IMGUR5K handwriting set. It is a handwritten in-the-wild dataset, which contains challenging real world handwritten samples from different writers.The dataset is shared as a set of image urls with annotations. This code downloads the images and verifies the hash to the image to avoid data contamination.


Word Images

IMGUR5K Handwriting Dataset

To run the code for downloading the urls and generate corresponding annotations :

Usage: python --dataset_info_dir <dir_with_annotaion_and_hashes> --output_dir <path_to_store_images>


IMGUR5K download code works with

  • Python3

Downloading images of IMGUR5K

Run the command and set <path_to_store_images> to the target image directory

How IMGUR5K download works

The code checks the validity of urls by checking the hash of the url with the groundtruth md5 hash. If the image is pristine, the annotations are added to the generated annotations file and the respective splits.

Full documentation

IMGUR5K is shared as a set of image urls with annotations. This code downloads the images and verifies the hash to the image to avoid data contamination.


  • : Code to download the URLs for the dataset building.
  • <dataset_info_dir>/imgur5k_data.lst : File containing URLs with annotations and bounding box
  • <dataset_info_dir>/imgur5k_hashes.lst : File containins URL indexes with groundtruth md5 hash.
  • <dataset_info_dir>/train_index_ids.lst : File containins URL indexes belonging to train split.
  • <dataset_info_dir>/val_index_ids.lst : File containins URL indexes belonging to val split.
  • <dataset_info_dir>/test_index_ids.lst : File containins URL indexes belonging to test split.


  • <path_to_store_images>/.jpg :
    • Images dowloaded to output_dir
  • imgur5k_annotations.json :
    • json file with image annotation mappings -> dowloaded to dataset_info_dir
      • Format: { "index_id" : {indexes}, "index_to_annotation_map" : { annotations ids for an index}, "annotation_id": { each annotation's info } }
      • Annotation ID: bounding_box in xywha format
      • Bounding boxes with '.' mean the annotations were not done for various reasons
  • imgur5k_annotations_train.json :
    • json file with image annotation mappings of TRAIN split only -> dowloaded to dataset_info_dir
  • imgur5k_annotations_val.json :
    • json file with image annotation mappings of VAL split only -> dowloaded to dataset_info_dir
  • imgur5k_annotations_test.json :
    • json file with image annotation mappings of TEST split only -> dowloaded to dataset_info_dir

[All imgur5k_annotations_*.json's format is similar to the format of imgur5k_annotations.json]

NOTE: Apart from the ~5K images employed in TextStyleBrush paper, ~4K more images are added to the dataset to foster the research in Handwritten Recognition.


See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.


IMGUR5K is Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.

  • Can't understand box format

    Can't understand box format

    Hello, thank you for sharing the dataset! It looks like hard work has been done! 👋👋👋 I have one question about annotations: I can't understand the format of the bboxes: bounding_box in xywha format? What means "a" at the end? I know three popular formats: pascal_voc [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]; coco [x_min, y_min, width, height]; yolo [x_center, y_center, width, height], x_center and y_center are the normalized coordinates; But I can't find any "a" in them. Can you please help me to understand this moment!

    opened by Kakoedlinnoeslovo 7
  • Fix the `UnicodeDecodeError` in `np.loadtxt`

    Fix the `UnicodeDecodeError` in `np.loadtxt`

    On Windows 10 np.loadtxt raises UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x8f in position 1983: character maps to <undefined>. On CentOS 7: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 858: ordinal not in range(128)

    Specifying the UTF-8 encoding fixes the problem. Tested on Windows 10 and CentOS 7.

    In contributing guidelines you ask for tests. But I'm not sure what kind of tests should I add since there are no other tests in the repo. Happy to do that if you clarify this point. I completed the CLA.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by dmitrijsk 2
  • Fix the `UnicodeDecodeError` in `np.loadtxt`

    Fix the `UnicodeDecodeError` in `np.loadtxt`

    (This is a corrected version of PR #8)

    On Windows 10 np.loadtxt raises UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x8f in position 1983: character maps to <undefined>. On CentOS 7: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 858: ordinal not in range(128)

    Specifying the UTF-8 encoding fixes the problem. Tested on Windows 10 and CentOS 7.

