Chinese segmentation library

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Text Data & NLP loso

What is loso?

loso is a Chinese segmentation system written in Python. It was developed by Victor Lin ( for Plurk Inc.

Copyright & Licnese

Copyright of loso owns by Plurk Inc. It is an open source under BSD license.

Setup loso

To install loso, clone the repo and run following command

cd loso
python develop

Also, you need to run a redis database for storing the lexicon database. Also, you need to copy configuration template and modify it.

cp default.yaml myconf.yaml
vim myconf.yaml

To use your configuration, you have to set the configuration environment variable LOSO_CONFIG_FILE. For example:

LOSO_CONFIG_FILE=myconfig.yaml python server

Use loso

Loso determines segmentation according to the lexicon database, and the algorithm is based on Hidden Makov Model, therefore, it is not possible to use the service before building a lexicon database.

To feed a text file to the database, here you can run

python feed -f /home/victorlin/plurk_src/realtime_search/word_segment/sample_data/sample_tr_ch

To clean the database, you can run

python reset

To interact and test for splitting terms, here you can run

python interact

For example

Text: 留下鉅細靡遺的太空梭發射影片,供世人回味
留下 鉅細靡遺 的 太空梭 發射 影片 供 世人 回味

To use the segmentation service as XMLRPC service, here you can run

python serve

Following is a simple Python program for showing how to use it

import xmlrpclib

proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:5566/")

terms = proxy.splitTerms(u'留下鉅細靡遺的太空梭發射影片,供世人回味')
print ' '.join(terms)

And the output should be

留下 鉅細靡遺 的 太空梭 發射 影片 供 世人 回味
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