The repo for reproducing Seed-driven Document Ranking for Systematic Reviews: A Reproducibility Study

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ECIR Reproducibility Paper: Seed-driven Document Ranking for Systematic Reviews: A Reproducibility Study

This code corresponds to the reproducibility paper: "Seed-driven Document Ranking for Systematic Reviews: A Reproducibility Study" and all results gathered from the paper are generated using the code.

Environment setup:

  • This project is implemented and tested only for python version 3.6.12, other python versions are not tested and can not ensure the full run of the results.

First please install the required packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Query&Eval generation:

First please clone the TAR repository using the command

git clone

The data that's been used include the following files:

For 2017:
Please cat these two files together to make 2017_full.txt

For 2018:
Please cat these two files together to make 2018_full.txt

For 2019:
Please cat these two files together to make 2019_full.txt, and also 2019_test.txt (note for 2019 these two will be the same)

Then you can generate query and evaluation files by:

For snigle:
python3 --input_qrel qrel_file_for_training+testing --input_test_qrel qrel_file_for_testing --DATA_DIR output_dir

For multiple:
python3 --input_qrel qrel_file_for_training+testing --input_test_qrel qrel_file_for_testing --DATA_DIR output_dir

Please note: you need to generate for each year and put it in a separate folder, not the overall one.

Collection generation:

For BOW collection generation, the following command is needed

python3 --filenames 2017_full.txt+2018_full.txt+2019_full.txt --output_dir collection/pid_dir --chunks n
python3 --filename yourpidsfile --email --output output_collection
python3 --input_collection acquired_collection_file --output_collection processed_file(default is weighted1_bow.jsonl)

Then for BOC collection generation:

  • First ensure to check Quickumls to gather umls data.
  • Second ensure to register on NCBO to get api keys, and fill in these keys in
  • For BOC collection then, run the following command to generation boc_collection:
python3 --input_collection your_generated_bow_collection --num_workers for_multi_procesing --generated_collection output_dir_ncbo
cat output_dir/* > ncbo.tsv
python3 --input_collection your_bow_collection --input_umls_dir your_output_umls_dir --num_workers for_multi_procesing
python3 --input_collection your_generated_bow_collection --input_umls_dir your_output_umls_dir_from_last_step --output_file umls.tsv
python3 --input_collection bow_collection --input_ncbo_collection ncbo.tsv --input_umls_collection umls.tsv --output_collection processed_file(default is weighted1_boc.jsonl)

RQ1: Does the effectiveness of SDR generalise beyond the CLEF TAR 2017 dataset?

For RQ1, single seed driven results are acquired for clef tar 2017, 2018, 2019, for this please run the following command.

bash 2017_single_data_dir all
bash 2018_single_data_dir test
bash 2019_single_data_dir test

to get the run_file of all three years single seed run_file with all methods.

Then evaluation by:

bash 2017_single_data_dir all
bash 2018_single_data_dir test
bash 2019_single_data_dir test

to print out evaluation measures and also save evaluation measurement files in the corresponding eval folder

RQ2: What is the impact of using multiple seed studies collectively on the effectiveness of SDR?

For RQ2, multiple seed driven results are acquired for clef tar 2017, 2018, 2019, for this please run the following command.

bash 2017_multiple_data_dir all
bash 2018_multiple_data_dir test
bash 2019_multiple_data_dir test

to get the run_file of all three years multiple seed run_file with all methods.

Then evaluation by:

bash 2017_multiple_data_dir all
bash 2018_multiple_data_dir test
bash 2019_multiple_data_dir test

to print out evaluation measures and also save evaluation measurement files in the corresponding eval folder

RQ3: To what extent do seed studies impact the ranking stability of single- and multi-SDR?

For this question, we need to use the results acquired from the last two steps, in which we can generate variability graphs by using the following command:

python3 graph_making/ --year 2017 --type oracle 
python3 graph_making/ --year 2018 --type oracle 
python3 graph_making/ --year 2019 --type oracle 

to get distribution graphs of the three years.

Generated run files:

Run files are generated and stored in here, feel free to download for verification or futher research needs.

run_files/2017/all: 2017 single seed results file
run_files/2017/multiple: 2017 multiple seed results file

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