Code repository for "Free View Synthesis", ECCV 2020.


Free View Synthesis

Code repository for "Free View Synthesis", ECCV 2020.


Install the following Python packages in your Python environment

- numpy (1.19.1)
- scikit-image (0.15.0)
- pillow (7.2.0)
- pytorch (1.6.0)
- torchvision (0.7.0)

Clone the repository and initialize the submodule

git clone
cd FreeViewSynthesis
git submodule update --init --recursive

Finally, build the Python extension needed for preprocessing

cd ext/preprocess
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .

Tested with Ubuntu 18.04 and macOS Catalina. If you do not have a C++17 compatible compiler, you can change the code as descibed here.

Run Free View Synthesis

Make sure you adapted the paths in to point to the downloaded data!

You can download the pre-trained models here

# in FreeViewSynthesis directory
tar xvzf experiments.tar.gz
# there should now be net*params files in exp/experiments/*/

Then run the evaluation via

python --net rnn_vgg16unet3_gruunet4.64.3 --cmd eval --iter last --eval-dsets tat-subseq --eval-scale 0.5

This will run the pretrained network on the four Tanks and Temples sequences.

To train the network from scratch you can run

python --net rnn_vgg16unet3_gruunet4.64.3 --cmd retrain


We provide the preprocessed Tanks and Temples dataset as we used it for training and evaluation here. Our new recordings can be downloaded in a preprocessed version from here.

We used COLMAP for camera registration, multi-view stereo and surface reconstruction on full resolution. The packages above contain the already undistorted and registered images. In addition, we provide the estimated camera calibrations, rendered depthmaps used for warping, and closest source image information.

In more detail, a single folder ibr3d_*_scale (where scale is the scale factor with respect to the original images) contains:

  • im_XXXXXXXX.[png|jpg] the downsampled images used as source images, or as target images.
  • dm_XXXXXXXX.npy the rendered depthmaps based on the COLMAP surface reconstruction.
  • Ks.npy contains the 3x3 intrinsic camera matrices, where Ks[idx] corresponds to the depth map dm_{idx:08d}.npy.
  • Rs.npy contains the 3x3 rotation matrices from the world coordinate system to camera coordinate system.
  • ts.npy contains the 3 translation vectors from the world coordinate system to camera coordinate system.
  • count_XXXXXXXX.npy contains the overlap information from target images to source images. I.e., the number of pixels that can be mapped from the target image to the individual source images. np.argsort(np.load('count_00000000.npy'))[::-1] will give you the sorted indices of the most overlapping source images.

Use np.load to load the numpy files.

We use the Tanks and Temples dataset for training except the following scenes that are used for evaluation.

  • train/Truck [172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196]
  • intermediate/M60 [94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129]
  • intermediate/Playground [221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252]
  • intermediate/Train [174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248]

The numbers below the scene name indicate the indices of the target images that we used for evaluation.


Please cite our paper if you find this work useful.

  title={Free View Synthesis},
  author={Riegler, Gernot and Koltun, Vladlen},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},


Free View Synthesis Video

  • Make


    Hello,thank you for sharing the source code. But When I executed the "make" command,such a error occured: /ext/preprocess/preprocess.cpp:272:74: error: converting to ‘std::tuple<pybind11::array_t<float, 16>, pybind11::array_t<float, 16>, pybind11::array_t<float, 16> >’ from initializer list would use explicit constructor ‘constexpr std::tuple< <template-parameter-1-1> >::tuple(_UElements&& ...) [with _UElements = {pybind11::array_t<float, 16>, pybind11::array_t<float, 16>, pybind11::array_t<float, 16>}; <template-parameter-2-2> = void; _Elements = {pybind11::array_t<float, 16>, pybind11::array_t<float, 16>, pybind11::array_t<float, 16>}]’ {n_views, 1, patch_height, patch_width})};

    is there some wrong in preprocess.cpp?

    opened by Jonlysun 10
  • has no attribute 'get_sampling_map'

    has no attribute 'get_sampling_map'

    Hi, Thank you very much for sharing your code. But when I run your code, the following error occurs:

    /FreeViewSynthesis/exp/", line 165, in base_getitem sampling_maps, valid_depth_masks, valid_map_masks = ext.preprocess.get_sampling_map( AttributeError: module 'ext.preprocess' has no attribute 'get_sampling_map'

    Hope you can help answer, thank you.

    opened by shuochen365 9
  • Prepare customized dataset

    Prepare customized dataset

    Hi Riegler, thank you for this great work in view synthesis. It is really appreciated that you have provided you preprocessed dataset and training/eval code. May I know how to preprocess our customized dataset (a few images) so that we can apply this method directly on it?

    opened by lzhangbj 7
  • Change the camera parameters, but get the same output

    Change the camera parameters, but get the same output

    Hi @griegler, When I try to modify the Ks.npy/Rs.npy/ts.npy for synthesis new view images, the output results are always the same as the original camera parameters' output, hope you can help, thanks~

    opened by visonpon 6
  • IndexError while running

    IndexError while running

    while running

    python --net rnn_vgg16unet3_gruunet4.64.3 --cmd eval --iter last --eval-dsets tat-subseq --eval-scale 0.5

