PyTorch implementations of algorithms for density estimation



A PyTorch implementations of Masked Autoregressive Flow and some other invertible transformations from Glow: Generative Flow with Invertible 1x1 Convolutions and Density estimation using Real NVP.

For MAF, I'm getting results similar to ones reported in the paper. GLOW requires some work.


python --dataset POWER

Available datasets are POWER, GAS, HEPMASS, MINIBONE and BSDS300. For the moment, I removed MNIST and CIFAR10 because I have plans to add pixel-based models later.


The datasets are taken from the original MAF repository. Follow the instructions to get them.


Tests check invertibility, you can run them as

  • How to implement Conditional Masked Autoregressive Flow?

    How to implement Conditional Masked Autoregressive Flow?

    I'm trying to replicate the MNIST and CIFAR-10 experiments used in the paper. If I want to modify the code to add Conditional Masked Autoregressive Flow, which part of the neural network model should I modify?

    Thanks for your help!!

    opened by zhouhanc 4
  • Glow on GAS with NaN validation error

    Glow on GAS with NaN validation error

    To reproduce, use:

    python --dataset GAS --flow glow

    Printed message for first epoch:

    Warning: Results for GLOW are not as good as for MAF yet.
    Warning: Results for GLOW are not as good as for MAF yet.
    Warning: Results for GLOW are not as good as for MAF yet.
    Warning: Results for GLOW are not as good as for MAF yet.
    Warning: Results for GLOW are not as good as for MAF yet.
    Train Epoch: 0 [0/852174 (0%)]	Loss: 6.648179
    Train Epoch: 0 [100000/852174 (12%)]	Loss: -2.193499
    Train Epoch: 0 [200000/852174 (23%)]	Loss: -2.497202
    Train Epoch: 0 [300000/852174 (35%)]	Loss: -1.122860
    Train Epoch: 0 [400000/852174 (47%)]	Loss: -2.892694
    Train Epoch: 0 [500000/852174 (59%)]	Loss: -2.268665
    Train Epoch: 0 [600000/852174 (70%)]	Loss: -3.088916
    Train Epoch: 0 [700000/852174 (82%)]	Loss: -3.798649
    Train Epoch: 0 [800000/852174 (94%)]	Loss: -2.554942
    Validation set: Average loss: nan
    Best validation at epoch 0: Average loss: inf
    opened by Zardinality 3
  • MADE generative pass, tanh layer for scaling params, moons example

    MADE generative pass, tanh layer for scaling params, moons example

    Feel free to incorporate any or none of these fixes/additions. Let me know if you'd like me to break up the PR. Thanks!

    1. Implement the generative pass (mode == 'inverse') for MADE module. This iteratively builds the output of the generative model given the input (e.g. the Gaussian latent data). The shift and scale parameters for the first element are independent of the data, and are determined simply by the bias weights.

    2. Add the HalfTanh module, which applies tanh to the second half of the dimensions of a given tensor. This is used in MADE, since tanh adds stability to the scale parameters.

    3. Add a 2D moon dataset example, including a visualization of generated samples. The command

    python --dataset MOONS --flow maf --epochs 50

    results in the following plot:


    1. Changing sign of scale parameter in 'inverse' mode to correspond to the MAF paper.
    opened by ekrim 3
  • AttributeError: 'BatchNormFlow' object has no attribute 'batch_mean' in inverse mode

    AttributeError: 'BatchNormFlow' object has no attribute 'batch_mean' in inverse mode

    I'm running into a problem when I call model.forward(..., mode='inverse') before calling model.forward(..., mode='direct'), in which case batch_mean and batch_var are not defined. What is a proper why to fix this problem? I need to use inverse mode first during the training stage in my application.

    The code snippet looks like this. I've omitted some application specific codes.

    block = [
    fnn.MADE(num_inputs, num_hidden),
    model = fnn.FlowSequential(*blocks)
    model.forward(..., mode='inverse')

    AttributeError: 'BatchNormFlow' object has no attribute 'batch_mean'

    opened by zhouhanc 1
  • remove tanh before exp for MADE, add activation selection for both MADE and coupling layer

    remove tanh before exp for MADE, add activation selection for both MADE and coupling layer

    Previously we put a tanh on the end of the scale net for MADE, to prevent scale explosion. But in the original implementation the last layer does not have an activation function, instead they have different activation function in the intermediate layers for particular dataset. For coupling layer, the implementation of MAF repo have the scale and translate net apart, and use different activation function for each of those. This commit is trying to mimic these behaviors.

    opened by Zardinality 1
  • Undefined name: util --> datasets.util

    Undefined name: util --> datasets.util

    util is an undefined name in this context while datasets.util is imported on line 5.

    flake8 testing of on Python 3.7.0

    $ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

    ./datasets/ F821 undefined name 'util'
    1     F821 undefined name 'util'
    opened by cclauss 0
  • Need minus sign in reverse log density computation

    Need minus sign in reverse log density computation

    This currently matches - but L114 should have no minus sign for the log determinant of the Jacobian.

    The forward computation is on

    u = (inputs - m) * torch.exp(-a)

    The inverse of this is

    inputs = u * torch.exp(a) + m

    So the log determinant jacobian of the inverse is a.sum(-1, keepdim=True) not -a.sum(-1, keepdim=True).

    Might be missing something here!

    opened by altosaar 0
  • Add option to provide your own PDF for the latent variables in FlowSequential (not necessarily Gaussian)

    Add option to provide your own PDF for the latent variables in FlowSequential (not necessarily Gaussian)

    In our application, we've found the need to provide the PDF for the latent variables (in our case, it is useful that the PDF depends on the conditional inputs). We've found a small fix to your code that let's you have this option, by just adding an init method to FlowSequential and changing log_probs accordingly. I'll share the different code here. Here is the added init method

        def __init__(self, *args, log_probs = 'gaussian'):
            if log_probs = 'gaussian'
                def __log_probs(x, *_):
                    return torch.sum(-0.5 * x ** 2 - 0.5 * math.log(2 * math.pi),
                                                                -1, keepdim=True)
                self.log_probs = __log_probs
                self.log_probs = log_probs

    and here is the modified log_probs.

        def log_probs(self, inputs, cond_inputs = None):
            u, log_jacob = self(inputs, cond_inputs)
            log_probs = self.log_probs(u, cond_inputs)
            return (log_probs + log_jacob).sum(-1, keepdim=True)

    Then, to provide your own PDF, just do model = FlowSequential(*modules,logprobs=your_own_PDF)

    opened by joaompereira 0
  • Random connections in MADE perform better than deterministic masks

    Random connections in MADE perform better than deterministic masks

    I found that constructing masks using the original MADE paper (nodes are randomly assigned ids) works better than assigning an id deterministically as in

    (The reason for this is likely simple, that if the output size is not an exact multiple of the number of hidden units, some input features will be assigned more hidden nodes than others)

    opened by altosaar 0
  • n-layer MADEs

    n-layer MADEs

    Does your code support MADEs with an arbitrary number of masked linear layers? My main question is really if the function get_mask works for hidden layers of arbitrary depth. Thanks!

    opened by Nate711 0
  • Pixel-based models?

    Pixel-based models?

    The readme states:

    For the moment, I removed MNIST and CIFAR10 because I have plans to add pixel-based models later.

    what do you mean by that? What's missing? I might be able to implement some stuff.

    opened by LeanderK 1
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