Code release for "Detecting Twenty-thousand Classes using Image-level Supervision".

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Deep Learning Detic

Detecting Twenty-thousand Classes using Image-level Supervision

Detic: A Detector with image classes that can use image-level labels to easily train detectors.

Detecting Twenty-thousand Classes using Image-level Supervision,
Xingyi Zhou, Rohit Girdhar, Armand Joulin, Philipp Krähenbühl, Ishan Misra,
arXiv technical report (arXiv 2201.02605)


  • Detects any class given class names (using CLIP).

  • We train the detector on ImageNet-21K dataset with 21K classes.

  • Cross-dataset generalization to OpenImages and Objects365 without finetuning.

  • State-of-the-art results on Open-vocabulary LVIS and Open-vocabulary COCO.

  • Works for DETR-style detectors.


See installation instructions.


Integrated into Huggingface Spaces 🤗 using Gradio. Try out the web demo: Hugging Face Spaces

Run our demo using Colab (no GPU needed): Open In Colab

We use the default detectron2 demo interface. For example, to run our 21K model on a messy desk image (image credit David Fouhey) with the lvis vocabulary, run

mkdir models
wget -O models/Detic_LCOCOI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.pth
python --config-file configs/Detic_LCOCOI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.yaml --input desk.jpg --output out.jpg --vocabulary lvis --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS models/Detic_LCOCOI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.pth

If setup correctly, the output should look like:

The same model can run with other vocabularies (COCO, OpenImages, or Objects365), or a custom vocabulary. For example:

python --config-file configs/Detic_LCOCOI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.yaml --input desk.jpg --output out2.jpg --vocabulary custom --custom_vocabulary headphone,webcam,paper,coffe --confidence-threshold 0.3 --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS models/Detic_LCOCOI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.pth

The output should look like:

Note that headphone, paper and coffe (typo intended) are not LVIS classes. Despite the misspelled class name, our detector can produce a reasonable detection for coffe.

Benchmark evaluation and training

Please first prepare datasets, then check our MODEL ZOO to reproduce results in our paper. We highlight key results below:

  • Open-vocabulary LVIS

    mask mAP mask mAP_novel
    Box-Supervised 30.2 16.4
    Detic 32.4 24.9
  • Standard LVIS

    Detector/ Backbone mask mAP mask mAP_rare
    Box-Supervised CenterNet2-ResNet50 31.5 25.6
    Detic CenterNet2-ResNet50 33.2 29.7
    Box-Supervised CenterNet2-SwinB 40.7 35.9
    Detic CenterNet2-SwinB 41.7 41.7
    Detector/ Backbone box mAP box mAP_rare
    Box-Supervised DeformableDETR-ResNet50 31.7 21.4
    Detic DeformableDETR-ResNet50 32.5 26.2
  • Cross-dataset generalization

    Backbone Objects365 box mAP OpenImages box mAP50
    Box-Supervised SwinB 19.1 46.2
    Detic SwinB 21.4 55.2


The majority of Detic is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, however portions of the project are available under separate license terms: SWIN-Transformer, CLIP, and TensorFlow Object Detection API are licensed under the MIT license; UniDet is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license; and the LVIS API is licensed under a custom license (” If you later add other third party code, please keep this license info updated, and please let us know if that component is licensed under something other than CC-BY-NC, MIT, or CC0

Ethical Considerations

Detic's wide range of detection capabilities may introduce similar challenges to many other visual recognition and open-set recognition methods. As the user can define arbitrary detection classes, class design and semantics may impact the model output.


If you find this project useful for your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.

  title={Detecting Twenty-thousand Classes using Image-level Supervision},
  author={Zhou, Xingyi and Girdhar, Rohit and Joulin, Armand and Kr{\"a}henb{\"u}hl, Philipp and Misra, Ishan},
  booktitle={arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.02605},
  • To confirm some technical questions

    To confirm some technical questions

    Hi, Thanks for your sharing this nice work! I would like to confirm the following question:

    • The image encoder in CLIP is not used here, instead by a zeroshot classifier?
    • The text embeddings are precomputed by CLIP text encoder saved as metadata/lvis_v1_clip_a+cname.npy for LVIS val set, so text encoder can be regarded as fixed in training?
    • In zeroshot classifier forward process, what x and classifier represent for?
    opened by Kyfafyd 10
  • Data Preparation for COCO Issue

    Data Preparation for COCO Issue

    Hello, I am trying to prepare the data for zero-shot COCO.