    I get the error: IndexError: index 221 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

    Screenshot from 2020-12-12 16-33-24

    I modified my path to point Playground dataset in config and commented truck, M60 and train eval tracks.

    opened by avani17101 4
  • Percetual Loss

    Percetual Loss

    for midx, mod in enumerate(self.vgg): es = mod(es)

    for i,mod in enumerate(vgg): ... if i == 3: ... print(mod) ... ReLU(inplace=True)

    I can't understand this,why?

    opened by nicksunyang 3
  • How to change the dense outputs put from colmap into those in dataset.

    How to change the dense outputs put from colmap into those in dataset.

    Hi! When I tried to test my own image data, I was blocked for the gap between dense file output by Colmap and the downloaded dataset. It seems to be hard for me to make this translation. Could you give me some hits for it? For example, a script. Sincerely thanks. The output of the colmap is as following. image The official output describe can be found here: +── images │ +── image1.jpg │ +── image2.jpg │ +── ... +── sparse │ +── cameras.txt │ +── images.txt │ +── points3D.txt +── stereo │ +── consistency_graphs │ │ +── image1.jpg.photometric.bin │ │ +── image2.jpg.photometric.bin │ │ +── ... │ +── depth_maps │ │ +── image1.jpg.photometric.bin │ │ +── image2.jpg.photometric.bin │ │ +── ... │ +── normal_maps │ │ +── image1.jpg.photometric.bin │ │ +── image2.jpg.photometric.bin │ │ +── ... │ +── patch-match.cfg │ +── fusion.cfg +── fused.ply +── meshed-poisson.ply +── meshed-delaunay.ply +── +──

    opened by tianyilt 3
  • how to set tat_root in

    how to set tat_root in

    Hi, thanks for your great work. I just want to eval the result by python --net rnn_vgg16unet3_gruunet4.64.3 --cmd eval --iter last --eval-dsets tat-subseq --eval-scale 0.5 in exp folder. I'm confused about the following code in

    # TODO: adjust path
    tat_root = Path("/path/to/colmap_tat/")

    And I notice that config.tat_root was used in

        def get_train_set_tat(self, dset):
            dense_dir = config.tat_root / dset / "dense"
            ibr_dir = dense_dir / f"ibr3d_pw_{self.train_scale:.2f}"
            dset = self.get_pw_dataset(
                name=f'tat_{dset.replace("/", "_")}',
                patch=(self.train_patch, self.train_patch),
            return dset

    I'm curious about why will load tat_train_sets when I try to eval the result with the given pretrained model. It seems that the path list in

    tat_train_sets = [

    isn't exist in this rep.

    opened by tianyilt 3
  • Reconstructed mesh from COLMAP

    Reconstructed mesh from COLMAP


    Thanks for sharing the preprocessed dataset.

    I am wondering if you still have the reconstructed meshes for the dataset produced by COLMAP? Would it be possible to share them?

    Thanks a lot.

    opened by yongsiang-fb 2
  • Proxy-geometry generation pipeline

    Proxy-geometry generation pipeline

    Hi, This is great work!! Thank you for making your code public :)

    I'm trying to use your proxy-geometry generation pipeline using the scripts in co/ but am not a 100% sure I'm doing it right. Is this how you generated the meshes in your paper? Thanks in advance!

    colmap = Colmap(...)
    opened by shubham-goel 2
  • Why is image coordinate multiplied by 2 when generating sampling_maps

    Why is image coordinate multiplied by 2 when generating sampling_maps

    opened by CurtisFu 2
  • DTU groundtruth meshes

    DTU groundtruth meshes


    Thanks for the wonderful work. I was wondering about how you obtained your DTU ground truth meshes. Was it the same way you obtained them for tanks and temples? If yes, would it be possible to share them?

    Thanks in advance

    opened by Shubhendu-Jena 0
  • method to generate camera path

    method to generate camera path

    Hi @griegler, thanks for your generous share, I have succeeded to generate some new view images using your scripts. but I also curious about how to generate some random camera path like pitch angle instead of just interpolate the original camera(def interpolate_waypoints) path so that the new views are more abundant and variable. thanks~

    opened by visonpon 0
  • fix format_err_str function in

    fix format_err_str function in

    Hey, Thanks for your help and I succeed in run it. But there may exist some little bug. I try to fix this error type: list has no attribute ravel. The error raises if we run the following: python --net rnn_vgg16unet3_gruunet4.64.3 --cmd eval --iter last --eval-dsets tat-subseq --eval-scale 0.5 Only np array has attribute ravel. But isinstance(v, (np.ndarray, list)) make list operate list.ravel which will cause error.

    Sorry for me can't provide the snapshot because I get off work and forget to save.

    opened by tianyilt 0
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