:bookmark: Browser-independent bookmark manager



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buku in action!

buku in action!


buku is a powerful bookmark manager written in Python3 and SQLite3. When I started writing it, I couldn't find a flexible command-line solution with a private, portable, merge-able database along with seamless GUI integration. Hence, buku (after my son's nickname, meaning close to the heart in my language).

bukuserver exposes a browsable front-end on a local web host server.

buku can auto-import bookmarks from your browser(s) or fetch the title and description of a bookmarked url from the web. You can use your favourite editor to compose and update bookmarks. With multiple search options, including regex and a deep scan mode (particularly for URLs), it can find any bookmark instantly. buku can look up the latest snapshot of a broken link on the Wayback Machine. There's an Easter egg to revisit random forgotten bookmarks too! Buku is too busy to track you: no hidden history, obsolete records, usage analytics or homing.

To get started right away, jump to the Quickstart section. We have one of the best documentation around. You'll find handy examples in the man page too. For more details, please refer to the wiki page on operational notes.

There are several projects based on buku, including a browser plug-in.

Love smart and efficient utilities? Explore my repositories. Buy me a cup of coffee if they help you.

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Table of Contents


  • Store bookmarks with auto-fetched title, tags and description
  • Auto-import from Firefox, Google Chrome and Chromium
  • Open bookmarks and search results in browser
  • Shorten, expand URLs, browse cached page from Wayback Machine
  • Text editor integration
  • Lightweight, clean interface, custom colors
  • Powerful search options (regex, substring...)
  • Continuous search with on the fly mode switch
  • Portable, merge-able database to sync between systems
  • Import/export bookmarks from/to HTML, Markdown or Orgfile
  • Smart tag management using redirection (>>, >, <<)
  • Multithreaded full DB refresh, manual encryption support
  • Shell completion scripts, man page with handy examples
  • Privacy-aware (no unconfirmed user data collection)



Feature Dependency
Scripting language Python 3.6+
HTTPS certifi, urllib3
Encryption cryptography
HTML beautifulsoup4, html5lib

To copy url to clipboard at the prompt buku uses xsel (or xclip) on Linux, pbcopy (default installed) on OS X, clip (default installed) on Windows, termux-clipboard on Termux (terminal emulation for Android). If X11 is missing, GNU Screen or tmux copy-paste buffers are recognized.

From a package manager

To install buku with all its dependencies from PyPI, run:

# pip3 install buku

You can also install buku from your package manager. If the version available is dated try an alternative installation method.

Packaging status (expand)

Packaging status

Unlisted packagers:

PyPI (pip3 install buku)
● Termux (pip3 install buku)

Release packages

Auto-generated packages (with only the cli component) for Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE Leap and Ubuntu are available with the latest stable release.

NOTE: CentOS may not have the python3-beautifulsoup4 package in the repos. Install it using pip3.

From source

If you have git installed, clone this repository. Otherwise download the latest stable release or development version (risky).

Install the dependencies. For example, on Ubuntu:

$ apt-get install ca-certificates python3-urllib3 python3-cryptography python3-bs4

Install the cli component to default location (/usr/local):

$ sudo make install

To remove, run:

$ sudo make uninstall

PREFIX is supported, in case you want to install to a different location.

Running standalone

buku is a standalone utility. From the containing directory, run:

$ chmod +x buku
$ ./buku

Shell completion

Shell completion scripts for Bash, Fish and Zsh can be found in respective subdirectories of auto-completion/. Please refer to your shell's manual for installation instructions.


Command-line options

usage: buku [OPTIONS] [KEYWORD [KEYWORD ...]]

Bookmark manager like a text-based mini-web.

      KEYWORD              search keywords

      -a, --add URL [tag, ...]
                           bookmark URL with comma-separated tags
      -u, --update [...]   update fields of an existing bookmark
                           accepts indices and ranges
                           refresh title and desc if no edit options
                           if no arguments:
                           - update results when used with search
                           - otherwise refresh all titles and desc
      -w, --write [editor|index]
                           open editor to edit a fresh bookmark
                           edit last bookmark, if index=-1
                           to specify index, EDITOR must be set
      -d, --delete [...]   remove bookmarks from DB
                           accepts indices or a single range
                           if no arguments:
                           - delete results when used with search
                           - otherwise delete all bookmarks
      -h, --help           show this information and exit
      -v, --version        show the program version and exit

