Generic template to bootstrap your PyTorch project with PyTorch Lightning, Hydra, W&B, and DVC.


NN Template

PyTorch Lightning Conf: hydra Logging: wandb Conf: hydra Code style: black

Generic template to bootstrap your PyTorch project. Click on Use this Template and avoid writing boilerplate code for:

  • PyTorch Lightning, lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research.
  • Hydra, a framework for elegantly configuring complex applications.
  • DVC, track large files, directories, or ML models. Think "Git for data".
  • Weights and Biases, organize and analyze machine learning experiments. (educational account available)

nn-template is opinionated so you don't have to be. If you use this template, please add to your README.

Usage Examples

Checkout the mwe branch to view a minimum working example on MNIST.


├── conf                # Hydra compositional config
│   ├── default.yaml    # current experiment configuration
│   ├── data
│   ├── hydra
│   ├── logging
│   ├── model
│   ├── optim
│   └── train
├── data                # datasets
├── experiments         # local logs
├── requirements.txt    # basic requirements
└── src
    ├── common          # common Python modules
    ├── pl_data         # PyTorch Lightning datamodules and datasets
    ├── pl_modules      # PyTorch Lightning modules
    └──          # entry point to run current conf

Data Version Control

DVC runs alongside git and uses the current commit hash to version control the data.

Initialize the dvc repository:

$ dvc init

To start tracking a file or directory, use dvc add:

$ dvc add data/ImageNet

DVC stores information about the added file (or a directory) in a special .dvc file named data/ImageNet.dvc, a small text file with a human-readable format. This file can be easily versioned like source code with Git, as a placeholder for the original data (which gets listed in .gitignore):

git add data/ImageNet.dvc data/.gitignore
git commit -m "Add raw data"

Making changes

When you make a change to a file or directory, run dvc add again to track the latest version:

$ dvc add data/ImageNet

Switching between versions

The regular workflow is to use git checkout first to switch a branch, checkout a commit, or a revision of a .dvc file, and then run dvc checkout to sync data:

$ git checkout <...>
$ dvc checkout

Read more in the docs!

Weights and Biases

Weights & Biases helps you keep track of your machine learning projects. Use tools to log hyperparameters and output metrics from your runs, then visualize and compare results and quickly share findings with your colleagues.

This is an example of a simple dashboard.


Login to your wandb account, running once wandb login. Configure the logging in conf/logging/*.

Read more in the docs. Particularly useful the log method, accessible from inside a PyTorch Lightning module with self.logger.experiment.log.

W&B is our logger of choice, but that is a purely subjective decision. Since we are using Lightning, you can replace wandb with the logger you prefer (you can even build your own). More about Lightning loggers here.


Hydra is an open-source Python framework that simplifies the development of research and other complex applications. The key feature is the ability to dynamically create a hierarchical configuration by composition and override it through config files and the command line. The name Hydra comes from its ability to run multiple similar jobs - much like a Hydra with multiple heads.

The basic functionalities are intuitive: it is enough to change the configuration files in conf/* accordingly to your preferences. Everything will be logged in wandb automatically.

Consider creating new root configurations conf/myawesomeexp.yaml instead of always using the default conf/default.yaml.


You can easily perform hyperparameters sweeps, which override the configuration defined in /conf/*.

The easiest one is the grid-search. It executes the code with every possible combinations of the specified hyperparameters:

PYTHONPATH=. python src/ -m,0.002,0.0002 optim.lr_scheduler.T_mult=1,2 optim.optimizer.weight_decay=0,1e-5

You can explore aggregate statistics or compare and analyze each run in the W&B dashboard.

We recommend to go through at least the Basic Tutorial, and the docs about Instantiating objects with Hydra.

PyTorch Lightning

Lightning makes coding complex networks simple. It is not a high level framework like keras, but forces a neat code organization and encapsulation.

You should be somewhat familiar with PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning before using this template.

Environment Variables

System specific variables (e.g. absolute paths to datasets) should not be under version control, otherwise there will be conflicts between different users.

The best way to handle system specific variables is through environment variables.

You can define new environment variables in a .env file in the project root. A copy of this file (e.g. .env.template) can be under version control to ease new project configurations.

To define a new variable write inside .env:

export MY_VAR=/home/user/my_system_path

You can dynamically resolve the variable name from Python code with:


and in the Hydra .yaml configuration files with:

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    Curious if you checked out DAGsHub

    Hi @lucmos, this looks like an awesome repo. I stumbled on it while doing some research on project templates for ML projects. I'm one of the creators of DAGsHub which is a platform built on Git, DVC, and MLflow. It integrates with GitHub and provides a free DVC remote and MLflow server so that you can track experiments and share your data & models in one UI.

    Here's an example project to showcase the abilities:

    It seems really in line with what you're creating here, and I would love to hear your thoughts about it.

    opened by deanp70 4
  • Streamlit UI - Weights and Biases login

    Streamlit UI - Weights and Biases login

    The template is really awesome.