    When I run, the code breaks because 'categories' is not in cc_data, here:

    If I try to use --cat_path, the code again breaks because 'categories' is not in cc_data, here:

    Could you help me out with this?

    Thanks so much!

    opened by greeneggsandyaml 10
  • Problem in running Lazy config for Detic_ViLD training

    Problem in running Lazy config for Detic_ViLD training

    Hi @xingyizhou

    Thank you for sharing the great work.

    I am trying to reproduce the Detic results on LVIS. Firstly Box Supervised ViLD baseline model has been successfully trained.

    Now using its weights, I am trying to run Detic configuration using config file, but after running the, it prints initial logs and get stuck when iteration 0 begins to start. I am attaching screenshots below, after the last warning, the training does not get started, while the utilization from all GPUs instantly reaches 100% and get stuck on 100% image image Even after quitting the python run, the memory usage still get stuck to 100%, I have to manually kill the python process in-order to reset the GPU utilization.

    Can you please help me in running the Detic training for LVIS. I am using the same environment, workstation etc on which the Box Supervised ViLD baseline is trained.

    Waiting for your kind response. Thank you.

    opened by muzairkhattak 6
  • How to get inference faster at the expense of something (accuracy, class number, etc..)?

    How to get inference faster at the expense of something (accuracy, class number, etc..)?

    I am currently trying to use this software for realtime domain like robotics, where faster inference is often preferred to high accuracy.

    So it would be great if someone share tips or config settings to make get inference faster at the sacrifice of something (accuracy, class number, etc..).

    A simple attempt to do that end may changing the input image size. However, the inference time varying input image size is like follows, which means input image size is not the primal factor. 300x300 0.19 100x100 0.17 50x50 0.165 (Using Geforce GTX-1080ti and the model is used as same as the demo described in README)

    Finally, thank you very much for releasing such a great software.

    opened by HiroIshida 6
  • torchscipt export error

    torchscipt export error


    Thank you for the great work. I am exporting torch script model but during inference I run into shapes error for model corresponding to the config : "Detic_LI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.yaml"

    export script example :

    # Prepare inputs 
    im = cv2.imread('input.jpg')
    image = aug.get_transform(im).apply_image(im)
    image = torch.as_tensor(image.astype("float32").transpose(2, 0, 1))
    inputs = [{"image": image}]
    ## Export to torchscipt
    if isinstance(model, GeneralizedRCNN):
        def inference(model, inputs):
            # use do_postprocess=False so it returns ROI mask
            inst = model.inference(inputs, do_postprocess=False)[0]
            return [{"instances": inst}]
        inference = None
    traceable_model = TracingAdapter(model, inputs, inference)
    _# 1. option : pass image array as a tuple_
    ts_model = torch.jit.trace(traceable_model, (image,))
    _# or 2nd option_ 
    # ts_model = torch.jit.trace(traceable_model, image, strict=False)
    d = {"shape": image.shape}
    extra_files = {'exported_config.txt': json.dumps(d)}
    with open("models/detic_model_2.ts", "wb") as f:, f)
    opened by anshudaur 5
  • How are the bbox labels predicted during testing?

    How are the bbox labels predicted during testing?

    I am curious about how the bbox labels are predicted since the data are split into base and novel. Taking LVIS as example, when calculating the AP_novel, are the labels obtained by taking the maximum of the 1203 scores of all categories or only the maximum of the 337 novel categories?

    opened by wusize 5
  • Fix links

    Fix links

    Hi. Fixed links:

    • to 21K model and LVIS API licence in
    • to UniDet repository in datasets/
    • to Detic_DeformDETR_R50_2x config in docs/
    cla signed 
    opened by amrzv 4
  • Can I get extract just the prediction labels and the confidence level?

    Can I get extract just the prediction labels and the confidence level?

