Fbone (Flask bone) is a Flask (Python microframework) starter/template/bootstrap/boilerplate application.

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Deep Learning fbone


Fbone (Flask bone) is a Flask (Python microframework) template/bootstrap/boilerplate application, with best practices (I hope).

You can use it for

  • learning Flask.
  • kicking off your new project.



Flask Extensions


  • Modular Applications with Blueprints.
  • Use Sentry for real-time crash reporting.
  • Automated managament via fabric


Pre-required Setup:

  • MacOS/Ubuntu (should be fine in other linux distro)

  • git

  • Python / pip / Fabric

  • sqlite / MySQL

  • Apache + mod_wsgi

    git clone https://github.com/imwilsonxu/fbone.git fbone

    fab setup_python_macos fab bootstrap fab test fab debug


├── CHANGES                     Change logs
├── README.markdown
├── fabfile.py                  Fabric file to automated managament project
├── fbone.conf                  Apache config
├── requirements.txt            3rd libraries
├── tests.py                    Unittests
├── wsgi.py                     Wsgi app
├── fbone
   ├── __init__.py
   ├── app.py                   Main App
   ├── config.py                Develop / Testing configs
   ├── constants.py             Constants
   ├── decorators.py            Customized decorators
   ├── extensions.py            Flask extensions
   ├── filters.py               Flask filters
   ├── utils.py                 Python utils
   ├── frontend                 Frontend blueprint
   │   ├── __init__.py
   │   ├── forms.py             Forms used in frontend modular
   │   ├── views.py             Views used in frontend modular
   ├── user
   ├── api
   ├── static                   Static files
   │   ├── css
   │   ├── favicon.png
   │   ├── humans.txt
   │   ├── img
   │   ├── js
   │   └── robots.txt
   └── templates                Jinja2 templates
       ├── errors
       ├── frontend
       ├── index.html
       ├── layouts              Jinja2 layouts
       │   ├── base.html
       │   └── user.html
       ├── macros               Jinja2 macros
       ├── mails                Mail templates
       └── user





Many thanks to Python, Flask and other good stacks.

Bitdeli Badge

  • ImportError: No module named flask.ext.script

    ImportError: No module named flask.ext.script

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 3, in from flask.ext.script import Manager ImportError: No module named flask.ext.script

    I am getting this error, when I run fab d. What should I do?

    opened by Euphorbium 8
  • Basic clone now seems to require MySQL not sqlite

    Basic clone now seems to require MySQL not sqlite

    Hiya, just cloned fbone and followed next instruction: 'fab setup'. This blew-up complaining about MySQL. I don't have MySQL on my wee laptop. The installation guide said fbone relies on sqlite which I do have. I've looked in some of the files but can't see where MySQL is set as the db so I can set it back to sqlite. Do you not support a sqlite version anymore? How can I modify the setup so it uses sqlite again? Many thanks, Suzi.

    opened by SuziTech 4
  • Installation issue

    Installation issue

    Hi there,

    I've spent some time troubleshooting this before creating an issue here but to no avail. I'm seeing the below error when I try to install fbone. This is done from a fresh and updated installation of Ubuntu on a virtual machine. All stated requirements have been meet too.

    As per the readme file:

    I clone the repo. Create a new virtualenv: virtualenv env and activate it Run fab setup

    Am I doing something wrong here?

    Installed /var/www/fbone/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fbone-0.1-py2.7.egg
    Processing dependencies for fbone==0.1
    Searching for mysql-python
    Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/mysql-python/
    Best match: MySQL-python 1.2.4
    Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/M/MySQL-python/MySQL-python-1.2.4.zip#md5=ddf2386daf10a97af115ffad2ed4a9a0
    Processing MySQL-python-1.2.4.zip
    Running MySQL-python-1.2.4/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-OziO2z/MySQL-python-1.2.4/egg-dist-tmp-GQN0B_
    The required version of distribute (>=0.6.28) is not available,
    and can't be installed while this script is running. Please
    install a more recent version first, using
    'easy_install -U distribute'.
    (Currently using distribute 0.6.24 (/var/www/fbone/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/distribute-0.6.24-py2.7.egg))
    error: Setup script exited with 2
    Fatal error: local() encountered an error (return code 1) while executing 'python setup.py install'
    opened by johnpaulhayes 4
  • ImportError: 'twill' package is required for Error

    ImportError: 'twill' package is required for Error

    I can't run the unit test using nose. I have installed twill through pip install twill. Is there such requirement for specific version?

