Code release for Convolutional Two-Stream Network Fusion for Video Action Recognition



Convolutional Two-Stream Network Fusion for Video Action Recognition

This repository contains the code for our CVPR 2016 paper:

Christoph Feichtenhofer, Axel Pinz, Andrew Zisserman
"Convolutional Two-Stream Network Fusion for Video Action Recognition"
in Proc. CVPR 2016

If you find the code useful for your research, please cite our paper:

      title={Convolutional Two-Stream Network Fusion for Video Action Recognition},
      author={Feichtenhofer, Christoph and Pinz, Axel and Zisserman, Andrew},
      booktitle={Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


The code was tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 10 using MATLAB R2015b and NVIDIA Titan X or Z GPUs.

If you have questions regarding the implementation please contact:

Christoph Feichtenhofer 




  1. Download the code git clone --recursive

  2. Compile the code by running compile.m.

    • This will also compile a modified (and older) version of the MatConvNet toolbox. In case of any issues, please follow the installation instructions on the MatConvNet homepage.
  3. Edit the file cnn_setup_environment.m to adjust the models and data paths.

  4. Download pretrained model files and the datasets, linked below and unpack them into your models/data directory.

  • Optionally you can pretrain your own twostream models by running
    1. cnn_ucf101_spatial(); to train the appearance network stream.
    2. cnn_ucf101_temporal(); to train the optical flow network stream.
  1. Run cnn_ucf101_fusion(); this will use the downloaded models and demonstrate training of our final architecture on UCF101/HMDB51.
    • In case you would like to train on the CPU, clear the variable opts.train.gpus
    • In case you encounter memory issues on your GPU, consider decreasing the cudnnWorkspaceLimit (512MB is default)

Pretrained models


Pre-computed optical flow images and resized rgb frames for the UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets

Use it on your own dataset

  • not able to open your data

    not able to open your data

    do you mind double check you Pre-computed optical flow images and resized rgb frames for the UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets? I tried download and open your data twice, still not able to open it

    opened by jiaxue1993 9
  • The dataset links are down!

    The dataset links are down!

    The links are invalid for download the datasets and models. Could you please renew the link you offered so we could download the datasets and models for study? Thanks a lot!

    The invalid links ↓ See

    opened by CooperLi 4
  • Can I get the 92.5% accuracy by directly run your code?

    Can I get the 92.5% accuracy by directly run your code?

    Hello. I downloaded your code for the paper 'Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition in Videos', and run it directly. I tried many times but I can only get a result of 91.5%. Should I change somewhere in your code to get the 92.5% in your paper?

    opened by MubarkLa 3
  • cannot find 'models\ucf101-img-vgg16-split1-dr0.85.mat'

    cannot find 'models\ucf101-img-vgg16-split1-dr0.85.mat'

    I follow the setup procedure and download the data and model. But when I run cnn_ucf101_fusion(), it occurs one problem "unable to read file 'models\ucf101-img-vgg16-split1-dr0.85.mat'. No such file or directory". And I check the pretrained models document below, there is no such file. Could you please tell me where I can get this file? And also later the 'models\ucf101-TVL1flow-vgg16-split1-dr0.9.mat'. Thanks!

    opened by laura-wang 2
  • the difference between err1_spatical and err1

    the difference between err1_spatical and err1

    when I adjusted your code to the method that use colour images only with 3D filter (get ride of fusion layer), an interesting thing I find is that the result of err1 and err1_spatical are always different, observe from the code, err1_spatial is extracted from dagnn.Loss layers

    function stats = extractStats(net) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sel = find(cellfun(@(x) isa(x,'dagnn.Loss'), {net.layers.block})) ; stats = struct() ; for i = 1:numel(sel) stats.(net.layers(sel(i)).name) = net.layers(sel(i)).block.average ; end

    and err1 is computed by comparing difference between label and prediction

    function [err1, err5] = error_multiclass(opts, labels, predictions) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [~,predictions] = sort(predictions, 3, 'descend') ; error = ~bsxfun(@eq, predictions, reshape(labels, 1, 1, 1, [])) ; err1 = sum(sum(sum(error(:,:,1,:)))) ; err5 = sum(sum(sum(min(error(:,:,1:5,:),[],3)))) ;

    so what's the relation between them?

    opened by jiaxue1993 2
  • what are the differences among the 3 split models?

    what are the differences among the 3 split models?

    There are 3 models for each kind of pretrained models, for example, ucf101-img-vgg16-split1.mat, ucf101-img-vgg16-split2.mat and ucf101-img-vgg16-split3.mat. I find that you set nSplit=1 in the cnn_ucf101_fusion.m. What do the other two models mean and what are the differences among these three model? Thank you for your help.

    opened by jiandan42 2
  • RGB and optical flow image numbers do not match in some classes

    RGB and optical flow image numbers do not match in some classes

    RGB and optical flow image numbers do not match in some classes. The most matches.

    After unzipping these two

    For example, 50_FIRST_DATES_kick_f_cm_np1_ba_med_19, it has 1 more RGB image than optical flow image.

