A simple Python library to integrate with the Heron Data API


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Heron Python

This library provides easy access to the Heron Data API from applications written in Python.

Demo GIF


No language-specific docs are currently maintained. For documentation on the raw REST API this library uses behind the scenes, see our OpenAPI Docs.


If you just want to use the package, just run:

pip install --upgrade heron-data

Install from source with:

python setup.py install


  • Python 3.8+


Import the heron package and set your config:

import os

import heron

heron.basic_auth_username = os.getenv("HERON_USERNAME")
heron.basic_auth_password = os.getenv("HERON_PASSWORD")

# Experimental: if you pull from a fintech API, specify it here to get
# automatic conversion into a Heron Data API format. Supported: plaid,
# finicity, yodlee, truelayer
heron.provider = "plaid"

Alternatively, set HERON_USERNAME and HERON_PASSWORD as environment variables which will be automatically picked up.

Then you can issue API requests using Python classes:

end_user = heron.EndUser.create(...)

transactions = heron.Transaction.create_many([...])

You can see a longer example in the examples/ directory.


Fork this repository, and install dev dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.dev.txt

Run tests and capture coverage with:

coverage run -m unittest

See test coverage with:

coverage report

Run linting with flake8 and black:

flake8 . && black .

Make a PR against the main branch and it will be reviewed.

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