The (Python-based) mining software required for the Game Boy mining project.


ntgbtminer - Game Boy edition

This is a version of ntgbtminer that works with the Game Boy bitcoin miner.


ntgbtminer is a no thrills getblocktemplate Bitcoin miner. It is not performant, but demonstrates basic use of the getblocktemplate protocol for a standalone Bitcoin miner. It has no dependencies outside of standard Python libraries and a JSON-HTTP connection to your local Bitcoin daemon.

Donations are welcome at 15PKyTs3jJ3Nyf3i6R7D9tfGCY1ZbtqWdv :)


  • Configure rpcuser and rpcpass in ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

  • Start bitcoind

$ bitcoind -testnet -daemon
  • Run ntgbtminer
$ RPC_USER=bitcoinrpc RPC_PASS=foobar RPC_URL="" \
    python3 "Hello from vsergeev!" "mr9zpiUkvGukpg1uZ99NdAxwJmuSYYmNA3"


ntgbtminer is MIT licensed. See the provided LICENSE file.

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    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 256, in test_block_mine mined_block, hash_rate = ntgbtminer.block_mine(block_vector, coinbase_message, 0, address, timeout=1, debugnonce_start=2315460000) TypeError: block_mine() missing 1 required positional argument: 'serial_port'

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    FAILED (errors=1)

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