The Easy-to-use Dialogue Response Selection Toolkit for Researchers


Easy-to-use toolkit for retrieval-based Chatbot

Recent Activity

  1. Our released RRS corpus can be found here.
  2. Our released BERT-FP post-training checkpoint for the RRS corpus can be found here.
  3. Our related work (Exploring Dense Retrieval for Dialogue Response Selection) can be found here.

How to Use

  1. Init the repo

    Before using the repo, please run the following command to init:

    # create the necessay folders
    # prepare the environment
    # if some package cannot be installed, just google and install it from other ways
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. train the model

    ./scripts/ <dataset_name> <model_name> <cuda_ids>
  3. test the model [rerank]

    ./scripts/ <dataset_name> <model_name> <cuda_id>
  4. test the model [recal]

    # different recall_modes are available: q-q, q-r
    ./scripts/ <dataset_name> <model_name> <cuda_id>
  5. inference the responses and save into the faiss index

    Somethings inference will missing data samples, please use the 1 gpu (faiss-gpu search use 1 gpu quickly)

    It should be noted that: 1. For writer dataset, use script to generate the inference.txt 2. For other datasets(douban, ecommerce, ubuntu), just cp train.txt inference.txt. The dataloader will automatically read the test.txt to supply the corpus.

    # work_mode=response, inference the response and save into faiss (for q-r matching) [dual-bert/dual-bert-fusion]
    # work_mode=context, inference the context to do q-q matching
    # work_mode=gray, inference the context; read the faiss(work_mode=response has already been done), search the topk hard negative samples; remember to set the BERTDualInferenceContextDataloader in config/base.yaml
    ./scripts/ <dataset_name> <model_name> <cuda_ids>

    If you want to generate the gray dataset for the dataset:

    # 1. set the mode as the **response**, to generate the response faiss index; corresponding dataset name: BERTDualInferenceDataset;
    ./scripts/ <dataset_name> response <cuda_ids>
    # 2. set the mode as the **gray**, to inference the context in the train.txt and search the top-k candidates as the gray(hard negative) samples; corresponding dataset name: BERTDualInferenceContextDataset
    ./scripts/ <dataset_name> gray <cuda_ids>
    # 3. set the mode as the **gray-one2many** if you want to generate the extra positive samples for each context in the train set, the needings of this mode is the same as the **gray** work mode
    ./scripts/ <dataset_name> gray-one2many <cuda_ids>

    If you want to generate the pesudo positive pairs, run the following commands:

    # make sure the dual-bert inference dataset name is BERTDualInferenceDataset
    ./scripts/ <dataset_name> unparallel <cuda_ids>
  6. deploy the rerank and recall model

    # load the model on the cuda:0(can be changed in script)
    ./scripts/ <cuda_id>

    at the same time, you can test the deployed model by using:

    # test_mode: recall, rerank, pipeline
    ./scripts/ <test_mode> <dataset>
  7. test the recall performance of the elasticsearch

    Before testing the es recall, make sure the es index has been built:

    # recall_mode: q-q/q-r
    ./scripts/ <dataset_name> <recall_mode>
    # recall_mode: q-q/q-r
    ./scripts/ <dataset_name> <recall_mode> 0
  8. simcse generate the gray responses

    # train the simcse model
    ./script/ <dataset_name> simcse <cuda_ids>
    # generate the faiss index, dataset name: BERTSimCSEInferenceDataset
    ./script/ <dataset_name> simcse <cuda_ids>
    # generate the context index
    ./script/ <dataset_name> simcse <cuda_ids>
    # generate the test set for unlikelyhood-gen dataset
    ./script/ <dataset_name> simcse <cuda_ids>
    # generate the gray response
    ./script/ <dataset_name> simcse <cuda_ids>
    # generate the test set for unlikelyhood-gen dataset
    ./script/ <dataset_name> simcse <cuda_ids>
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