Official implementation of ACTION-Net: Multipath Excitation for Action Recognition (CVPR'21).



Official implementation of ACTION-Net: Multipath Excitation for Action Recognition (CVPR'21).

Getting Started

  • EgoGesture data folder structure
  • Something-Something V2
  • Jester


Provided in the action.Dockerfile

Annotation files

Annotation files are at this link. Please follow the annotation files to construct the frame path.


sh 0,1,2,3 if you use four gpus


Our codes are built based on previous repos TSN, TSM and TEA

Pretrained models

Currently, we do not provide the pretrained models since we reconstruct the structure and rename our modules of ACTION for public release. It should be able to get the similar performance indicated in the paper using the codes provided above.

  • About online inference mode

    About online inference mode

    Can Action-Net run as an online inference version(frame by frame input) like TSM(

    opened by gd2016229035 4
  • Problems with PKL file generation

    Problems with PKL file generation

    Hi, I'm a newbie. I would like to ask what is the code on the Jester dataset, something-something V2 dataset and generating the training, testing, and validating PKL files?

    opened by kkk241-q 4
  • test accuracy

    test accuracy

    Hi, I have downloaded your jester-resnet pretrained model and jester annotations. I find the lables in test.pkl are all 0. When I run the, I get top1 =0, top5 = 100 witch mode in is 'test' and use the jester_annotation test.pkl. image


    opened by ZooHam 3
  • How to set the learning rate ?

    How to set the learning rate ?

    Hello, I would like to know what is the basis for your fine-tuning of the learning rate ? The experiment ? Each adjustment of a parameter, an experiment is performed ?

    return [
                {'params': first_conv_weight, 'lr_mult': 1, 'decay_mult': 1, 'name': "first_conv_weight"},
                {'params': first_conv_bias, 'lr_mult': 2, 'decay_mult': 0, 'name': "first_conv_bias"},
                {'params': normal_weight, 'lr_mult': 1, 'decay_mult': 1, 'name': "normal_weight"},
                {'params': normal_bias, 'lr_mult': 2, 'decay_mult': 0, 'name': "normal_bias"},
                {'params': bn, 'lr_mult': 1, 'decay_mult': 0, 'name': "BN scale/shift"},
                {'params': custom_weight, 'lr_mult': 1, 'decay_mult': 1, 'name': "custom_weight"},
                {'params': custom_bn, 'lr_mult': 1, 'decay_mult': 0, 'name': "custom_bn"},
                # for fc
                {'params': lr5_weight, 'lr_mult': 5, 'decay_mult': 1, 'name': "lr5_weight"},
                {'params': lr10_bias, 'lr_mult': 10, 'decay_mult': 0, 'name': "lr10_bias"},



    opened by HuangZuShu 2
  • Question of the paper

    Question of the paper

    Hello! I want to ask a question about the paper.


    Do you directly use the result of C3D:Resnext101 in their paper or train the model by yourself?


    opened by kinfeparty 2
  • hyperparameters of 16 frames training.

    hyperparameters of 16 frames training.

    Hello, I follow your suggestion and this is my hyperparameters of 16 frames training.

    python3 --is_train --is_shift \ --dataset EgoGesture --clip_len 16 \ --shift_div 8 --wd 1e-5 --dropout 0 \ --cuda_id $cuda_id --batch_size 16 --lr_steps 10 15 20 \ --lr 25e-4 --base_model resnet50 --epochs 25

    The val accuracy is quiet lower than 8 frames result,which is 91.7 and 8 frames is 94.4. I really want to reproduce the result of 16 frames in Egogesture. Is there any hyperparameter I need to change?

    opened by kinfeparty 1
  • Question about TSM result

    Question about TSM result

    In Jester dataset, TSM result in Table 1 of your paper is 94.4 (ResNet50 8frame 3crop 10clip), But TSM result in origin paper(Table 1) is 97.0 (ResNet50 8frame full-resolution 2clips ). I test the TSM by myself from the TSM official public code and it can also reach 97.0. How cause this Gap between 94.4 and 97.0?

    opened by gd2016229035 1
  • Can you provide the code for generating pkl-file?

    Can you provide the code for generating pkl-file?

    Thank you very much for providing the source code of this project, I want to use this project to experiment on the Something-Something V1, but the annotation file of the Something-Something V1 is in csv format, I am having difficulty with how to generate the pkl-file. Can you provide the code to generate the pkl-file or the pkl-file about the Something-Something V1. Thanks.

    opened by Maojianzeng 0
  • How to resume training from checkpoint?

    How to resume training from checkpoint?

    Hi, thank you for your great work. I tried to reproduce your work, but the machine was shut down. So, I tried to resume the training process, but the epoch started at 0. Is there any way to resume my training process from the checkpoint? (the epoch should start at the previous state)

    opened by mm840511m 0
  • I want to ask some questions about the code. I hope you can help me solve them, thx

    I want to ask some questions about the code. I hope you can help me solve them, thx

    code path is models/, line63-72. line 63 I could konw x.size is nt, c, h, w. After x forward from line 63 to line 72, could get x_shift and thex_shift.size is nt, c,h,w. The x_shift.size is euqal to x.size. why don't make x_shift = x? I want to konw what function of these code.

    opened by eoozbq 0
  • About Visualization

    About Visualization

    Hello, after reading your code and paper, I am very interested in the visualization part of your model(Figure 1.). Your input is five-dimensional data which include time dimension. How do you call the CAM module? Or could open source the code about CAM you have adjusted, thanks a lot.

    opened by WuJIanghao79 12
  • About the use of TSM in your work.

    About the use of TSM in your work.

    Thank you for your work. After I checked the source code, I have some questions. In, I see that you use the shift operation of TSM model, but it is not explained in the paper. Is the test result obtained by adding the ACTION module you proposed to the TSM model? Thanks for your reply.

    opened by ChenzhongJi 1
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