Training code of Spatial Time Memory Network. Semi-supervised video object segmentation.



This repository fully reproduces Space-Time Memory Networks image

Performance on Davis17 val set&Weights

backbone training stage training dataset J&F J F weights
Ours resnet-50 stage 1 MS-COCO 69.5 67.8 71.2 link
Origin resnet-50 stage 2 MS-COCO -> Davis&Youtube-vos 81.8 79.2 84.3 link
Ours resnet-50 stage 2 MS-COCO -> Davis&Youtube-vos 82.0 79.7 84.4 link
Ours resnest-101 stage 2 MS-COCO -> Davis&Youtube-vos 84.6 82.0 87.2 link


  • Python >= 3.6
  • Pytorch 1.5
  • Numpy
  • Pillow
  • opencv-python
  • imgaug
  • scipy
  • tqdm
  • pandas
  • resnest



We use MS-COCO's instance segmentation part to generate pseudo video sequence. Specifically, we cut out the objects in one image and paste them on another one. Then we perform different affine transformations on the foreground objects and the background image. If you want to visualize some of the processed training frame sequence:

python dataset/ -Ddavis "path to davis" -Dcoco "path to coco" -o "path to output dir"

image image




 |- data
      |- Davis
          |- JPEGImages
          |- Annotations
          |- ImageSets
      |- Youtube-vos
          |- train
          |- valid
      |- Ms-COCO
          |- train2017
          |- annotations
              |- instances_train2017.json


python -g "gpu id" -s "set" -y "year" -D "path to davis" -p "path to weights" -backbone "[resnet50,resnet18,resnest101]"
python -g 0 -s val -y 17 -D ../data/Davis/ -p /smart/haochen/cvpr/0628_resnest_aspp/davis_youtube_resnest101_699999.pth -backbone resnest101


Stage 1

Pretraining on MS-COCO.

python -Ddavis "path to davis" -Dcoco "path to coco" -backbone "[resnet50,resnet18]" -save "path to checkpoints"
python -Ddavis ../data/Davis/ -Dcoco ../data/Ms-COCO/ -backbone resnet50 -save ../coco_weights/

Stage 2

Training on Davis&Youtube-vos.

python -Ddavis "path to davis" -Dyoutube "path to youtube-vos" -backbone "[resnet50,resnet18]" -save "path to checkpoints" -resume "path to coco pretrained weights"
#e.g. -Ddavis ../data/Davis/ -Dyoutube ../data/Youtube-vos/ -backbone resnet50 -save ../davis_weights/ -resume ../coco_weights/coco_pretrained_resnet50_679999.pth


Evaluating on Davis 2017&2016 val set.

python -g "gpu id" -s "set" -y "year" -D "path to davis" -p "path to weights" -backbone "[resnet50,resnet18,resnest101]"
python -g 0 -s val -y 17 -D ../data/davis -p ../davis_weights/davis_youtube_resnet50_799999.pth -backbone resnet50
python -g 0 -s val -y 17 -D ../data/davis -p ../davis_weights/davis_youtube_resnest101_699999.pth -backbone resnest101


  • STM is an attention-based implicit matching architecture, which needs large amounts of data for training. The first stage of training is necessary if you want to get better results.
  • Training takes about three days on a single NVIDIA 2080Ti. There is no log during training, you could add logs if you need.
  • Due to time constraints, the code is a bit messy and need to be optimized. Questions and suggestions are welcome.


This codebase borrows the code and structure from official STM repository

Citing STM

  title={Video object segmentation using space-time memory networks},
  author={Oh, Seoung Wug and Lee, Joon-Young and Xu, Ning and Kim, Seon Joo},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},
  • Some question about youtubevos result.

    Some question about youtubevos result.

    Hello, Can you publish the results of your youtubevos ? I used the 82.0 davis model to measure 51.8 on youtube vos, Is this consistent with the result you measured? Looking forward for your apply!

    opened by zy5037 2
  • some details

    some details

    what is the difference of resnest101 and resnet101? firstly, I wonder why you use"from resnest.torch import resnest101" instead of models.resnet101. and i didn't find an implementation for resnest101.

    opened by leeqiaogithub 1
  • about training question

    about training question

    hi,thx for your sharing. there is a question about the davis and youtube training stage. why you set the parameter of 0.08 when you load the datasets from davis and youtube? how you get that?

    opened by mmyjjl1009 0
  • Fine tuning on a custom dateset?

    Fine tuning on a custom dateset?

    Thanks for your effort and for sharing the code. Is it possible to fine-tune the pre-trained models to a custom dataset? How? And Does the fine-tuning make the performance better if you have like 50 videos (~3 min)?

    opened by zobeirraisi 0
  • some questions

    some questions

    Thanks for your good work! I have the following questions: 1, why is the Davis dataset used when the model is pre-trained on the Coco dataset, and 2, line 90 next is not defined before the call.3. How to continue to train the model pretrained on the static image with COCO data set?

    opened by longmalongma 2
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