PyTorch implementation of Interpretable Explanations of Black Boxes by Meaningful Perturbation


PyTorch implementation of Interpretable Explanations of Black Boxes by Meaningful Perturbation

The paper:

What makes the deep learning network think the image label is 'pug, pug-dog' and 'tabby, tabby cat':

Dog Cat

A perturbation of the dog that caused the dog category score to vanish:


What makes the deep learning network think the image label is 'flute, transverse flute':


Usage: python <path_to_image>

This is a PyTorch impelentation of

"Interpretable Explanations of Black Boxes by Meaningful Perturbation. Ruth Fong, Andrea Vedaldi" with some deviations.

This uses VGG19 from torchvision. It will be downloaded when used for the first time.

This learns a mask of pixels that explain the result of a black box. The mask is learned by posing an optimization problem and solving directly for the mask values.

This is different than other visualization techniques like Grad-CAM that use heuristics like high positive gradient values as an indication of relevance to the network score.

In our case the black box is the VGG19 model, but this can use any differentiable model.

How it works


Taken from the paper

The goal is to solve for a mask that explains why did the network output a score for a certain category.

We create a low resolution (28x28) mask, and use it to perturb the input image to a deep learning network.

The perturbation combines a blurred version of the image, the regular image, and the up-sampled mask.

Wherever the mask contains low values, the input image will become more blurry.

We want to optimize for the next properties:

  1. When using the mask to blend the input image and it's blurred versions, the score of the target category should drop significantly. The evidence of the category should be removed!
  2. The mask should be sparse. Ideally the mask should be the minimal possible mask to drop the category score. This translates to a L1(1 - mask) term in the cost function.
  3. The mask should be smooth. This translates to a total variation regularization in the cost function.
  4. The mask shouldn't over-fit the network. Since the network activations might contain a lot of noise, it can be easy for the mask to just learn random values that cause the score to drop without being visually coherent. In addition to the other terms, this translates to solving for a lower resolution 28x28 mask.

Deviations from the paper

The paper uses a gaussian kernel with a sigma that is modulated by the value of the mask. This is computational costly to compute since the mask values are updated during the iterations, meaning we need a different kernel for every mask pixel for every iteration.

Initially I tried approximating this by first filtering the image with a filter bank of varying gaussian kernels. Then during optimization, the input image pixel would use the quantized mask value to select an appropriate filter bank output pixel (high mask value -> lower channel).

This was done using the PyTorch variable gather/select_index functions. But it turns out that the gather and select_index functions in PyTorch are not differentiable by the indexes.

Instead, we just compute a perturbed image once, and then blend the image and the perturbed image using:

input_image = (1 - mask) * image + mask * perturbed_image

And it works well in practice.

The perturbed image here is the average of the gaussian and median blurred image, but this can really be changed to many other combinations (try it out and find something better!).

Also now gaussian noise with a sigma of 0.2 is added to the preprocssed image at each iteration, inspired by google's SmoothGradient.

  • Adding license?

    Adding license?

    Thank you for this excellent contributions! However, it is not clear what are your views about using and modifying this code. Would you mind adding a license?

    opened by hungaroring 2
  • Interpretation of the Heatmap

    Interpretation of the Heatmap

    Hey Jacob,

    Thanks for this great and easy to use implementation of meaningful perturbation algorithm.

    I just have a small question. Could you please help me understand the interpretation of the heatmap. As per my understanding, the heatmap is the same thing as the mask (values between 0 and 1) representing the minimum region in the image that you would suppress to reduce the prediction score maximally.

    My understanding that the mask is same as the heatmap is based on the following lines from your code:

    mask = 1 - mask
    heatmap = cv2.applyColorMap(np.uint8(255*mask), cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
    heatmap = np.float32(heatmap) / 255

    Could you please confirm whether my understanding is correct or is it something else?

    Thanks, Naman

    opened by bnaman50 1
  • fix for issue #1

    fix for issue #1

    I fixed issue #1 . It is because cv2.randn() doesn't return array, but fill array argument with random value.

    I hope this would be some of help.

    opened by bonzeboy 1
  • Missing reference for operation in the code

    Missing reference for operation in the code

    Hi, thank you for your work! Playing with the code i noticed that adding noise has a lot of impact on the result and i was wondering if you could add the reference for this technique in the description. "Also now gaussian noise with a sigma of 0.2 is added to the preprocssed image at each iteration, inspired by google's SmoothGradient." i found only this in your description, but the name is too generic to find what you were referring to. Could you point me to the paper/article? Thanks!

    opened by godimarcovr 1
  • Run Error

    Run Error

    Dear @jacobgil ,

    Thanks for your great work! However, when I run python examples/flute.jpg, something goes wrong:

    $ python examples/flute.jpg 
    Category with highest probability 558
    /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/ UserWarning: nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d is deprecated. Use nn.Upsample instead.
      warnings.warn("nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d is deprecated. Use nn.Upsample instead.")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 132, in <module>
        noise = noise + cv2.randn(noise, 0, 0.2)
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'float' and 'NoneType'

    Maybe it is caused by the some python packages with different versions as you used, I guess. Do you know how to fix it?

    Thanks! Kun

    opened by wk910930 1
  • blur_img


        blurred_img1 = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (11, 11), 5)
    blurred_img2 = np.float32(cv2.medianBlur(original_img, 11))/255
    blurred_img_numpy = (blurred_img1 + blurred_img2) / 2

    I wonder the reason why choose this method?

    opened by Yung-zi 0
  • Some questions about the implementation

    Some questions about the implementation

    Thank you for this great and straight forward implementation of this technique! I was going through the code to understand a bit more of how it works, and I'm curious about some parts:

    There seem to be two blurred images:

    blurred_img1 = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (11, 11), 5)
    blurred_img2 = np.float32(cv2.medianBlur(original_img, 11))/255
    blurred_img_numpy = (blurred_img1 + blurred_img2) / 2

    Futher ahead only blurred_img2 is used for training the mask:

    img = preprocess_image(img)
    blurred_img = preprocess_image(blurred_img2)
    mask = numpy_to_torch(mask_init)

    But for heatmap generation we use the average of the two blurs: save(upsampled_mask, original_img, blurred_img_numpy)

    I was a bit confused by this. Is there a reason why it is done in this way?

    opened by palatos 0
  • How is \tau in Eq(4) reflected in the implementation?

    How is \tau in Eq(4) reflected in the implementation?

    Very nice work! However, I was wondering how is E_{\tau} in the equation reflected in the implementation? It seems in the code only one (unshifted) image is used?

    opened by zechenghe 0
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