    HI, thanks for making Detic available; there's some fantastic functionality in here.

    My issue is quite mundane: How can I get the predictor function to output the prediction classes as text strings with an associated confidence level? I'd like to iterate across a large number of images and record the results in a pandas dataframe or similar. Having them overlaid on an image is less useful for this.


    opened by texturejc 4
  • Questions about CLIP embeddings

    Questions about CLIP embeddings

    Hi, I have some questions about using CLIP embeddings as classification weights

    1. I think there is no other code which load CLIP embeddings as classification weights except load model. Aren’t the provided weights trained? (Are CLIP embeddings loaded only?)

    2. I think it may work if FC layer of a classification network is used as classification weights of detector. Why are you choose to use CLIP embedding instead of pre-trained classification network?

    Thank you.

    opened by dk-hong 3
  • How can I get 1280 dimensional box_features?

    How can I get 1280 dimensional box_features?


    I was able to get box_features from a previous question.

    The dimension of these box_features was 1024 as shown in the config file in the picture below.


    I'm trying to use this box_features in another pre-trained model, but the dimension doesn't match. This is because the dimension of other pre-trained models is 1280.

    I was wondering if I need to re-train the model from scratch to get box_features of 1280 dimension or how to get it.

    Or, I was wondering if it is a good way to extend the dimension with Autoencoder or PCA method to convert from 1024 dimension to 1280 dimension.

    Thank you for your time to read this question!

    opened by yoojin9649 3
  • Screenshot source and capability to run on CPU only

    Screenshot source and capability to run on CPU only

    I have added a few features to the demo application - one is to enable a screen-shot video source so that it is possible to run on screen as video input. I also added an additional argument for specifying CPU only as I do not have a GPU on my MAC. Is this of interest - should I prepare a PR with this?

    Screenshots like this can be run in the demo application: image

    opened by joakimeriksson 3
  • DLWL reproduction

    DLWL reproduction

    Hi, in your repo, it seems there are many implementations for other variants of losses but can not find the implementation for DLWL which uses ADMM algorithm for label assignment. It would be grateful if you provide that one since the author of DLWL does not release the code. Thanks

    opened by jihwanp 0
  • Unable to convert openimages annotation to coco format

    Unable to convert openimages annotation to coco format

    Hello Xingyi Zhou, Thank you for your brilliant work.

    As said in datasets/, I follow the instructions from UniDet.

    We followed the instructions in UniDet to convert the metadata for OpenImages.

    But there are some problems.

    1. run $python tools/convert_datasets/ -p datasets/oid/ --subsets train NameError: name 'image_label_sourcefile' is not defined
    2. run python tools/convert_datasets/ -p datasets/oid/ --subsets val --expand_label FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'datasets/oid/annotations/challenge-2019-validation-detection-human-imagelabels_expanded.csv'
    3. For pre-processed annotation files url, there is no any annotation files. even the old url in commit history.

    Our pre-processed annotation files can be directly downloaded here.

    Anyone helps?

    similiar issue #

    opened by wikiwen 0
  • What is the best confidence threshold for inference?

    What is the best confidence threshold for inference?

    Hello @facebookresearch, Thank you for your fantastic work. I am a student, and I wonder which is the best confidence score for the inference phase. (both for COCO and Imagenet datasets).

    Thank you for your help, this value will benefit further research.

    Best, TIn

    opened by ngthanhtin 0
  • Upgrade to Cog version 0.1

    Upgrade to Cog version 0.1

    The new version of Cog improves the Python API, along with several other changes. Particularly pydantic is now used for Predictor and the previous version will be deprecated.

    This PR upgrades the Replicate demo and API to Cog version >= 0.1. I have already pushed this to Replicate, so you don't need to do anything for the demo to keep working :)

    cla signed 
    opened by chenxwh 0
  • Possible data leak in lvis_v1_train_cat_info.json

    Possible data leak in lvis_v1_train_cat_info.json

    Hi, Xinyi!

    I loaded the file "lvis_v1_train_cat_info.json", it seems to contain image_count for rare classes. It may lead to data leak in the open-vocabulary setting when using the fed loss.

    opened by wusize 2
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