Pytorch implementation for Patient Knowledge Distillation for BERT Model Compression


Patient Knowledge Distillation for BERT Model Compression

Knowledge distillation for BERT model


Run command below to install the environment

conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt


Objective Function

L = (1 - \alpha) L_CE + \alpha * L_DS + \beta * L_PT,

where L_CE is the CrossEntropy loss, DS is the usual Distillation loss, and PT is the proposed loss. Please see our paper below for more details.

Data Preprocess

Modify the HOME_DATA_FOLDER in and put all data under it (by default it is ./data), RTE data is uploaded for your convenience.

  • The folder name under HOME_DATA_FOLDER should be
    • data_raw: store the raw datas of all tasks. So put downloaded raw data under here
      • MRPC
      • RTE
      • ... (other tasks)
    • data_feat: store the tokenized data under this folder (optional)
      • MRPC
      • RTE
      • ...
  • models
    • pretrained: put downloaded pretrained model (bert-base-uncased) under this folder

Predefinted Training

Run to start training, you can set DEBUG = True to run some pre-defined arguments

  • set argv = get_predefine_argv('glue', 'RTE', 'finetune_teacher') or argv = get_predefine_argv('glue', 'RTE', 'finetune_student') to start the normal fine-tuning
  • run to get teacher's prediction for KD or PKD.
    • set output_all_layers = True for patient teacher
    • set output_all_layers = False for normal teacher
  • set argv = get_predefine_argv('glue', 'RTE', 'kd') to start the vanilla KD
  • set argv = get_predefine_argv('glue', 'RTE', 'kd.cls') to start the vanilla KD


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If you find this code useful for your research, please consider citing:

title={Patient Knowledge Distillation for BERT Model Compression},
author={Sun, Siqi and Cheng, Yu and Gan, Zhe and Liu, Jingjing},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.09355},

Paper is available at here.

  • Reproducing results

    Reproducing results

    Nice paper! Thanks for sharing the code. I was trying to reproduce your results. It would be great if you could share the best hyperparameter for each GLUE task? For example with the command: $ python

    For RTE I was able to get following results:

    acc = 0.6216666666666667
    eval_loss = 1.3263624415118644


    With only change at line 34 to argv = get_predefine_argv('glue', 'MRPC', 'finetune_student') I got:

    acc = 0.28289855072463765
    acc_and_f1 = 0.14144927536231883
    eval_loss = 3.820818234373022
    f1 = 0.0
    opened by pawankmrs 3
  • How do I run student predictions?

    How do I run student predictions?

    Hey, I am trying to reproduce your results, and am interested in training several students with different number of hidden layers. I want to submit the student predictions on GLUE website. I have been able too train student models with PKD-skip procedure.

    My question is, how do I make predictions from the student model? I guess I should change the run_glue_benchmark somehow. Any help in this regard will be appreciated.

    opened by smr97 2
  • RuntimeError: Function AddBackward0 returned an invalid gradient at index 1 - expected type torch.cuda.HalfTensor but got torch.cuda.FloatTensor

    RuntimeError: Function AddBackward0 returned an invalid gradient at index 1 - expected type torch.cuda.HalfTensor but got torch.cuda.FloatTensor

    I Found a bug, when we set fp16=False, and train RTE with kd.cls, got this problem. and the traceback is:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 288, in <module>
      File "/home/vernon/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 102, in backward
        torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph)
      File "/home/vernon/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 90, in backward
        allow_unreachable=True)  # allow_unreachable flag
    RuntimeError: Function AddBackward0 returned an invalid gradient at index 1 - expected type torch.cuda.HalfTensor but got torch.cuda.FloatTensor
    opened by yg33717 2
  • Result is different...

    Result is different...

    Thank you for your code. However, when i run code setting only finetune teacher(BERT-base)

    # run simple fune-tuning *teacher* by uncommenting below cmd
        argv = get_predefine_argv('glue', 'RTE', 'finetune_teacher')


        elif mode == 'glue':
            argv = [
                    '--task_name', task_name,
                    '--bert_model', 'bert-base-uncased',
                    '--max_seq_length', '128',
                    '--train_batch_size', '32',
                    '--learning_rate', '2e-5',
                    '--num_train_epochs', '4',
                    '--eval_batch_size', '32',
                    '--log_every_step', '1',
                    '--output_dir', os.path.join(HOME_DATA_FOLDER, f'outputs/KD/{task_name}/teacher_12layer'),
                    '--do_train', 'True',
                    '--do_eval', 'True',
                    '--fp16', 'True',
            if train_type == 'finetune_teacher':
                argv += [
                    '--student_hidden_layers', '12',
                    '--kd_model', 'kd',
                    '--do_eval', 'True',
                    '--alpha', '0.0',    # alpha = 0 is equivalent to fine-tuning for KD


    12/16/2019 06:48:04 - INFO - __main__ -   ***** Eval results *****
    12/16/2019 06:48:04 - INFO - __main__ -     acc = 0.5983333333333334
    12/16/2019 06:48:04 - INFO - __main__ -     eval_loss = 1.6177796708776595

    what is the reason..?

    opened by jdh3577 2
  • Running raises the following error.