      --url keyword        bookmark link
      --tag [+|-] [...]    comma-separated tags
                           clear bookmark tagset, if no arguments
                           '+' appends to, '-' removes from tagset
      --title [...]        bookmark title; if no arguments:
                           -a: do not set title, -u: clear title
      -c, --comment [...]  notes or description of the bookmark
                           clears description, if no arguments
      --immutable N        disable web-fetch during auto-refresh
                           N=0: mutable (default), N=1: immutable

      -s, --sany [...]     find records with ANY matching keyword
                           this is the default search option
      -S, --sall [...]     find records matching ALL the keywords
                           special keywords -
                           "blank": entries with empty title/tag
                           "immutable": entries with locked title
      --deep               match substrings ('pen' matches 'opens')
      -r, --sreg expr      run a regex search
      -t, --stag [tag [,|+] ...] [- tag, ...]
                           search bookmarks by tags
                           use ',' to find entries matching ANY tag
                           use '+' to find entries matching ALL tags
                           excludes entries with tags after ' - '
                           list all tags, if no search keywords
      -x, --exclude [...]  omit records matching specified keywords

      -l, --lock [N]       encrypt DB in N (default 8) # iterations
      -k, --unlock [N]     decrypt DB in N (default 8) # iterations

      --ai                 auto-import from Firefox/Chrome/Chromium
      -e, --export file    export bookmarks to Firefox format HTML
                           export Markdown, if file ends with '.md'
                           format: [title](url) <!-- TAGS -->
                           export Orgfile, if file ends with '.org'
                           format: *[[url][title]] :tags:
                           export buku DB, if file ends with '.db'
                           combines with search results, if opted
      -i, --import file    import bookmarks based on file extension
                           supports 'html', 'json', 'md', 'org', 'db'
      -p, --print [...]    show record details by indices, ranges
                           print all bookmarks, if no arguments
                           -n shows the last n results (like tail)
      -f, --format N       limit fields in -p or JSON search output
                           N=1: URL; N=2: URL, tag; N=3: title;
                           N=4: URL, title, tag; N=5: title, tag;
                           N0 (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) omits DB index
      -j, --json [file]    JSON formatted output for -p and search.
                           prints to stdout if argument missing.
                           otherwise writes to given file
      --colors COLORS      set output colors in five-letter string
      --nc                 disable color output
      -n, --count N        show N results per page (default 10)
      --np                 do not show the subprompt, run and exit
      -o, --open [...]     browse bookmarks by indices and ranges
                           open a random bookmark, if no arguments
      --oa                 browse all search results immediately
      --replace old new    replace old tag with new tag everywhere
                           delete old tag, if new tag not specified
      --shorten index|URL  fetch shortened url from tny.im service
      --expand index|URL   expand a tny.im shortened url
      --cached index|URL   browse a cached page from Wayback Machine
      --suggest            show similar tags when adding bookmarks
      --tacit              reduce verbosity, skip some confirmations
      --threads N          max network connections in full refresh
                           default N=4, min N=1, max N=10
      -V                   check latest upstream version available
      -g, --debug          show debug information and verbose logs

      >                    url
      +                    comment
      #                    tags

    1-N                    browse search result indices and/or ranges
    O [id|range [...]]     open search results/indices in GUI browser
                           toggle try GUI browser if no arguments
    a                      open all results in browser
    s keyword [...]        search for records with ANY keyword
    S keyword [...]        search for records with ALL keywords
    d                      match substrings ('pen' matches 'opened')
    r expression           run a regex search
    t [tag, ...]           search by tags; show taglist, if no args
    g taglist id|range [...] [>>|>|<<] [record id|range ...]
                           append, set, remove (all or specific) tags
                           search by taglist id(s) if records are omitted
    n                      show next page of search results
    o id|range [...]       browse bookmarks by indices and/or ranges
    p id|range [...]       print bookmarks by indices and/or ranges
    w [editor|id]          edit and add or update a bookmark
    c id                   copy url at search result index to clipboard
    ?                      show this help
    q, ^D, double Enter    exit buku


buku supports custom colors. Visit the wiki page on how to customize colors for more details.


  1. Export VISUAL or EDITOR to point to your favourite editor. Note that VISUAL takes precedence over EDITOR.

  2. Create a sweeter shortcut with some convenience.

    alias b='buku --suggest'
  3. Auto-import bookmarks from your browser(s). Please quit the relevant browsers beforehand to ensure the databases are not locked.

    b --ai
  4. Manually add a bookmark (for hands-on).

    b -w
  5. List your bookmarks with DB index.

    b -p
  6. For GUI and browser integration (or to sync bookmarks with your favourite bookmark management service) refer to the wiki page on System integration.

