FANet - Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Fast Attention

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Deep Learning FANet


Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Fast Attention

Ping Hu, Federico Perazzi, Fabian Caba Heilbron, Oliver Wang, Zhe Lin, Kate Saenko , Stan Sclaroff

[Paper Link] [Project Page]

Accurate semantic segmentation requires rich contextual cues (large receptive fields) and fine spatial details (high resolution), both of which incur high computational costs. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture that addresses both challenges and achieves state-of-the-art performance for semantic segmentation of high-resolution images and videos in real-time. The proposed architecture relies on our fast attention, which is a simple modification of the popular self-attention mechanism and captures the same rich contextual information at a small fraction of the computational cost, by changing the order of operations. Moreover, to efficiently process high-resolution input, we apply an additional spatial reduction to intermediate feature stages of the network with minimal loss in accuracy thanks to the use of the fast attention module to fuse features. We validate our method with a series of experiments, and show that results on multiple datasets demonstrate superior performance with better accuracy and speed compared to existing approaches for real-time semantic segmentation. On Cityscapes, our network achieves 74.4% mIoU at 72 FPS and 75.5% mIoU at 58 FPS on a single Titan X GPU, which is ~50% faster than the state-of-the-art while retaining the same accuracy.

  • Features extracted by ResNet are different for BiseNet and FANet

    Features extracted by ResNet are different for BiseNet and FANet

    Thank you for the great work!!

    The below lines are from the Resnet model return adapted for FANet

    feat4 = self.layer1(x)
    feat8 = self.layer2(feat4) # 1/8
    feat16 = self.layer3(feat8) # 1/16
    feat32 = self.layer4(feat16) # 1/32
    return feat4, feat8, feat16, feat32

    The comments specify that feat8, feat16, feat32 are feature maps of 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 of the image size but the actual sizes are 1/16, 1/32, 1/64.

    I also understand why this is happening . Below is the way we create Resnet18 model for FANet

    def Resnet18(pretrained=True, norm_layer=None, **kwargs):
        model = ResNet(BasicBlock, [2,2,2,2],[2,2,2,2], norm_layer=norm_layer)
        if pretrained:
        return model

    which is different from the way we create it in BiseNet

    def Resnet18(pretrained=False, **kwargs):
        model = ResNet(BasicBlock, [2, 2, 2, 2],[1, 2, 2, 2])
        if pretrained:
        return model

    The stride value for the first BasicBlock is different.

    Could you please clarify that if the additional down-sampling is intended for the FANet or not.

    Will it be possible for you to share the trained model as well? I don't have access to good GPUs to train it on Cityscapes dataset. It would be nice if you can share the trained model

    opened by Eashwar93 2
  • Why not consider BN for test time calculation

    Why not consider BN for test time calculation

    Hi,For fairness comparison, previous work including ICnet. BiSegNet, SFnet report the speed with bn, here you merge bn in conv which results in much higher speed.

    opened by lxtGH 2
  • Torch/Cuda version

    Torch/Cuda version

    Hi Author, thanks for you work : ) Could you please release the torch and cuda version for this repo. It raise "RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (100) : no CUDA-capable device is detected at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCGeneral.cpp:50" error when running the cmd CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python3 on torch==1.1.0 and CUDA 10.2. Thanks!

    opened by MaureenZOU 0
  • Training Details

    Training Details

    Hello once again,

    I tried creating a training model and FANet-18 with cityscapes dataset. I replaced the InPlaceABN layers with normal BN followed by Activation as I needed to parse the trained model to ONNX for deploying in my application.

    These are my training configurations highly adapted from the paper:

    1. Mini-Batch SGD with Batch Size 4 as I only have 8 gigs of GPU Memory, weight decay = 5e-4, momentum = 0.9
    2. Initial Learning Rate(LR) = 1e-2, with update to LR multiplied by a factor (1-(iter/max_iter)pow(2))
    3. Data Augmentation - Horizontal Flipping, random scaling (0.75 to 2)
    4. Training iterations 80000

    I resulted with a OHEM Cross Entropy loss of 0.3941 in the final iteration

    I am yet to check the mIOU.

    As a preliminary discussion I would like to compare it with BiseNet which was trained in a similar fashion but with auxiliary losses and resulted with a OHEM Cross Entropy Loss of 0.2947 which resulted in a mIOU of 0.63

    Could you please give me more details on the training especially

    1. What is the number of Iterations you trained the model for?
    2. What was the Final Cross Entropy loss you ended up with?
    3. Did you use Auxiliary losses as well for better Convergence resulting in lower loss?
    4. Did you have any specific modified version of Cross Entropy Loss to achieve better convergence?

    Is there any other thing that I am missing out to achieve better results

    opened by Eashwar93 0
  • why only 2 frames for spatial-temporal context aggregation

    why only 2 frames for spatial-temporal context aggregation

    Hi. Your paper is very interesting and inspirational to read. I was wondering why you just integrated the features of ONE neighboring frame to facilitate the inference of current frame. Have you experimented on more frames? What's the effect?

    Thank you.

    opened by baibaidj 0
  • Resnet block feature map size

    Resnet block feature map size

    Hi, Thanks for your great work. I have a question regarding the feature map size of resnet blocks. In your paper you say that the first res-block produces a feature map of h/4 x w/4 resolution. But in the code the resolution of the feature map is h/8 x w/8

    Is this an error ? Or the implementation doesn't fully reproduce the paper description ?

    Thank you

    opened by Pelursos 1
  • class BatchNorm2D in

    class BatchNorm2D in

    I am confusing about it! You defined batchnorm, but in the forward function, you only use activation, can you explain this?

    ` class BatchNorm2d(nn.BatchNorm2d): #(conv => BN => ReLU) * 2 def init(self, num_features, activation='none'): super(BatchNorm2d, self).init(num_features=num_features) if activation == 'leaky_relu': self.activation = nn.LeakyReLU() elif activation == 'none': self.activation = lambda x:x else: raise Exception("Accepted activation: ['leaky_relu']")

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.activation(x)


    opened by TranThanh96 10
  • Trained model with mIoU of 75.5 for fa2

    Trained model with mIoU of 75.5 for fa2

    Hi, Can you please provide the trained model for the last experiment reported in Table VI of the paper, which achieved mIoU of 75.5: "TABLE VI: Video semantic segmentation on Cityscapes. “+Temp” indicates FANet with spatial-temporal attention (t=2)"


    opened by MahdiehP 0
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