    Running raises the following error.

    File '',line 204, max_grad_norms=1.0) TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'max_grad_norm=1.0' According to, the apex has been updated to a new release that removed this parameter. If just ignore this parameters, will the performance be influenced?

    opened by non-swimmer 2
  • Trying to do distillation for regression task

    Trying to do distillation for regression task

    Hi, I am trying to extend your research and compute accuracy for all GLUE tasks, in that I am kind of stuck with STS-B. Since it is a regression task, where all do you think I should make the changes to get the numbers?

    opened by smr97 1
  • What's the version of python and pytorch of this project?

    What's the version of python and pytorch of this project?

    I am Impressed by your crucial work. But I encounter some issues when I reproduce this project, may I ask a question that: What's the version of python and pytorch of this project?

    opened by vikotse 1
  • question on pretrained/bert_config.json

    question on pretrained/bert_config.json

    Thanks for sharing your work! I'm training a new dataset (classification task just like glue dataset) with following steps and wanted to make sure whether I'm doing it right.

    1. get finetuned BERT (pytorch_model.bin) on dataset and put it into pretrained directory

    2. run with below to get encoder.pkl, classifier.pkl

    # run simple fune-tuning *teacher* by uncommenting below cmd
    argv = get_predefine_argv('glue', 'RTE', 'finetune_teacher')
    1. run to get teacher's prediction for KD

    2. run with below to distil knowledge from teacher to student model

        # run Patient Teacher by uncommenting below cmd
        argv = get_predefine_argv('glue', 'RTE', 'kd.cls')

    I'm confused since doing step 2 redundantly finetunes teacher (bert base model) which was already done in step 1. Is it correct to place finetuned version into pretrained directory? or should I just use plain pytorch_model.bin?

    opened by SeoHyeong 1
  • Where to download the pretrained weights?

    Where to download the pretrained weights?

    Thanks a lot for your impressive work and I want to reproduce the results in the paper. Now I have a question: where can I get the pretrained model (bert-base-uncased)? Thank you!

    opened by thudzj 1
  • Why do you set for KD.Full like this [fix_pooler=True]?

    Why do you set for KD.Full like this [fix_pooler=True]?


    Thank you for your interesting work! I just wondering why don`t you used the pooler for only KD.Full and if you use the pooler, did you initialize the pooler with BERT_teacher weight and bias?

    Thank you, Sincerely,

    opened by GeondoPark 0
  • Some questions about layer number (model size)

    Some questions about layer number (model size)


    Thank you for your interesting work! I have just started to learn BERT and distillation recently. I have some general questions regarding this topic.

    1. I want to compare the performance of BERT with different model size (transformer block number). Is it necessary to do distillation? If I just train a BERT with 6 Layers without distillation, does the performance look bad?

    2. Do you have to do pretraining every time you change the layer number of BERT? Is it possible to just remove some layers in an existing pre-trained model and finetune on tasks?

    3. Why BERT has 12 blocks? Not 11 or 13 etc. ? I couldn't find any explanation.

    Thanks, ZLK

    opened by ZLKong 0
  • Not able to reproduce results

    Not able to reproduce results

    First, thank you for releasing your code.

    I am trying to reproduce results of your paper. I am running for MRPC with DEBUG=True.

    The setting I am running is argv = get_predefine_argv('glue', 'MRPC', 'finetune_teacher').

    After completing the training for 4 epochs, I get following results :

    05/10/2020 19:09:30 - INFO - __main__ -   ***** Eval results *****
    05/10/2020 19:09:30 - INFO - __main__ -     acc = 0.27942028985507245
    05/10/2020 19:09:30 - INFO - __main__ -     acc_and_f1 = 0.13971014492753622
    05/10/2020 19:09:30 - INFO - __main__ -     eval_loss = 3.8775325307139643
    05/10/2020 19:09:30 - INFO - __main__ -     f1 = 0.0

    Also the eval_log has the following :


    -- which means training is probably correct but there is something wrong with test evaluation.

    I have referred to the hyperparameter files that are provided in results_summary but I am not sure what might be wrong.

    opened by ashim95 0
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