  7. Handy (bash/zsh) commands to fuzzy search with fzf and open the selection in Firefox:

    firefox $(buku -p -f 10 | fzf)
    firefox $(buku -p -f 40 | fzf | cut -f1)

    POSIX script to show a preview of the bookmark as well:

    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    url=$(buku -p -f4 | fzf -m --reverse --preview "buku -p {1}" --preview-window=wrap | cut -f2)
    if [ -n "$url" ]; then
        echo "$url" | xargs firefox


  1. Edit and add a bookmark from editor:

    $ buku -w
    $ buku -w 'gedit -w'
    $ buku -w 'macvim -f' -a https://ddg.gg search engine, privacy

    The first command picks editor from the environment variable EDITOR. The second command opens gedit in blocking mode. The third command opens macvim with option -f and the URL and tags populated in template.

  2. Add a bookmark with tags search engine and privacy, comment Search engine with perks, fetch page title from the web:

    $ buku -a https://ddg.gg search engine, privacy -c Search engine with perks
    336. DuckDuckGo
    > https://ddg.gg
    + Alternative search engine with perks
    # privacy,search engine

    where, >: url, +: comment, #: tags

  3. Add a bookmark with tags search engine & privacy and immutable custom title DDG:

    $ buku -a https://ddg.gg search engine, privacy --title 'DDG' --immutable 1
    336. DDG (L)
    > https://ddg.gg
    # privacy,search engine

    Note that URL must precede tags.

  4. Add a bookmark without a title (works for update too):

    $ buku -a https://ddg.gg search engine, privacy --title
  5. Edit and update a bookmark from editor:

    $ buku -w 15012014

    This will open the existing bookmark's details in the editor for modifications. Environment variable EDITOR must be set.

  6. Update existing bookmark at index 15012014 with new URL, tags and comments, fetch title from the web:

    $ buku -u 15012014 --url http://ddg.gg/ --tag web search, utilities -c Private search engine
  7. Fetch and update only title for bookmark at 15012014:

    $ buku -u 15012014
  8. Update only comment for bookmark at 15012014:

    $ buku -u 15012014 -c this is a new comment

    Applies to --url, --title and --tag too.

  9. Export bookmarks tagged tag 1 or tag 2 to HTML, Markdown, Orgfile or a new database:

    $ buku -e bookmarks.html --stag tag 1, tag 2
    $ buku -e bookmarks.md --stag tag 1, tag 2
    $ buku -e bookmarks.org --stag tag 1, tag 2
    $ buku -e bookmarks.db --stag tag 1, tag 2

    All bookmarks are exported if search is not opted.

  10. Import bookmarks from HTML, Markdown or Orgfile:

    $ buku -i bookmarks.html
    $ buku -i bookmarks.md
    $ buku -i bookmarks.org
    $ buku -i bookmarks.db
  11. Delete only comment for bookmark at 15012014:

    $ buku -u 15012014 -c

    Applies to --title and --tag too. URL cannot be deleted without deleting the bookmark.

  12. Update or refresh full DB with page titles from the web:

    $ buku -u
    $ buku -u --tacit (show only failures and exceptions)

    This operation can update the title or description fields of non-immutable bookmarks by parsing the fetched page. Fields are updated only if the fetched fields are non-empty. Tags remain untouched.

  13. Delete bookmark at index 15012014:

    $ buku -d 15012014
    Index 15012020 moved to 15012014

    The last index is moved to the deleted index to keep the DB compact. Add --tacit to delete without confirmation.

