Welcome to PyGromosTools
The aim of the module is to bring GROMOS to the Python3 World! This repository should make it easier to work with GROMOS in Python and should enable the user to write cleaner, more reliable and adaptable code.
General informations about functions can be found in our wiki and usage example for many general functions and theire relations are shown in jupyter notebooks in the examples in the example folder.
GROMOS wrappers
- GromosXX wrapper: for simulation execution
- GromosPP wrapper: for GROMOS++ program usage
File handling of all GROMOS file types for automated creation/modification/analysis :
coordinate files CNF:
- read and analyse CNF files
- generate CNF files from RDKit
- generate CNF files from SDF
cnf = Cnf(input_value="file_name") print(cnf.GENBOX)
topology files:
- create topologies from a forcefield
- GROMOS 2016H66 / 54A7
- OpenForceField
- SerenityForceField
- modify topologies
- add new atoms
- modify force parameters
top = Top(input_value="file_path") top.add_new_SOLUTEATOM(ATNM=42) print(top)
- create topologies from a forcefield
simulation parameter files IMD
- a wide option of templates provided
- modify IMD files to fit your simulation
imd = Imd(input_value="file_path") imd.INITIALISE.TEMPI = 137 print(imd)
trajectories (tre, trc, trg, ...)
- analyse trajectories with Pandas data frames
- standard analysis like RSMD, RDF, ... for trc
- auto saving of results for later use as hdf5
- ene_ana like tools for tre
- easy to add costume analysis tools
trc = Trc(input_value="file_path") print(trc.rmsd().mean())
replica exchange files: repdat.dat
classes for single blocks of each of these files.
Automation and file management system
- offers clean file management for simulations
- offers a high level of automation
- equiped with simulation queuing system
- includes many force fields
ff=forcefield_system(name="openforcefield") gsys = Gromos_System(work_folder="dir", in_smiles="C1CCCCC1", auto_convert=True, Forcefield=ff) print(gsys)
Simulation Submission and Execution :
- Different Types of Simulation modules, like MD, SD or Emin.
- Can be executed locally or on a cluster
- easy to automatize and combine with analysis routines
Run on a local machine:
from pygromos.files.gromos_system import Gromos_System from pygromos.hpc_queuing.submission_systems.local import LOCAL as subSystem from pygromos.simulations.modules.preset_simulation_modules import emin #define file paths root_dir = "./example_files/SD_Simulation" root_in_dir = root_dir+"/SD_input" cnf_path = root_in_dir+"/6J29_unitedatom_optimised_geometry.cnf" top_path = root_in_dir + "/6J29.top" sys_name = "6J29" #Build gromos System: grom_system = Gromos_System(in_cnf_path=cnf_path, in_top_path=top_path, system_name=sys_name, work_folder=root_in_dir) #Run Emin emin_gromos_system, jobID = emin(in_gromos_system=grom_system, project_dir=root_dir, step_name=step_name, submission_system=subSystem())
Run on LSF-Cluster:
from pygromos.files.gromos_system import Gromos_System from pygromos.hpc_queuing.submission_systems.lsf import LSF as subSystem from pygromos.simulations.modules.preset_simulation_modules import emin #define file paths root_dir = "./example_files/SD_Simulation" root_in_dir = root_dir+"/SD_input" cnf_path = root_in_dir+"/6J29_unitedatom_optimised_geometry.cnf" top_path = root_in_dir + "/6J29.top" sys_name = "6J29" #Build gromos System: grom_system = Gromos_System(in_cnf_path=cnf_path, in_top_path=top_path, system_name=sys_name, work_folder=root_in_dir) #Run Emin sub_system = subSystem(nmpi=4) #allows parallelization emin_gromos_system, jobID = emin(in_gromos_system=grom_system, project_dir=root_dir, step_name=step_name, submission_system=sub_system)
Other utilities:
- Bash wrappers for GROMOS
- Amino acid library
General Information
Python >=3.7:
requires: numpy, scipy, pandas, rdkit
optional: openforcefield for OpenForceField and Serenityff functions
see INSTALL.md file for more informations
Copyright (c) 2020, Benjamin Ries, Marc Lehner, Salome Rieder
Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.3.