PyTorch implementation of paper A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition.


FKD: A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition

Official PyTorch implementation of paper A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition. Zhiqiang Shen and Eric Xing from CMU and MUZUAI.


Knowledge Distillation (KD) has been recognized as a useful tool in many visual tasks, such as the supervised classification and self-supervised representation learning, while the main drawback of a vanilla KD framework lies in its mechanism that most of the computational overhead is consumed on forwarding through the giant teacher networks, which makes the whole learning procedure in a low-efficient and costly manner. In this work, we propose a Fast Knowledge Distillation (FKD) framework that simulates the distillation training phase and generates soft labels following the multi-crop KD procedure, meanwhile enjoying the faster training speed than ReLabel as we have no post-processes like RoI align and softmax operations. Our FKD is even more efficient than the conventional classification framework when employing multi-crop in the same image for data loading. We achieve 79.8% using ResNet-50 on ImageNet-1K, outperforming ReLabel by ~1.0% while being faster. We also demonstrate the efficiency advantage of FKD on the self-supervised learning task.

Supervised Training


FKD Training on CNNs

To train a model, run with the desired model architecture and the path to the soft label and ImageNet dataset:

python -a resnet50 --lr 0.1 --num_crops 4 -b 1024 --cos --softlabel_path [soft label path] [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

For --softlabel_path, simply use format as ./FKD_soft_label_500_crops_marginal_smoothing_k_5

Multi-processing distributed training is supported, please refer to official PyTorch ImageNet training code for details.


python -a resnet50 -e --resume [model path] [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

Trained Models

Model accuracy (Top-1) weights configurations
ReLabel ResNet-50 78.9 -- --
FKD ResNet-50 79.8 link Table 10 in paper
ReLabel ResNet-101 80.7 -- --
FKD ResNet-101 81.7 link Table 10 in paper

FKD Training on ViT/DeiT and SReT

To train a ViT model, run with the desired model architecture and the path to the soft label and ImageNet dataset:

cd train_ViT
python -a SReT_LT --lr 0.002 --wd 0.05 --num_crops 4 -b 1024 --cos --softlabel_path [soft label path] [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

For the instructions of SReT_LT model, please refer to SReT for details.


python -a SReT_LT -e --resume [model path] [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

Trained Models

Model FLOPs #params accuracy (Top-1) weights configurations
DeiT-T-distill 1.3B 5.7M 74.5 -- --
FKD ViT/DeiT-T 1.3B 5.7M 75.2 link Table 11 in paper
SReT-LT-distill 1.2B 5.0M 77.7 -- --
FKD SReT-LT 1.2B 5.0M 78.7 link Table 11 in paper

Fast MEAL V2

Please see MEAL V2 for the instructions to run FKD with MEAL V2.

Self-supervised Representation Learning Using FKD

Please see FKD-SSL for the instructions to run FKD code for SSL task.


      title={A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition}, 
      author={Zhiqiang Shen and Eric Xing},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.01528}


Zhiqiang Shen (zhiqians at or zhiqiangshen0214 at

  • Error loading pkl file

    Error loading pkl file

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\PythonFile\FKD-main\", line 528, in main() File "E:\PythonFile\FKD-main\", line 138, in main main_worker(args.gpu, ngpus_per_node, args) File "E:\PythonFile\FKD-main\", line 328, in main_worker train(train_loader, model, criterion_sce, optimizer, epoch, args) File "E:\PythonFile\FKD-main\", line 363, in train for i, (images, target, soft_label) in enumerate(train_loader): File "D:\Anconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\", line 521, in next data = self._next_data() File "D:\Anconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\", line 1203, in _next_data return self._process_data(data) File "D:\Anconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\", line 1229, in _process_data data.reraise() File "D:\Anconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\", line 434, in reraise raise exception _pickle.UnpicklingError: Caught UnpicklingError in DataLoader worker process 0. Original Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Anconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\", line 287, in _worker_loop data = fetcher.fetch(index) File "D:\Anconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\", line 49, in fetch data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index] File "D:\Anconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\", line 49, in data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index] File "E:\PythonFile\FKD-main\", line 98, in getitem label = torch.load(label_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) File "D:\Anconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 608, in load return _legacy_load(opened_file, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args) File "D:\Anconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 777, in _legacy_load magic_number = pickle_module.load(f, **pickle_load_args) _pickle.UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '\xff'.

    Do not use the pre training file to directly train and report errors as above

    opened by VsionQing 11
  • Soft target download failed

    Soft target download failed

    When downloading the official Google Cloud Disk soft label, it will fail when the download reaches a certain progress. Is there any other way to download it?

    opened by VsionQing 10
  • How to generate soft label from a teacher model?

    How to generate soft label from a teacher model?

    Hiļ¼Œthanks for you great work!I want to know how to generate soft label from a teacher model.In your repository,I can't find related code.Could you provide a demo to let me know how to generate soft label?

    to be completed 
    opened by zgcr 3
  • The code does not converge when the batch size is small

    The code does not converge when the batch size is small

    Dear author, hello! The default batch size of your code is 1024. I found in experiments that the code does not converge when the batch size is set to 128 or 256.

    opened by sccdnmj 1
  • self-supervised learning to train a teacher model and to generate pseudo-labels

    self-supervised learning to train a teacher model and to generate pseudo-labels

    Hi author, thank you for your great work! I am intrigued by your work and very much looking forward to your method for self-supervised learning to train a teacher model and to generate pseudo-labels, thanks a lot!

    opened by Xglbrilliant 1
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