  14. Delete all bookmarks:

    $ buku -d
  15. Delete a range or list of bookmarks:

    $ buku -d 100-200
    $ buku -d 100 15 200
  16. Search bookmarks for ANY of the keywords kernel and debugging in URL, title or tags:

    $ buku kernel debugging
    $ buku -s kernel debugging
  17. Search bookmarks with ALL the keywords kernel and debugging in URL, title or tags:

    $ buku -S kernel debugging
  18. Search bookmarks tagged general kernel concepts:

    $ buku --stag general kernel concepts
  19. Search for bookmarks matching ANY of the tags kernel, debugging, general kernel concepts:

    $ buku --stag kernel, debugging, general kernel concepts
  20. Search for bookmarks matching ALL of the tags kernel, debugging, general kernel concepts:

    $ buku --stag kernel + debugging + general kernel concepts
  21. Search for bookmarks matching any of the keywords hello or world, excluding the keywords real and life, matching both the tags kernel and debugging, but excluding the tags general kernel concepts and books:

    $ buku hello world --exclude real life --stag 'kernel + debugging - general kernel concepts, books'
  22. List all unique tags alphabetically:

    $ buku --stag
  23. Run a search and update the results:

    $ buku -s kernel debugging -u --tag + linux kernel
  24. Run a search and delete the results:

    $ buku -s kernel debugging -d
  25. Encrypt or decrypt DB with custom number of iterations (15) to generate key:

    $ buku -l 15
    $ buku -k 15

    The same number of iterations must be specified for one lock & unlock instance. Default is 8, if omitted.

  26. Show details of bookmarks at index 15012014 and ranges 20-30, 40-50:

    $ buku -p 20-30 15012014 40-50
  27. Show details of the last 10 bookmarks:

    $ buku -p -10
  28. Show all bookmarks with real index from database:

    $ buku -p
    $ buku -p | more
  29. Replace tag 'old tag' with 'new tag':

    $ buku --replace 'old tag' 'new tag'
  30. Delete tag 'old tag' from DB:

    $ buku --replace 'old tag'
  31. Append (or delete) tags 'tag 1', 'tag 2' to (or from) existing tags of bookmark at index 15012014:

    $ buku -u 15012014 --tag + tag 1, tag 2
    $ buku -u 15012014 --tag - tag 1, tag 2
  32. Open URL at index 15012014 in browser:

    $ buku -o 15012014
  33. List bookmarks with no title or tags for bookkeeping:

    $ buku -S blank
  34. List bookmarks with immutable title:

    $ buku -S immutable
  35. Shorten URL www.google.com and the URL at index 20:

    $ buku --shorten www.google.com
    $ buku --shorten 20
  36. Append, remove tags at prompt (taglist index to the left, bookmark index to the right):

    // append tags at taglist indices 4 and 6-9 to existing tags in bookmarks at indices 5 and 2-3
    buku (? for help) g 4 9-6 >> 5 3-2
    // set tags at taglist indices 4 and 6-9 as tags in bookmarks at indices 5 and 2-3
    buku (? for help) g 4 9-6 > 5 3-2
    // remove all tags from bookmarks at indices 5 and 2-3
    buku (? for help) g > 5 3-2
    // remove tags at taglist indices 4 and 6-9 from tags in bookmarks at indices 5 and 2-3
    buku (? for help) g 4 9-6 << 5 3-2
  37. List bookmarks with colored output:

    $ buku --colors oKlxm -p
  38. More help:

    $ buku -h
    $ man buku


Interactive workflows can be automated using expect. Issue #368 has a working example on automating auto-import.


Editor integration

You may encounter issues with GUI editors which maintain only one instance by default and return immediately from other instances. Use the appropriate editor option to block the caller when a new document is opened. See issue #210 for gedit.


Copyright © 2015-2021 Arun Prakash Jana

gitter chat


Missing a feature? There's a rolling ToDo List with identified tasks. Contributions are welcome! Please follow the PR guidelines.

Related projects

  • bukubrow, WebExtension for browser integration
  • oil, search-as-you-type cli front-end
  • buku_run, rofi front-end
  • pinku, a Pinboard-to-buku import utility
  • buku-dmenu, a simple bash dmenu wrapper
  • poku, sync between Pocket and buku
  • Ebuku, Emacs interface to buku

Stable Docs


In the Press

  • ToDo list

    ToDo list

    Continued from #268.


    The list below is a growing one. While suggesting new features please consider contributing to Buku. The code is intentionally kept simple and easy to understand with comments. We'll be happy to assist any new contributor. We need your help!

    Some of the fresh-baked features may not have been released yet. Grab the master branch for those.

