Post-Training Quantization for Vision transformers.



Post-Training Quantization Framework for Vision Transformers. We use the twin uniform quantization method to reduce the quantization error on these activation values. And we use a Hessian guided metric to evaluate different scaling factors, which improves the accuracy of calibration with a small cost. The quantized vision transformers (ViT, DeiT, and Swin) achieve near-lossless prediction accuracy (less than 0.5% drop at 8-bit quantization) on the ImageNet classification task. Please read the paper for details.



  • python>=3.5
  • pytorch>=1.5
  • matplotlib
  • pandas
  • timm


To run example testing, you should put your ImageNet2012 dataset in path /datasets/imagenet.

We use ViTImageNetLoaderGenerator in utils/ to initialize our DataLoader. If your Imagenet datasets are stored elsewhere, you'll need to manually pass its root as an argument when instantiating a ViTImageNetLoaderGenerator.


1. Run example quantization

To test on all models with BasePTQ/PTQ4ViT, run

python example/

To run ablation testing, run

python example/

You can run the testing scripts with multiple GPUs. For example, calling

python example/ --multigpu --n_gpu 6

will use 6 gpus to run the test.

2. Download quantized model checkpoints

(Coming soon)


Results of BasePTQ

model original w8a8 w6a6
ViT-S/224/32 75.99 73.61 60.144
ViT-S/224 81.39 80.468 70.244
ViT-B/224 84.54 83.896 75.668
ViT-B/384 86.00 85.352 46.886
DeiT-S/224 79.80 77.654 72.268
DeiT-B/224 81.80 80.946 78.786
DeiT-B/384 83.11 82.33 68.442
Swin-T/224 81.39 80.962 78.456
Swin-S/224 83.23 82.758 81.742
Swin-B/224 85.27 84.792 83.354
Swin-B/384 86.44 86.168 85.226

Results of PTQ4ViT

model original w8a8 w6a6
ViT-S/224/32 75.99 75.582 71.908
ViT-S/224 81.39 81.002 78.63
ViT-B/224 84.54 84.25 81.65
ViT-B/384 86.00 85.828 83.348
DeiT-S/224 79.80 79.474 76.282
DeiT-B/224 81.80 81.482 80.25
DeiT-B/384 83.11 82.974 81.55
Swin-T/224 81.39 81.246 80.47
Swin-S/224 83.23 83.106 82.38
Swin-B/224 85.27 85.146 84.012
Swin-B/384 86.44 86.394 85.388

Results of Ablation

  • ViT-S/224 (original top-1 accuracy 81.39%)
Hessian Guided Softmax Twin GELU Twin W8A8 W6A6
80.47 70.24
80.93 77.20
81.11 78.57
80.84 76.93
79.25 74.07
81.00 78.63
  • ViT-B/224 (original top-1 accuracy 84.54%)
Hessian Guided Softmax Twin GELU Twin W8A8 W6A6
83.90 75.67
83.97 79.90
84.07 80.76
84.10 80.82
83.40 78.86
84.25 81.65
  • ViT-B/384 (original top-1 accuracy 86.00%)
Hessian Guided Softmax Twin GELU Twin W8A8 W6A6
85.35 46.89
85.42 79.99
85.67 82.01
85.60 82.21
84.35 80.86
85.89 83.19


    title={PTQ4ViT: Post-Training Quantization Framework for Vision Transformers},
    author={Zhihang Yuan, Chenhao Xue, Yiqi Chen, Qiang Wu, Guangyu Sun},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.12293},
  • Are the quantized models differentiable

    Are the quantized models differentiable

    Hi, Are the quantized models differentiable(i.e. can we get gradients using backprop using these) or is it not possible due to actual INT8 quantization? Pl reply ASAP

    opened by SwapnilDreams100 2
  • calibration parameters

    calibration parameters

    Hi, may I ask for more details on what this function does?

       def _initialize_calib_parameters(self):
            set parameters for feeding calibration data
            self.calib_size = int(self.raw_input.shape[0])
            self.calib_batch_size = int(self.raw_input.shape[0])
            while True:
                numel = (2*(self.raw_input.numel()+self.raw_out.numel()) /
                         self.calib_size*self.calib_batch_size)  # number of parameters on GPU
                self.parallel_eq_n = int((15*1024*1024*1024/4)//numel)
                if self.parallel_eq_n <= 1:
                    self.calib_need_batching = True
                    self.calib_batch_size //= 2

    I am adapting your code for 1DConvolution and the self.parallel_eq_n is multiplying by the output channels of the weights and causing memory issues. If you could provide further details it would be really helpful. Thankyou. Ed

    opened by ed-fish 2
  • 实验结果会集中于几个数字



    1. 为什么我的实验运行结果会集中于几个数字,比如在对vit_tiny_patch16_224运行时的消融实验结果是:


    我的数据集训练和验证数据集都是将32张图片分成4类(文件夹),每一类中分别有8张图片。这样做是否正确,如果不正确请您指教 2. 在linear.py中class PTQSLQuantlinear 是在哪用到的?basePTQ? 希望有时间的话您能够回复一下,谢谢

    opened by shysss 0
  • The problems of program result running error

    The problems of program result running error

    Dear author, thank you for your outstanding contribution. But I'm having some problems running the program: I used the dataset Imagenet2012 in your program and did not change any parameters (I found the α of PTQ4ViT =0.01 in the program), but there is a little difference between the result of several attempts and the original result. For example, in the result of PTQ4ViT, your ViT-B/224 accuracy rate of w8a8 is 84.25, but mine is 84.148. Your ViT-B/224 accuracy rate of w6a6 is 81.65, but mine is 81.844, and so on. I use an Nvidia RTX 3090-24G. Did I do something wrong? We look forward to your reply. Thanks again!

    opened by AM-Nina8086 0
  • Constrain the scaling factors of the two ranges

    Constrain the scaling factors of the two ranges

    First of all, thank you for the great work and the official code.

    I have one question.

    Where is the code implementation for constraining the scaling factors for post-softmax and post-gelu, i.e., ∆R2 = 2m∆R1, where m is an unsigned integer, in order for an efficient process.

    I really appreciate for providing the code once again.

    opened by Shape-Kim 4
  • How to load the quantized models with PTQ4ViT into the net?

    How to load the quantized models with PTQ4ViT into the net?

    Hi! Thanks for your great work! There was a problem when I was trying to load the quantized model 'vit_base_patch16_384.pth' (you've provided) into the net created by timm.create_model. The error is as follows.

    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for VisionTransformer: Missing key(s) in state_dict: "cls_token", "pos_embed", "patch_embed.proj.weight", "patch_embed.proj.bias", "blocks.0.norm1.weight", "blocks.0.norm1.bias", "blocks.0.attn.qkv.weight", "blocks.0.attn.qkv.bias", "blocks.0.attn.proj.weight", "blocks.0.attn.proj.bias", "blocks.0.norm2.weight", "blocks.0.norm2.bias", "blocks.0.mlp.fc1.weight", "blocks.0.mlp.fc1.bias", "blocks.0.mlp.fc2.weight", "blocks.0.mlp.fc2.bias".......

    Would you please provide the correct method to load your quantized model? Thank you a lot~

    opened by uniqzheng 3
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