This project is to automatically measure the facial Width-To-Height ratio and get facial analysis results provided by Microsoft Azure. Used in
- [The face of risk: CEO facial masculinity and firm risk] (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/eufm.12175) by Shinichi Kamiya, Y. Han (Andy) Kim, Soohyun Park (Me)
- "부자, 관상, 기술" written by Y. Han (Andy) Kim
Built with
- Python 3.6
- Dlib
- Opencv
- Flask
Getting started
- python version 3.6 with Anaconda distribution (no guarantee for other versions)
- You can download Anaconda Individual Edition in [here] (https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual)
- Check your anaconda installation by
conda -V
- Create a virtual environment by
conda create -n [name] python=3.6
and activate the venv byconda activate [name]
- Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/haileypark-kr/fwhr-calc-website.git
- Microsoft Azure Face Api Key
- Create an Azure account and a Cognitive Service Face API resource in Azure Portal. Read [this] (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/face/) documentation.
- Generate keys to access your API. (Resource Management > Keys and Endpoint)
- Make a file named
and paste the first key in the file. (you can change the file name if you want, but make sure you also change.gitignore
) Do not upload this file to GitHub. - Replace the variable
with your endpoint.# config.py FACE_API_ENDPOINT = "https://eastasia.api.cognitive.microsoft.com"
Install python libraries in this project's root directory.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Some libraries (dlib) cannot be installed by pip - should be installed using conda with
conda install -y -c conda-forge dlib
There are two ways to run this application.
- Running a flask web server: If you want to analyze a few facial images with GUI.
- Running fWHR calcaculating script: If you want to analyze thousands of images
Running a flask web server
- Command:
python app.py
- Open a Chrome browser and enter
- Select some images and press Submit button.
- Wait and do not reload the browser.
- Anlysis result will be downloaded shortly (in xlsx format)
Running fWHR calcaculating script
- Command:
python fWHR_main.py --dataroot [path to the image directory]
- Wait
- Go to
direcetory and get the analysis result file.