    Identified tasks

    • [ ] support archive.is
    • [x] bukuserver: disable favicon
    • [ ] bukuserver: bookmarklet documentation (see #385)
    • [ ] bukuserver: thumbnail
    • [ ] bukuserver: add login feature (see #309)
    • [ ] bukuserver: generate separate package (see #307)
    • [ ] Import keywords from browser html (see #311)
    • [ ] Android app (with the same schema) (probably a separate project)
    • [ ] Add option --preserve to ignore specific fields during auto-update [see issue #327]
    • [x] Test cases for exportdb() API (@rachmadaniHaryono)
    • [x] Purge db file when all records are deleted
    • [x] Fix tests, which are taking long time to finish (thanks @rachmadaniHaryono)
    • [x] Import firefox exported json (title, url, tags, desc; parent folder if opted) [see API importdb()] (thanks @ckolumbus)
    • [x] Disable fetch from web during auto-import, import and merge
    • [x] Honor -n with -p (thanks @jpdasma)
    • [x] Support search options with --export
    • [x] Import "description" (into description field) and "keywards" (as tags) from HTML <meta> Tag
    • [x] Result pagination
    • [x] Convert bukuserver README from rst to markdown
    • [x] Browse a bookmark (possibly dead URL) on Wayback machine
    • [x] Show bookmarks to be deleted before deletion
    • [x] Support keyword filtering (records having keywords a and b but not c and d) (thanks @SaltyCatFish)
    • [x] Support filtering by tags with search options (see #250) (thanks @SaltyCatFish)
    • [x] Port feature from googler/ddgr - omniprompt key O
    • [x] Show results with most search keyword matches on top (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Text-mode user agent for Buku
    • [X] Copy search result URL to cipboard
    • [x] Read default Firefox profile name from profiles.ini (see #212, thanks @alex-bender)
    • [x] Support --format in search results (ref, thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] API documentation (comments need to be in NumPy format) (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Auto-import: optionally add parent folder name as tag, ask for unique tag [like importdb()]
    • [x] Support custom colours (thanks @shv-q3)
    • [x] Generate packages on Travis-CI using PackageCore (see #189) (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Search multiple tags, exclusion in tag search (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Auto-import Firefox and Google Chrome bookmarks (thanks @alex-bender)
    • [x] Suggest tags those go together
    • [x] Append/overwrite/remove tags from prompt
    • [x] Add more tests (ongoing activity @rachmadaniHaryono)
    • [x] A browser plugin (thanks @SamHH for bukubrow)
    • [x] Text editor support (thanks @ZwodahS)
    • [x] Need a PyPI maintainer (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Make refreshdb faster using threads (record updates should be synchronized)
    • [x] Show usage count in tag list
    • [x] Proxy support (thanks @denisfalqueto)
    • [x] Continuous search at prompt
    • [x] Add prompt help
    • [x] Specify custom DB file to class BukuDb (library usage, no exposed option)
    • [x] Move to urllib3
    • [x] Handle redirects using referrer masking. Example URL. Fixed with urllib3.
    • [x] Support URL shortening. This helps to share URLs. (see #92 for limitations)
    • [x] Make a bookmark title immutable via refreshdb()
    • [x] Markdown import/export
    • [x] Regex search
    • [x] Ubuntu PPA (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Export specific tags to HTML
    • [x] Exact word match using REGEX. Make substring match optional.
    • [x] Delete all records based on a search result
    • [x] Delete multiple items, support combination of indices and ranges
    • [x] Append tags
    • [x] Travis CI integration
    • [x] Ubuntu deb package generation on new tag
    • [x] Merge bookmark database files (for users who work on multiple systems)
    • [x] Export bookmarks in FF or Chrome html format.
    • [x] Option to add folder names as tags while importing HTML (thanks @mohammadKhalifa)
    • [x] Check and show upstream version
    • [ ] Anything else which would add value (please discuss in this thread)
    opened by jarun 93
  • ToDo List

    ToDo List

    Continued from #135.


    The list below is a growing one. While suggesting new features please consider contributing to Buku. The code is intentionally kept simple and easy to understand with comments. We'll be happy to assist any new contributor. We need your help!

    Some of the fresh-baked features may not have been released yet. Grab the master branch for those.

