Use Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network to recognize the Handwritten line text image without pre segmentation into words or characters. Use CTC loss Function to train.


Handwritten Line Text Recognition using Deep Learning with Tensorflow


Use Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network to recognize the Handwritten line text image without pre segmentation into words or characters. Use CTC loss Function to train. More read this Medium Post

Why Deep Learning?

Why Deep Learning

Deep Learning self extracts features with a deep neural networks and classify itself. Compare to traditional Algorithms it performance increase with Amount of Data.

Basic Intuition on How it Works.


  • First Use Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network to extract the important features from the handwritten line text Image.
  • The output before CNN FC layer (512x100x8) is passed to the BLSTM which is for sequence dependency and time-sequence operations.
  • Then CTC LOSS Alex Graves is used to train the RNN which eliminate the Alignment problem in Handwritten, since handwritten have different alignment of every writers. We just gave the what is written in the image (Ground Truth Text) and BLSTM output, then it calculates loss simply as -log("gtText"); aim to minimize negative maximum likelihood path.
  • Finally CTC finds out the possible paths from the given labels. Loss is given by for (X,Y) pair is: Ctc_Loss
  • Finally CTC Decode is used to decode the output during Prediction.

Detail Project Workflow

Architecture of Model

  • Project consists of Three steps:
    1. Multi-scale feature Extraction --> Convolutional Neural Network 7 Layers
    2. Sequence Labeling (BLSTM-CTC) --> Recurrent Neural Network (2 layers of LSTM) with CTC
    3. Transcription --> Decoding the output of the RNN (CTC decode) DetailModelArchitecture


  1. Tensorflow 1.8.0
  2. Flask
  3. Numpy
  4. OpenCv 3
  5. Spell Checker autocorrect >=0.3.0 pip install autocorrect

Dataset Used

  • IAM dataset download from here
  • Only needed the lines images and lines.txt (ASCII).
  • Place the downloaded files inside data directory
The Trained model is available and download from this link. The trained model CER=8.32% and trained on IAM dataset with some additional created dataset.

To Train the model from scratch

$ python --train

To validate the model

$ python --validate

To Prediction

$ python

Run in Web with Flask

$ python
Validation character error rate of saved model: 8.654728%
Python: 3.6.4 
Tensorflow: 1.8.0
Init with stored values from ../model/snapshot-24
Without Correction clothed leaf by leaf with the dioappoistmest
With Correction clothed leaf by leaf with the dioappoistmest

Prediction output on IAM Test Data PredictionOutput

Prediction output on Self Test Data PredictionOutput

See the project Devnagari Handwritten Word Recognition with Deep Learning for more insights.

Further Improvement

  • Using MDLSTM to recognize whole paragraph at once Scan, Attend and Read: End-to-End Handwritten Paragraph Recognition with MDLSTM Attention
  • Line segementation can be added for full paragraph text recognition. For line segmentation you can use A* path planning algorithm or CNN model to seperate paragraph into lines.
  • Better Image preprocessing such as: reduce backgoround noise to handle real time image more accurately.
  • Better Decoding approach to improve accuracy. Some of the CTC Decoder found here

Feel Free to improve this project with pull Request.

This is part of my last semester project of Computer Engineering From Tribhuvan University. July 2019

  • throwing errors

    throwing errors

    Hi Sushant,

    Great work by you!! kudos sir.

    I am facing the following issues while running this model.

    in file for reading the data from ground truth text file

    GT text are columns starting at 10

      | 77 | gtText_list = lineSplit[9].split('|')   | 78 | gtText = self.truncateLabel(' '.join(gtText_list), maxTextLen)

    this throws the error -- index out of range and on correcting gtText_list = lineSplit[8].split('|')

    Also in file totalEpoch = loader.trainSamples//Model.batchSize # loader.numTrainSamplesPerEpoch    |26| while True: | 27 | epoch += 1 | 28 | print('Epoch:', epoch, '/', totalEpoch)

    is also throwing the error. On commenting totalEpoch line and sending epoch to print statement-

    #totalEpoch = loader.trainSamples//Model.batchSize # loader.numTrainSamplesPerEpoch

    while True:
        epoch += 1
        print('Epoch:', epoch, '/', epoch)

    Also Autocorrect in is shown as depreceated and on changing it to pyspellchecker v.4.0

    I am able to run the model but on training from scratch its showing very high validation CER of around 43. let me know if change in spellchecker and other performed changes can lead to this. Also let me know if some other approach has to be taken for training this model on IAM line based dataset

    opened by rpro91 10
  • Unreasonably low results, when using IAM dataset

    Unreasonably low results, when using IAM dataset

    I'm also getting incredibly poor scores, character error rate of ~45%, word error rate of ~650% Using the IAM lines dataset, all according to instructions. Not using word beam search decoding or anything similar, just python --train Exact same results using either CPU or GPU (the only difference of course being that the GPU way is several times faster). The CTC loss scores and the error rate stop improving after the 7th or so epoch. Tried increasing the file input size, but got considerably worse results. Attached an image of an example word error rate while training.


    My specs are: 16 GB RAM, Ryzen 3700X CPU, NVIDIA RTX2070 SUPER GPU. Using Docker and TensorFlow 1.13.