    In contributing guidelines you ask for tests. But I'm not sure what kind of tests should I add since there are no other tests in the repo. Happy to do that if you clarify this point. I completed the CLA.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by dmitrijsk 1
  • Some images were removed from imgur

    Some images were removed from imgur


    For IMG: lRgjZ, ref hash: c64945bd74c067f29e01f2f3b5eeff60 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: NeVsJy7, ref hash: 924eb5398cea242b01f43e73b1a12811 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: 7IUPrpZ, ref hash: 3e4f912a1e9d91c35c68c0880826e680 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: hdZPXS2, ref hash: 40f094f7bf1e56ed56cc2fcb8adcff14 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: Nokn65F, ref hash: 8ef5355846c5806d280a7ef563bc3f45 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: hwq46gA, ref hash: 8c27046ac37905291bbd9cb2cec72241 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: xBG71ye, ref hash: 9a7ea2e2e5c1ee3f5da627af7d253f09 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: KSSvYJH, ref hash: f7f71a1646fbdba638eca0365f09cff6 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: nUnLGVR, ref hash: 0e8e826cb85b53f5a459c0f0eed36d4f != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: PFTXe3d, ref hash: 1f372a9c9fc035ff0b57a4f21e070b9c != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: fa3NgTS, ref hash: 616f5801a0bdbdacf26e78536641a860 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: pyXUSxO, ref hash: ea7b303e76d47ce8555286f67bccad5b != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: GjgtyBl, ref hash: b6980d39ce80b2a3085cd89c537327b7 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: Cs0smsA, ref hash: ac942db4d0071e882db20dbca2de8d5d != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: kHgtG4H, ref hash: 532bf487cee2a3266f6985ce322626f2 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: kyRKrOy, ref hash: 79dab6bff97aa22fb8aac47676dd150f != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: 91V1uHF, ref hash: 6fd3da585984de869c9e3f85ab96fd72 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: 1IYlYlq, ref hash: 641076db3f95efea3fb35782777dabaf != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: sAOdjXq, ref hash: 730fd6033c8f255d4f1774b2d049922e != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: mlmRA89, ref hash: cb2b6705e71a3f8fb4ca29640b3de230 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: 3TIryzT, ref hash: fef7718a45ee39d5ab324a0d792f8ee0 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: pldp0ke, ref hash: 7cbd0528faa5018e08d4e08834ebc8ab != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: s7WGXwr, ref hash: 6c25277ca43925cd93eac806fb646937 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: HIAwuPd, ref hash: 150c87bb0dc4d7819abf46807eafbf39 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: DGafbuR, ref hash: 212a52ab552f75a6d4655e07865188c0 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: PPqWkdx, ref hash: d8c4a27288f0c4db3a716dc3fd06dee2 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: 03IJytp, ref hash: 9ff28f403eac64b136006a5c86a49c84 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: pjRXC0f, ref hash: 36016c1784a21f092f26e78c27c7d064 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: 6De62VB, ref hash: 3ad6e31174112f63b633db85644238a0 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: 00Wo8nQ, ref hash: 7cedb0a7914a5336d2de9a21a58eb788 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: bX1Ajfi, ref hash: d7cfd20cddfe6a9fee3b9bea5e1f6564 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946 For IMG: Idip0tp, ref hash: 8785533373eb588fd1e49a7537894692 != cur hash: d835884373f4d6c8f24742ceabe74946

    opened by ymmshi 1
  • Licensing for commercial use?

    Licensing for commercial use?


    we would like to use the dataset as additional training data for our OCR model. However, the current license does not allow to use the data for commercial purpose. Is it possible to license the dataset as a company for such purposes? If so, who can we contact in that regard? Or is this not possible because of the imgur origin of the data?

    opened by Luux 1
  • Missing Numpy Dependency in Documentation

    Missing Numpy Dependency in Documentation

    Numpy is missing as a required dependency in the readme documentation

    opened by ColeMurray 1
  • Add Parallel Execution of Image Download

    Add Parallel Execution of Image Download

    To improve runtime performance, add parallelism to image downloading

    Note: The totExec count is slightly different than the original in the case of an image with content len < 100

    CLA Signed 
    opened by ColeMurray 0
  • Add Parallel Execution of Image Download

    Add Parallel Execution of Image Download

    To improve runtime performance, add parallelism to image downloading

    Note: The tot_evals count is slightly different as we are now counting content with len(100). This avoids introducing additional logic to distinguish between mismatch hash vs bad content.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by ColeMurray 0
  • [Feature Request] Add Parallel Download for Image Urls

    [Feature Request] Add Parallel Download for Image Urls

    To improve user download speed, utilize Python's threading or multiprocessing library.

    Are we open to adding this to the downloader?

    opened by ColeMurray 1
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