HSC4D: Human-centered 4D Scene Capture in Large-scale Indoor-outdoor Space Using Wearable IMUs and LiDAR. CVPR 2022

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HSC4D: Human-centered 4D Scene Capture in Large-scale Indoor-outdoor Space Using Wearable IMUs and LiDAR. CVPR 2022

[Project page | Video]

Getting start

Dataset (Click here to download)

The large indoor and outdoor scenes in our dataset. Left: a climbing gym (1200 m2). Middle: a lab building with an outside courtyard 4000 m2. Right: a loop road scene 4600 m2

Data structure

Dataset root/
├── [Place_holder]/
|  ├── [Place_holder].bvh     # MoCap data from Noitom Axis Studio (PNStudio)
|  ├── [Place_holder]_pos.csv # Every joint's roration, generated from `*_bvh`
|  ├── [Place_holder]_rot.csv # Every joint's translation, generated from `*_bvh`
|  ├── [Place_holder].pcap    # Raw data from the LiDAR
|  └── [Place_holder]_lidar_trajectory.txt  # N×9 format file
├── ...
└── scenes/
   ├── [Place_holder].pcd
   ├── [Place_holder]_ground.pcd
   ├── ...
   └── ...
  1. Place_holder can be replaced to campus_raod, climbing_gym, and lab_building.
  2. *_lidar_trajectory.txt is generated by our Mapping method and manually calibrated with corresponding scenes.
  3. *_bvh and *_pcap are raw data from sensors. They will not be used in the following steps.
  4. You can test your SLAM algorithm by using *_pcap captured from Ouster1-64 with 1024×20Hz.


  • Download basicModel_neutral_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl and put it in smpl directory.
  • Downloat the dataset and modify dataset_root and data_name in configs/sample.cfg.
dataset_root = /your/path/to/datasets
data_name = campus_road # or lab_building, climbing_gym


Our code is tested under:

  • Ubuntu: 18.04
  • Python: 3.8
  • CUDA: 11.0
  • Pytorch: 1.7.0


conda create -n hsc4d python=3.8
conda install pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision==0.8.0 torchaudio==0.7.0 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
pip install open3d chumpy scipy configargparse matplotlib pathlib pandas opencv-python torchgeometry tensorboardx
  • Note: For mask conversion compatibility in PyTorch 1.7.0, you need to manually edit the source file in torchgeometry. Follow the guide here
  $ vi /home/dyd/software/anaconda3/envs/hsc4d/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torchgeometry/core/conversions.py

  # mask_c1 = mask_d2 * (1 - mask_d0_d1)
  # mask_c2 = (1 - mask_d2) * mask_d0_nd1
  # mask_c3 = (1 - mask_d2) * (1 - mask_d0_nd1)
  mask_c1 = mask_d2 * ~(mask_d0_d1)
  mask_c2 = ~(mask_d2) * mask_d0_nd1
  mask_c3 = ~(mask_d2) * ~(mask_d0_nd1)
  • Note: When nvcc fatal error occurs.
export TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="8.0" #nvcc complier error. nvcc fatal: Unsupported gpu architecture 


  • Transfer Mocap data [Optional, data provided]

    pip install bvhtoolbox # https://github.com/OlafHaag/bvh-toolbox
    bvh2csv /your/path/to/campus_road.bvh
    • Output: campus_road_pos.csv, campus_road_rot.csv
  • LiDAR mapping [Optional, data provided]

    • Process pcap file
      cd initialize
      pip install ouster-sdk 
      python ouster_pcap_to_txt.py -P /your/path/to/campus_road.pcap [-S start_frame] [-E end_frame]
    • Run your Mapping/SLAM algorithm.

    • Coordinate alignment (About 5 degree error after this step)

      1. The human stands as an A-pose before capture, and the human's face direction is regarded as scene's $Y$-axis direction.
      2. Rotate the scene cloud to make its $Z$-axis perpendicular to the starting position's ground.
      3. Translate the scene to make its origin to the first SMPL model's origin on the ground.
      4. LiDAR's ego motion $T^W$ and $R^W$ are translated and rotated as the scene does.
    • Output: campus_road_lidar_trajectory.txt, scenes/campus_road.pcd

  • Data preprocessing for optimization.

    python preprocess.py --dataset_root /your/path/to/datasets -fn campus_road -D 0.1

Data fusion

To be added

Data optimization

python main.py --config configs/sample.cfg


To be added


The HSC4D dataset is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the authors, you may not use this work for commercial purposes and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same license. Contact us if you are interested in commercial usage.


    title={HSC4D: Human-centered 4D Scene Capture in Large-scale Indoor-outdoor Space Using Wearable IMUs and LiDAR},
    author={Yudi Dai and Yitai Lin and Chenglu Wen and Siqi Shen and Lan Xu and Jingyi Yu and Yuexin Ma and Cheng Wang},
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