    I removed Twill altogether, and it is working fine except that the test always hang at test_login. Any hint on what is happening?

    opened by shulhi 3
  • Defaults to installing for Apache

    Defaults to installing for Apache

    Why by default does the app attempt to create a vhost in apache when running fab init? I feel like that would be part of something like fab deploy, and the fab init should be enough to install the entire project, and then begin development locally.

    opened by chancez 3
  • Issues aren't handled gracefully with init:myapp

    Issues aren't handled gracefully with init:myapp

    I love the project and ran into some issues with the following:

    • Doesn't warn if Apache isn't installed and the init:mysite fails to copy to /etc/apache2/sites-available/
    • Doesn't warn if virtualenv isn't installed
    opened by gekitsuu 3
  • current_user.is_authenticated() is not valid in Flask-Login==0.3.2

    current_user.is_authenticated() is not valid in Flask-Login==0.3.2


    In Flask-Login==0.3.2, is_authenticated isn't a method anymore but a boolean. Is it pythonic if we replace :

    if current_user.is_authenticated():

    by :

    if current_user.is_authenticated:

    If you think it's a good workaround, I can send you a pull request.

    Br, Bilal

    opened by bilalel 2
  • setup instructions incomplete - assumes familiarity

    setup instructions incomplete - assumes familiarity

    needed "brew install fabric" advice (etc).. and even then ...

    $ fab setup [] Executing task 'setup' [localhost] local: virtualenv env /bin/sh: virtualenv: command not found

    Fatal error: local() encountered an error (return code 127) while executing 'virtualenv env'

    opened by paul-hammant 2
  • How to start fbone?

    How to start fbone?

    I just download fbone and I thinks it look really promising. I'm now only confused about how to start the fbone. In fbone-master/fbone I did:

    python app.py

    But it then say:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "app.py", line 8, in <module>
        from .config import DefaultConfig
    ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package

    Any idea what is wrong? How can I start it up?

    opened by zsedcx 2
  • Small bug in user/views.py.

    Small bug in user/views.py.

    @user.route('/profile', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def profile(): form = ProfileForm(obj=current_user) if form.validate_on_submit(): form.populate_obj(user) user.update_at = get_current_time() ......

    needs to be corrected to:

    @user.route('/profile', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def profile(): form = ProfileForm(obj=current_user) if form.validate_on_submit(): form.populate_obj(current_user) current_user.update_at = get_current_time() ......

    I'd do a "Pull Request" myself but i'm a noob at Git.

    opened by gitmeister 1
  • Change is_authenticated calls to just a property

    Change is_authenticated calls to just a property

    This is a breaking change in Flask-Login since 0.3.0: https://github.com/maxcountryman/flask-login/blob/93a5e20ba7289c3c0ed440faaa5b195d36f392cb/CHANGES#L25-L27

    Closes #45

    opened by jpeeler 1
  • "No module named raven.contrib.flask" upon running tests

    On osx:

    1. Setup new python virtualenv
    2. run pip install -r requirements.txt
    3. Setup with fab setup_python_macos
    4. run unit tests with fab test

    I saw: Traceback (most recent call last): File "tests.py", line 6, in from fbone import create_app File "/Users/mark.henry/Desktop/actionteam/fbone/init.py", line 3, in from app import create_app File "/Users/mark.henry/Desktop/actionteam/fbone/app.py", line 6, in from user import User File "/Users/mark.henry/Desktop/actionteam/fbone/user/init.py", line 3, in from models import User File "/Users/mark.henry/Desktop/actionteam/fbone/user/models.py", line 10, in from fbone.extensions import db File "/Users/mark.henry/Desktop/actionteam/fbone/extensions.py", line 10, in from raven.contrib.flask import Sentry ImportError: No module named raven.contrib.flask

    opened by mark-henry 1
  • update utils.py for py3 and backwards-compatible with py2

    update utils.py for py3 and backwards-compatible with py2

    fbone/fbone/utils.py", line 38 except Exception, e:
    will trigger SyntaxError: invalid syntax since in python3 the raise syntax no longer accepts comma-separated arguments.

    opened by geomars 0
  • Add Python 3 compatibilities

    Add Python 3 compatibilities

    • Use features from future and six to allow Python 2 and 3 code to co-exist
    • Use futurize to add compatibility to existing Python 2 code
    • Use conditional imports in requirements.txt
    opened by hanxue 1
  • Recommendation: replace or augment testing for pytest-flask in favor of unittest

    Recommendation: replace or augment testing for pytest-flask in favor of unittest

    Just a suggestion. Pytest has become a pretty robust testing framework and I've personally found it much easier to work with. It also supports stubbing and Mock style mocking out of the box.

    Below is the flask-extension for testing, similar to the existing flask-test:


    opened by christabor 0
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