    Identified tasks

    • [ ] Android app (using the same database) (probably a distinct project)
    • [x] Text-mode user agent for Buku
    • [x] Read default Firefox profile name from profiles.ini (see #212, thanks @alex-bender)
    • [x] Support --format in search results (ref, thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] API documentation (comments need to be in NumPy format) (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Auto-import: optionally add parent folder name as tag, ask for unique tag [like importdb()]
    • [x] Support custom colours (thanks @shv-q3)
    • [x] Generate packages on Travis-CI using PackageCore (see #189) (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Search multiple tags, exclusion in tag search (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Auto-import Firefox and Google Chrome bookmarks (thanks @alex-bender)
    • [x] Suggest tags those go together
    • [x] Append/overwrite/remove tags from prompt
    • [x] Rest API for webapps (thanks @kishore-narendran)
    • [x] Add more tests (ongoing activity @rachmadaniHaryono)
    • [x] A browser plugin (thanks @SamHH for bukubrow)
    • [x] Text editor support (thanks @ZwodahS)
    • [x] Need a PyPI maintainer (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Make refreshdb faster using threads (record updates should be synchronized)
    • [x] Show usage count in tag list
    • [x] Proxy support (thanks @denisfalqueto)
    • [x] Continuous search at prompt
    • [x] Add prompt help
    • [x] Specify custom DB file to class BukuDb (library usage, no exposed option)
    • [x] Move to urllib3
    • [x] Handle redirects using referrer masking. Example URL. Fixed with urllib3.
    • [x] Support URL shortening. This helps to share URLs. (see #92 for limitations)
    • [x] Make a bookmark title immutable via refreshdb()
    • [x] Markdown import/export
    • [x] Regex search
    • [x] Ubuntu PPA (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Export specific tags to HTML
    • [x] Exact word match using REGEX. Make substring match optional.
    • [x] Delete all records based on a search result
    • [x] Delete multiple items, support combination of indices and ranges
    • [x] Append tags
    • [x] Travis CI integration
    • [x] Ubuntu deb package generation on new tag
    • [x] Merge bookmark database files (for users who work on multiple systems)
    • [x] Export bookmarks in FF or Chrome html format.
    • [x] Option to add folder names as tags while importing HTML (thanks @mohammadKhalifa)
    • [x] Check and show upstream version
    • [ ] Anything else which would add value (please discuss in this thread)
    help wanted 
    opened by jarun 59
  • ToDo List

    ToDo List

    Continued from #233.


    The list below is a growing one. While suggesting new features please consider contributing to Buku. The code is intentionally kept simple and easy to understand with comments. We'll be happy to assist any new contributor. We need your help!

    Some of the fresh-baked features may not have been released yet. Grab the master branch for those.

    Identified tasks

    • [ ] Paging option (10 by default if value is omitted in option). The current behaviour stays the same as users already have scripts based on it.
    • [ ] Android app (with the same schema) (probably a separate project; we'll be glad to help)
    • [x] Show results before deletion
    • [x] Support keyword filtering (records having keywords a and b but not c and d) (thanks @SaltyCatFish)
    • [x] Support filtering by tags with search options (see #250) (thanks @SaltyCatFish)
    • [x] Port feature from googler/ddgr - omniprompt key O
    • [x] Show results with most search keyword matches on top (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Text-mode user agent for Buku
    • [X] Copy search result URL to cipboard
    • [x] Read default Firefox profile name from profiles.ini (see #212, thanks @alex-bender)
    • [x] Support --format in search results (ref, thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] API documentation (comments need to be in NumPy format) (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Auto-import: optionally add parent folder name as tag, ask for unique tag [like importdb()]
    • [x] Support custom colours (thanks @shv-q3)
    • [x] Generate packages on Travis-CI using PackageCore (see #189) (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Search multiple tags, exclusion in tag search (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Auto-import Firefox and Google Chrome bookmarks (thanks @alex-bender)
    • [x] Suggest tags those go together
    • [x] Append/overwrite/remove tags from prompt
    • [x] Rest API for webapps (thanks @kishore-narendran)
    • [x] Add more tests (ongoing activity @rachmadaniHaryono)
    • [x] A browser plugin (thanks @SamHH for bukubrow)
    • [x] Text editor support (thanks @ZwodahS)
    • [x] Need a PyPI maintainer (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Make refreshdb faster using threads (record updates should be synchronized)
    • [x] Show usage count in tag list
    • [x] Proxy support (thanks @denisfalqueto)
    • [x] Continuous search at prompt
    • [x] Add prompt help
    • [x] Specify custom DB file to class BukuDb (library usage, no exposed option)
    • [x] Move to urllib3
    • [x] Handle redirects using referrer masking. Example URL. Fixed with urllib3.
    • [x] Support URL shortening. This helps to share URLs. (see #92 for limitations)
    • [x] Make a bookmark title immutable via refreshdb()
    • [x] Markdown import/export
    • [x] Regex search
    • [x] Ubuntu PPA (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Export specific tags to HTML
    • [x] Exact word match using REGEX. Make substring match optional.
    • [x] Delete all records based on a search result
    • [x] Delete multiple items, support combination of indices and ranges
    • [x] Append tags
    • [x] Travis CI integration
    • [x] Ubuntu deb package generation on new tag
    • [x] Merge bookmark database files (for users who work on multiple systems)
    • [x] Export bookmarks in FF or Chrome html format.
    • [x] Option to add folder names as tags while importing HTML (thanks @mohammadKhalifa)
    • [x] Check and show upstream version
    • [ ] Anything else which would add value (please discuss in this thread)
    help wanted 
    opened by jarun 56
  • ToDo List

