Interactive class notebooks for ECE4076 Computer Vision, weeks 1 - 6



Interactive class notebooks for ECE4076 Computer Vision, weeks 1 - 6.

ECE4076 is a computer vision unit at Monash University, covering both classical computer vision and modern deep learning methods. This repository houses interactive notebooks for weeks 1 - 6 of this unit. These notebooks are in class activities used alongside pre-recorded lectures covering more detailed material, and paired with laboratory sessions where students implement related concepts.

  • Week 1: Image handling and basic manipulation, high dimensional signals (notebook)
  • Week 2: Image filtering, Difference of Gaussians, Keypoint Detection, Patch Matching using SSD (notebook)
  • Week 3: Invariances and image transformations, assymetric feature matching (notebook)
  • Week 4: Camera models and homography estimation using RANSAC (notebook)
  • Week 5: Camera projection and vanishing points and lines (notebook)
  • Week 6: Multiple view geometry, space carving (notebook)
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