    • jpegs_256
      • 50_FIRST_DATES_kick_f_cm_np1_ba_med_19 (48 images)
        • frame000001.jpg
        • frame000002.jpg
        • ...
      • ...
    • tvl1_flow
      • u
        • 50_FIRST_DATES_kick_f_cm_np1_ba_med_19 (47 images)
          • frame000001.jpg
          • frame000002.jpg
          • ...
        • ...
      • v
        • 50_FIRST_DATES_kick_f_cm_np1_ba_med_19 (47 images)
          • frame000001.jpg
          • frame000002.jpg
          • ...
        • ...
    opened by Hongbo-Miao 1
  • forever compiling issue

    forever compiling issue

    Hello everyone, I was running the compile.m file and matlab seems have stucked into the following output line. I wonder if anyone has met the same problem and does anyone have some ideas on this problem?

    I was using matlab 2016a with cuda 8.0 and g++ 4.7.5 version.

    vl_compilenn: MEX LINK: -outdir /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex -lmwblas -ljpeg -L/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64 -lcudart -lcublas -lmwgpu -L/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64 -lcudnn -largeArrayDims LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath -Wl,"/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64" LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath -Wl,"/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64" /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/vl_nnconv.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/data.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/datamex.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/nnconv.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/nnfullyconnected.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/nnsubsample.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/nnpooling.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/nnnormalize.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/nnbnorm.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/nnbias.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/im2row_cpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/subsample_cpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/copy_cpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/pooling_cpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/normalize_cpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/bnorm_cpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/tinythread.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/imread.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/im2row_gpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/subsample_gpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/copy_gpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/pooling_gpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/normalize_gpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/bnorm_gpu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/datacu.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/nnconv_cudnn.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/nnbias_cudnn.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/nnpooling_cudnn.o /home/myhome/twostreamfusion/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits/impl/imread_libjpeg.o

    opened by ThorinLee 1
  • Using multiple GPUs to train the model error

    Using multiple GPUs to train the model error

    I am trying to use multiple GPUs to train the model. So I changed the default value of opts.train.gpus in the cnn_ucf101_fusion file from [1] to [1 2]. But it reports the following error:

    line 503 int cnn_train_dag (this is the line that call fwrite) the file id is invalid. Please create a valid file id.

    Could you please give some instruction on how to fix it? Thanks!

    opened by kaisenseics 1
  • Epochs for training

    Epochs for training

    Hi, How many epochs you have used for the training the fusion network? The number of 2000 epochs, which is mentioned in the code, is correct? In my computer system each epoch take 1 day to be completed..


    opened by pkoutras 1
  • May I ask two questions?

    May I ask two questions?

    Hello, I am very interested in your work and I am doing some reproduction work based on your work. Now I have two questions which make me a little confused. May I ask about them?

    1.How do you get your final prediction? For example, if I fuse from 'temporal' to 'spatial', should I only use the prediction of spatial net or both of the two nets? And when you got your best result in your paper, the 'nFramesPerVid' you used is also only 1?

    2.Which of these two performs better in your experiment? Fuse from 'temporal' to 'spatial' or fuse from 'spatial' to 'temporal'?

    I am sorry for taking your time and thank you a lot for reading my questions. I'd appreciate it a lot if you could kindly answer my questions.

    opened by MubarkLa 1
  • How to load pre-trained resnet-50 weights?

    How to load pre-trained resnet-50 weights?

    Hello @abursuc and @feichtenhofer, can you tell how the dictionary is structured in the saved .mat weight file? I tried loading them as usual by simply referencing the keys, but the output does'nt make any sense.

    It would be great if you could give some pointers on how to load the dictionary properly so that I can create a model instance and load them.

    opened by sarosijbose 0
  • Speed is too low

    Speed is too low

    My speed is "train: epoch 01: 1/994: lr: 1e-03, 1.2 Hz " with a GTX 1060,it's too low and doesn't make sense. Anyone have the same question?

    opened by Quxyz 2
  • when I try to unzip the UCF101 RBG file, a problem occured

    when I try to unzip the UCF101 RBG file, a problem occured

    After download the dataset and run 'cat* >', I try to unzip the file, use the command 'unzip', but a problem occured, 'jpegs_256/v_TrampolineJumping_g09_c05/frame000020.jpg bad CRC 5860d5eb (should be b9b7fa4a)', is the picture damaged?

    opened by ljmiao 2
  • How Can I get a PYTORCH VERSION?

    How Can I get a PYTORCH VERSION?

    Hello, I would like to know whether there is a version which is based on Pytorch, and if there is, could that be possible to be sharing to me ! Thanks a lot!

    opened by Amazingren 0
  • Pre-computed RGB images cannot be merged

    Pre-computed RGB images cannot be merged

    I have downloaded your pre-computed RGB images, but I have some problems in merging the three parts (,, into one .zip file. I wonder if some files (e.g. are missing?

    opened by wj320 1
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