PyTorch implementation of Trust Region Policy Optimization


PyTorch implementation of TRPO

Try my implementation of PPO (aka newer better variant of TRPO), unless you need to you TRPO for some specific reasons.

This is a PyTorch implementation of "Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO)".

This is code mostly ported from original implementation by John Schulman. In contrast to another implementation of TRPO in PyTorch, this implementation uses exact Hessian-vector product instead of finite differences approximation.


Contributions are very welcome. If you know how to make this code better, don't hesitate to send a pull request.


python --env-name "Reacher-v1"

Recommended hyper parameters

InvertedPendulum-v1: 5000

Reacher-v1, InvertedDoublePendulum-v1: 15000

HalfCheetah-v1, Hopper-v1, Swimmer-v1, Walker2d-v1: 25000

Ant-v1, Humanoid-v1: 50000


More or less similar to the original code. Coming soon.


  • Plots.
  • Collect data in multiple threads.
  • What is get_kl() doing in

    What is get_kl() doing in

    Hi. Thanks for publishing implementation of trpo.

    I have question about get_kl().

    I thought what get_kl() is supposed to do is to calculate the kl divergence of old policy and new policy, but this get_kl() seems always returning 0.

    Also,I do not see kl constraining part in the parameters updating process.

    Is this code the modification of trpo or do I have some misunderstanding?


    opened by jtoyama4 11
  • doc?


    like eg, imagine I have my own policy, that takes in a state, and outputs an action, or perhaps a distribution over actions; and I have a world that takes an action, and returns a reward and a new state, how would I plug these into this TRPO implementation?

    opened by hughperkins 4
  • How to modify the code for discrete actions?

    How to modify the code for discrete actions?

    Hi, thanks once again for implementing a really interesting algorithm in PyTorch :+1: ,

    I was wondering how to modify the code to be able to use it for environments which require discrete actions, (say cartpole as in the other pytorch trpo implementation, or maybe even Atari games)?

    opened by AjayTalati 3
  • What and When to send on the GPU?

    What and When to send on the GPU?

    I'm new to pytorch and am having a hard time getting used to handling the variables properly on cpu and gpu. As we are calculating our own losses here, I am having trouble understanding what and when to send to the device (gpu). Would really appreciate an explanation of how to go about this. The code is quite well written and easy to understand btw.

    opened by prathamesh0 1
  • what does volatile=True for?

    what does volatile=True for?

    Dear author: I found your code very helpful. However, I have problems trying to read the following code:

    I wonder the usage of volatile flag. I want to when u set volatile to True/False.

    opened by dragen1860 1
  • compute the Fisher-Vector Producy

    compute the Fisher-Vector Producy

    Hello, I wanna ask that in line 67 in your, you will get two terms, and in the TRPO paper, he said the second term vanishes ?, and you add v*damping, I guess its function is to make sure the positive definiteness? , could you explain it in detail? thank you very much! and in your line 117 in your, could you explain why this can approximate the average KL in detail? thank you very much!

    opened by ghost 1
  • other env

    other env

    hello, so I notice your code is about mujoco, and I wonder how to modify it to fit other env, I have tried but failed. thx a lot! ikostrikov, thx very much. I have tried one continuous control game "MountainCarContinuous-v0" in classical control and it succeeds.

    opened by ghost 1
  • Is the get_kl() function correct?

    Is the get_kl() function correct?

    Thanks for your great code! I notice that in the function get_kl(), you use policy net to generate the mean, log_std and std, then copy these three parameters and calculate the KL divergence between the original parameters and the copied parameters, which is obviously zero all the time. Is this a bug or a intended behavior?

    opened by zzzxxxttt 0
  • Idon‘t konw what the “neggdotstepdir” for ,Thanks !!!

    Idon‘t konw what the “neggdotstepdir” for ,Thanks !!!

    Thank you very much for the code you provided!I learn a lot from it . I would like to ask what is the function of these lines of code, is there any mathematical proof or the like, thank you very much!!!these are different from the original paper?Thanks!!!

    neggdotstepdir = (-loss_grad * stepdir).sum(0, keepdim=True)
    expected_improve = expected_improve_rate * stepfrac
    ratio = actual_improve / expected_improve
     if ratio.item() > accept_ratio and actual_improve.item() > 0:
    opened by baywc568 0
  • Object oriented

    Object oriented

    It would be nice if the agent was an object (with methods "get_action" and "remember" or similar) so that it could be more easily reused.

    opened by GittiHab 0
  • Bootstrapping the value function?

    Bootstrapping the value function?

    Currently, the target for the value function is the discounted sum of all future rewards. This gives unbiased estimate but will result in higher variance. An alternative is to use bootstrapped estimate, i.e. something like target[i] = rewards[i] + gamma * prev_values * masks[i]

    Bootstrapping is often preferred due to low variance, even though it results in biased gradient estimate.

    opened by XuchanBao 1
  • dose the linesearch method conflict with a

    dose the linesearch method conflict with a "trust region" policy gradient algorithm?

    Hi, I am a newcomer to drl. When I try to read trpo_step in, I notice that you use a linesearch method instead of trust region for numerical optimization. So I want to know why you choose that method and dose it conflict with a "trust region" policy gradient algorithm?

    opened by nuomizai 1
  • The step of t is not necessary in

    The step of t is not necessary in

    In your, line 147: for t in range(10000): # Don't infinite loop while learning But actually, the t ends at 50, because the env is done in 50 steps. so the range(10000) is so big and not necessary.

    opened by LeonardPatrick 0
Ilya Kostrikov
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