PyTorch implementation of Constrained Policy Optimization


PyTorch implementation of Constrained Policy Optimization (CPO)

This repository has a simple to understand and use implementation of CPO in PyTorch. A dummy constraint function is included and can be adapted based on your needs.


  • PyTorch (The code is tested on PyTorch 1.2.0.)
  • OpenAI Gym.
  • MuJoCo (mujoco-py)
  • If working with a GPU, set OMP_NUM_THREADS to 1 using:


  1. Tensorboard integration to track learning.
  2. Best model is tracked and saved using the value and standard deviation of average reward.


  • python algos/ --env-name CartPole-v1 --algo-name=CPO --exp-num=1 --exp-name=CPO/CartPole --save-intermediate-model=10 --gpu-index=0 --max-iter=500

Code Reference

Technical Details on CPO

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    When running the python algos/ --env-name CartPole-v1 --algo-name=CPO --exp-num=1 --exp-name=CPO/CartPole --save-intermediate-model=10 --gpu-index=0 --max-iter=500, I encountered the following error:

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      File "algos/", line 224, in main_loop
        save_info_obj.dump_lists(avg_reward, num_of_steps, num_of_episodes, total_num_episodes, total_num_steps, rewards_std, env_avg_reward, v_loss_list, p_loss_list, eval_avg_reward, eval_avg_reward_std)
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Sapana Chaudhary
I am a third year Ph.D. candidate in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University.
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