3. Open in your browser: http://localhost:8000/login
    4. To stop properly run: docker-compose stop
    5. To start again run: docker-compose start

    More detail install guide(and Windows instructions) is on our readme page.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CompreFace_0.6.1.zip(8.49 KB)
  • v0.6.0(Aug 29, 2021)


    • Redesign. Nicer look and support of small resolutions
    • Plugins on UI. Now you can test how age, gender, and landmarks plugins work from UI.
    • Mask recognition plugin. We added a new plugin that returns if the person wears a mask and if yes - if it's worn correctly
    • Subject endpoints. This functionality adds more options to manage your face collections
    • Download endpoints. Now you can download saved images


    • API node synchronization

    Migration from 0.5.1 version

    • If you start CompreFace 0.6.0 after using the 0.5.1 version, it will run migration scripts. Migration can take quite a long time, so please be patient.
    • "Delete All Examples of the Subject by Name" endpoint now returns the number of deleted examples instead of the list of them.
    • The age and gender plugin response format was changed and now contains a probability field.

    How to install:

    1. Download CompreFace_0.6.0.zip archive or run: wget -q -O tmp.zip 'https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases/download/v0.6.0/CompreFace_0.6.0.zip' && unzip tmp.zip && rm tmp.zip
    2. To start CompreFace run: docker-compose up -d
    3. Open in your browser: http://localhost:8000/login
    4. To stop properly run: docker-compose stop
    5. To start again run: docker-compose start

    More detail install guide(and Windows instructions) is on our readme page.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CompreFace_0.6.0.zip(1.00 KB)
  • v0.5.1(May 30, 2021)



    • Fixed "Verify Faces from a Given Image" endpoint

    Migration from 0.5.0 version

    No special migration needed

    How to install:

    1. Download CompreFace_0.5.1.zip archive or run: wget -q -O tmp.zip 'https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases/download/v0.5.1/CompreFace_0.5.1.zip' && unzip tmp.zip && rm tmp.zip
    2. To start CompreFace run: docker-compose up -d
    3. Open in your browser: http://localhost:8000/login
    4. To stop properly run: docker-compose stop
    5. To start again run: docker-compose start

    More detail install guide(and Windows instructions) is on our readme page.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CompreFace_0.5.1.zip(1.00 KB)
  • v0.5.0(Apr 25, 2021)


    • New services. We added face detection and face verification services to cover more business cases.
    • Face plugins. Enjoy age and gender recognition features and receive face landmarks and calculated features.
    • Added scalability. Scale your face recognition system on a dozen servers to increase your system throughput.
    • Clone face recognition service. Duplicate your face recognition collection and test new data on it. Your application won’t be affected!
    • Update user info and password. We provided a better user experience by adding the ability to update user’s profiles.
    • Support of Insightface face recognition models. Insightface is a state-of-the-art library with a variety of models for different devices and cases.
    • GPU support. Use all power of your GPU accelerator to enjoy the increased speed of the system.


    • Lots of small fixes

    Migration from 0.4.1 version

    • You need to place new docker-compose.yml and .env files into the current CompreFace config directory.
    • We updated REST API for more clear service distinction. Face collections now have a "/recognition" context. This means you'll need to update your application logic to use new REST endpoints.
    • All Face Collections were migrated to Face Recognition Services automatically, so no actions from users are required.
    • We updated the formula for calculating the similarity between faces. So if before the recommended threshold was 0.7, now it's 0.5 for every model. You will need to adjust the threshold in your application logic.

    How to install:

    1. Download CompreFace_0.5.0.zip archive or run: wget -q -O tmp.zip 'https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases/download/v0.5.0/CompreFace_0.5.0.zip' && unzip tmp.zip && rm tmp.zip
    2. To start CompreFace run: docker-compose up -d
    3. Open in your browser: http://localhost:8000/login
    4. To stop properly run: docker-compose stop
    5. To start again run: docker-compose start

    More detail install guide(and Windows instructions) is on our readme page.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CompreFace_0.5.0.zip(1.00 KB)
  • v0.4.1(Jan 23, 2021)


    • Added header and footer to demo page
    • Test and Demo pages supports more then one face on the image
    • More friendly error message when session is expired
    • More friendly error message when user uploads incorrect image
    • Better autocomplete support
    • Lots of fixes for roles and permissions system

    Migration from 0.4.0

    There are no breaking changes in 0.4.1, to migrate from 0.4.0 all you need is:

    1. Stop CompreFace with command: docker-compose stop
    2. Download new version, extract it and replace old files with new
    3. Run docker-compose up -d

    How to install:

    1. Download CompreFace_0.4.1.zip archive or run: wget -q -O tmp.zip 'https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases/download/v0.4.1/CompreFace_0.4.1.zip' && unzip tmp.zip && rm tmp.zip
    2. To start CompreFace run: docker-compose up -d
    3. Open in your browser: http://localhost:8000/login
    4. To stop properly run: docker-compose stop
    5. To start again run: docker-compose start

    More detail install guide(and Windows instructions) is on our readme page.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CompreFace_0.4.1.zip(1023 bytes)
  • v0.4.0(Nov 29, 2020)


    • Replaced logistics regression with euclidean distance (much better recognition results for face collections with more then 100 faces)
    • Added 1:1 recognition (verification)
    • Test page for Face collections (ex models)
    • Added quick demo to start page
    • Added ability to not save photos to database (Probably will help with GDRP compliance)


    • Fixed security issue with storing token in local storage
    • Lots of small fixes

    Braking changes

    We apologize for braking changes, we'll make our best to avoid them in future.

    • Updated "Recognize faces from given image" rest endpoint. You need to add "/faces" in URL to make it work again.
    • Unfortunately you need to drop DB from 0.3 version to make it work.

    How to install:

    1. Download CompreFace_0.4.0.zip archive or run: wget -q -O tmp.zip 'https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/releases/download/v0.4.0/CompreFace_0.4.0.zip' && unzip tmp.zip && rm tmp.zip
    2. To start CompreFace run: docker-compose up -d
    3. Open in your browser: http://localhost:8000/login
    4. To stop properly run: docker-compose stop
    5. To start again run: docker-compose start

    More detail install guide(and Windows instructions) is on our readme page.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CompreFace_0.4.0.zip(972 bytes)
  • 0.3.0(Sep 13, 2020)

    CompreFace is the application for face recognition that can be integrated as a standalone server or deployed on cloud, and can be set up and used without machine learning knowledge.

    We use one of the most popular face recognition methods based on deep neural networks, and provide a convenient API for model training and face recognition. We also provide a convenient roles system with which you can easily control who has access to the model.

    Every user can create several models trained on different subsets of people.

    How to install:

    1. Download CompreFace_0.3.0.zip archive
    2. Extract it
    3. Run docker-compose up -d
    4. To stop it properly run docker-compose stop
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CompreFace_0.3.0.zip(738 bytes)
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