    I had a small issue. When I run the Streamlit UI without being logged in in Weights and Biases. The UI just hanged with the loading status without giving me any feedback about what was happening, so that I have to log in first in wandb. I had to login manually from the console. Is there any way to solve this issue? For example to have feedback from the UI if I'm not logged in.


    opened by andreim14 1
  • load_model


    Hi, This issue concerns the function from nn_core.serialization import load_model Suppose i train a pytorch model with class MyLightningModule, and that I saved the checkpoint in model_path. Suppose now that the class MyLightningModule has received some minor changes, like a new class variable has been added. Let's call this version MyLightningModuleV2. When I load a model using this function, like:

    self.model = load_model(module_class=MyLightningModuleOld, checkpoint_path=Path(model_path), map_location=self.device).to(self.device).eval()

    I get an error because the chekpoint refers to the model of class MyLightningModule and therefore the new variable is (obviously) missing. To make it work, i need to load the model with the old version of the class, that is, MyLightningModule, and then manually setting "model.new_variable" to the value i want to get, like the following:

    self.model = load_model(module_class=MyLightningModuleOld, checkpoint_path=Path(model_path), map_location=self.device).to(self.device).eval()
    self.model.new_variable = False

    It would be nice to have this option in the load_model function to avoid creating multiple versions of the same class.

    opened by framolfese 0
  • PyTorch Lightning EcoCI integration to check for compatibility with latest & upcoming releases

    PyTorch Lightning EcoCI integration to check for compatibility with latest & upcoming releases

    Hey Valentino & Luca,

    I am just catching up with some bookmarks and remembered your repo here :). As someone who constantly fuzzes about the ideal project structure, that's actually pretty cool. I have been using an adapted version of the data science cookiecutter for generic ML projects, but nothing sophisticated like this here with code stubs.

    Haven't thoroughly played with it yet, though, besides creating an example folder and looking at the and files, which look good to me!

    In any case, long story short, I was wondering if you'd be interested in the PyTorch Lightning's ecosystem CI to make sure that it stays fresh and relevant wrt to upcoming version releases (comes with free CPU and multi-GPU CI tests):

    If you are interested in that, I am sure my colleague @Borda would be happy to assist with questions & technical details -- he built this thing, so he probably knows best :)

    opened by rasbt 4
  • 0.2.3(Dec 15, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Bump dependency versions by @lucmos in
    • Version 0.2.3 by @lucmos in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.2(Jun 13, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update by @Flegyas in
    • Improve documentation by @Flegyas in
    • Update documentation by @Flegyas in
    • Add asciinema gif in the README and docs by @lucmos in
    • Add papers by @lucmos in
    • Update precommits versions by @lucmos in
    • Version 0.2.2 by @lucmos in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.1(Mar 1, 2022)

    Changelog for nn-template 0.2.1 (2022-03-01)

    What's Changed

    • Fix status badge in the documentation by @lucmos in
    • Minor fixes post release by @lucmos in
    • Fix typos in the documentation by @mikcnt in
    • Fix broken relative links due to mike root folder by @lucmos in
    • Version 0.2.1 by @lucmos in

    New Contributors

    • @mikcnt made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Mar 1, 2022)

    We are very pleased to present you NN Template 0.2.0!

    Changelog for nn-template 0.2.0 (2022-03-01)


    • Cookiecutter parametrization
    • CI/CD Integration via GitHub Actions
    • Automate testing of your projects
    • Logic decoupling thanks to nn-template-core
    • Advanced restore options for trainings
    • Documentation website
    • Support for Python logging (with colors!)

    What's Changed

    • Refactor configuration by @lucmos in
    • Refactor project to a python package by @lucmos in
    • Add tooling configuration by @lucmos in
    • Refactor codebase to be compliant to the pre-commits by @lucmos in
    • Refactor the project root management by @lucmos in
    • Added wandb to .gitignore by @Flegyas in
    • Refactor logging by @lucmos in
    • Enable pin-memory if not on CPU by @lucmos in
    • Factor our PyTorch Module from the Lightning Module by @lucmos in
    • Force the .cache folder to be in the PROJECT_ROOT by @lucmos in
    • Add the configuration to the Lightning checkpoints by @lucmos in
    • Use extend-ignore instead of ignore in .flake8 by @lucmos in
    • Fix formatting by @lucmos in
    • Log the code used in the current experiment to wandb by @lucmos in
    • Functionalities decoupling via external library (nn-core). by @Flegyas in
    • Add tests by @lucmos in
    • Implement resuming behaviour by @lucmos in
    • Refactor NNLogger usages by @lucmos in
    • Add CI on pre-commits and tests by @lucmos in
    • Remove some trigger from the Test Suite workflow by @lucmos in
    • Overwrite Lightning logging configuration by @lucmos in
    • Ensure tags are defined asking interactively for them by @lucmos in
    • Introduce the seed index concept by @lucmos in
    • Force execution of on direct execution by @lucmos in
    • Move functions from template to core by @lucmos in
    • Add functionality to upload the run files in the storage to wandb by @lucmos in
    • Move ui_utils entirely to nn-core by @lucmos in
    • Add dynamic parametrized badges for the Test Suite and docs by @lucmos in
    • Fix files hashing in workflow cache keys by @lucmos in
    • Add seed_index determinism test by @lucmos in
    • Refactor references to organization name into grok-ai by @lucmos in
    • Push the default version in mike on release by @lucmos in
    • Improve docs status badge to monitor the github-pages environment by @lucmos in
    • Fix mike rebasing and pushing logic on release by @lucmos in
    • Add a DAG in the post hook interactive setup by @lucmos in
    • Skip test if no dataset is provided by @Flegyas in
    • Fix remote parametrization in the README by @lucmos in
    • Fix type hint in by @lucmos in
    • Improve the "add git remote" message in the post hook by @lucmos in
    • Update nn-template-core dependency to 0.0.7 by @lucmos in
    • Update docs by @lucmos in
    • Add custom collate function by @Flegyas in
    • Set metadata as a cached property in DataModule by @Flegyas in
    • Pass run tags to the WandbLogger by @Flegyas in
    • Feature/bump core by @Flegyas in
    • Version 0.2.0 by @Flegyas in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Luca Moschella
PhD student at University of Rome La Sapienza in Computer Science.
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