    Originally posted by @mcmalzahar in

    opened by mcmalzahar 8
  • Running error

    Running error

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 193, in main() File "", line 164, in main Model.imgSize, Model.maxTextLen, load_aug=True) File "C:\Users\hp\Desktop\Handwritten-Line-Text-Recognition-using-Deep-Learning-with-Tensorflow-master\src\", line 79, in init gtText_list = lineSplit[9].split('|') IndexError: list index out of range

    opened by anush97 7
  • accuracy.txt  and charList.txt not found in Model Directory

    accuracy.txt and charList.txt not found in Model Directory

    Hi @sushant097

    Thank you for your repository, its very useful. I am not able to run python as it is unable to find accuracy.txt and charList.txt

    Thanks in advance :)

    opened by codebugged 6
  • No Model in Model Folder

    No Model in Model Folder


    I was looking at your code and noticed there is no saved model in the model folder. Is there something I am missing? Also when I am trying to train the model myself, I run into the error -

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 193, in main() File "", line 164, in main Model.imgSize, Model.maxTextLen, load_aug=True) File "/Users/anagh/Downloads/Handwritten-Line-Text-Recognition-using-Deep-Learning-with-Tensorflow-master/src/", line 79, in init gtText_list = lineSplit[9].split('|') IndexError: list index out of range

    Please note - I have downloaded the dataset lines.tgz and also have put lines.txt in data folder.

    opened by anaghrao-99 5
  • AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'placeholder'

    AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'placeholder'

    Hi I installed Tensorflow 2.x as 1.8.0 version not available on their repository. When I running this example I am getting the following error. AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'placeholder'

    Can you please update the code to support Tensorflow latest version.

    Thank you

    opened by gayathrisubbu 4
  • Output wrong

    Output wrong

    I get this for the test image. is this supposed to happen?

    W/O correction Clothed leat by leaf with the disappoisthet

    W correction Clothes left by leaf with the disappoisthet

    Can please check this out. is it supposed to happen?

    opened by ACE07-Sev 3
  • Keras implementation and model structure

    Keras implementation and model structure


    i am trying to implement this with keras, in your code ( you have mentioned the layer filters, but i am not sure about the rnn and ctc layers.

    please have a look at this


    opened by shekarneo 3
  • its about implementation

    its about implementation

    could you please explain how to implement it on ubuntu 18.04 ?can you guide me the steps needed for implementation of this project? eagerly waiting for your answer.

    opened by santhubaby 3
  • AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'placeholder'

    AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'placeholder'

    I ran tf_upgrade_v2 --intree Handwritten-Line-Text-Recognition-using-Deep-Learning-with-Tensorflow/ --outtree Handwritten-Line-Text-Recognition/ --reportfile changesreport.txt but I'm still getting the error. I installed tf-nightly but still same. can you please guide me?

    2021-11-21 04:19:05.588993: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_110.dll'; dlerror: cudart64_110.dll not found 2021-11-21 04:19:05.602350: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] Ignore above cudart dlerror if you do not have a GPU set up on your machine. TensorFlow 2.0 Upgrade Script

    Converted 0 files Detected 0 issues that require attention

    Make sure to read the detailed log 'changesreport.txt'

    This is what I get.

    opened by ACE07-Sev 2
  • Loss too high

    Loss too high

    Hello, Sir. Thank for your post. I'm a newbie to this domain and I read your post on Medium. I clone repos into Google Colab, download your data on kaggle and upload it to folder data as in readme. I also redefine images path in at line 75: fileName = filePath + 'self_lines' + fileNameSplit[0] + '.png'. After training done: It has a really bad result. WER 400% and accuracy 0.00000%. Could you help me figure out which part I have done wrong, Sir. Thank you in advance.

    opened by AICampB4 2
  • Training process

    Training process

    Hello, Sushant!

    For the past few days I have been trying to reproduce the results of the repository. For that I followed the guide described in but the outcome was different.


    1. Clone the repo in a new directory
    2. Download IAM database from official site
    3. Copy lines.txt file and lines directory to the data directory (13 353 records).
    4. In the file change the following line: gtText_list = lineSplit[9].split('|') to this: gtText_list = lineSplit[8].split('|') This is required because the 8-th element (not 9-th) contains ground truth labels. For example: a01-000u-00 ok 154 19 408 746 1661 89 A|MOVE|to|stop|Mr.|Gaitskell|from
    5. Run the following command from src_tensorflow2 directory: python --train


    Python: 3.7.9 Tensorflow: 2.7.0

    Expected behaviour:

    CER is expected to descend slowly approximately to the value specified in 8.32%.

    Actual behaviour:

    First try: CER after epoch 1: 28.1% CER after epoch 2: 21.0% But from 3rd to at least 12th epoch CER is between 45% and 52%. And it is not going to go down.

    Second try. After 8th epoch: Train loss: 62.25793147463152 Val loss: 64.84262824781013 Character error rate: 45.535652%

    After 21th epoch: Train loss: 56.68565004330704 Val loss: 66.37841461644028 Character error rate: 44.809107%

    Could you describe the correct way to train the model?

    Update 2022-06-09 It seems that the problem is reproduced only in src_tensorflow2 directory. The code in src_tensorflow1 directory (using TF 1.15.5) after third epoch gives CER 19% and loss still going down.

    Update 2022-06-10 The code in src_tensorflow1 directory (using TF 1.15.5) doesn't give stable results too. I tried 3 more times to run the training from scratch. And CER was not decreasing from some epoch.

    opened by ivankrylatskoe 3
  • About training from scratch

    About training from scratch

    Hello sir, I want to learn how to build handwritten text recognition using deep learning. Can you kindly suggest me which course to take to fully understand how to proceed with the code?

    Thank you....

    opened by monika153 0
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