    ToDo List

    Continued from #103.


    The list below is a growing one. While suggesting new features please consider contributing to Buku. The code is intentionally kept simple and easy to understand with comments. We'll be happy to assist any new contributor. We need your help!

    Some of the fresh-baked features may not have been released yet. Grab the master branch for those.

    Identified tasks

    • [ ] Option to scan and import Firefox and Google Chrome bookmarks DB file (URL, title, tags, description fields) to Buku database (@alex-bender)
    • [ ] Suggest tags those go together
    • [ ] Support custom colours (refer to googler)
    • [ ] API documentation (comments need to be in doxygen format)
    • [ ] Android app (using the same database)
    • [ ] Search multiple tags, exclusion in tag search (not sure if the RoI makes sense)
    • [x] Append/overwrite/remove tags from prompt
    • [x] Rest API for webapps (ongoing activity @kishore-narendran)
    • [x] Add more tests (ongoing activity @rachmadaniHaryono)
    • [x] A browser plugin (thanks @SamHH for bukubrow)
    • [x] Text editor support (thanks @ZwodahS)
    • [x] Need a PyPI maintainer (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Make refreshdb faster using threads (record updates should be synchronized)
    • [x] Show usage count in tag list
    • [x] Proxy support (thanks @denisfalqueto)
    • [x] Continuous search at prompt
    • [x] Add prompt help
    • [x] Specify custom DB file to class BukuDb (library usage, no exposed option)
    • [x] Move to urllib3
    • [x] Handle redirects using referrer masking. Example URL. Fixed with urllib3.
    • [x] Support URL shortening. This helps to share URLs. (see #92 for limitations)
    • [x] Make a bookmark title immutable via refreshdb()
    • [x] Markdown import/export
    • [x] Regex search
    • [x] Ubuntu PPA (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Export specific tags to HTML
    • [x] Exact word match using REGEX. Make substring match optional.
    • [x] Delete all records based on a search result
    • [x] Delete multiple items, support combination of indices and ranges
    • [x] Append tags
    • [x] Travis CI integration
    • [x] Ubuntu deb package generation on new tag
    • [x] Merge bookmark database files (for users who work on multiple systems)
    • [x] Export bookmarks in FF or Chrome html format.
    • [x] Option to add folder names as tags while importing HTML (thanks @mohammadKhalifa)
    • [x] Check and show upstream version
    • [ ] Anything else which would add value (please discuss in this thread)
    help wanted 
    opened by jarun 52
  • ToDo list

    ToDo list

    Continued from #251.


    The list below is a growing one. While suggesting new features please consider contributing to Buku. The code is intentionally kept simple and easy to understand with comments. We'll be happy to assist any new contributor. We need your help!

    Some of the fresh-baked features may not have been released yet. Grab the master branch for those.

    Identified tasks

    • [ ] Add option --preserve to ignore specific fields during auto-update [see API update_rec() and issue #327]
    • [ ] Import keywords from browser html (see #311)
    • [ ] bukuserver: generate separate package (see #307)
    • [ ] bukuserver: add login feature (see #309)
    • [ ] Test cases for exportdb() API (@rachmadaniHaryono)
    • [ ] Fix tests, which are taking long time to finish (@rachmadaniHaryono)
    • [ ] Android app (with the same schema) (probably a separate project; we'll be glad to help)
    • [x] Import firefox exported json (title, url, tags, desc; parent folder if opted) [see API importdb()] (thanks @ckolumbus)
    • [x] Disable fetch from web during auto-import, import and merge
    • [x] Honor -n with -p (thanks @jpdasma)
    • [x] Support search options with --export
    • [x] Import "description" (into description field) and "keywards" (as tags) from HTML <meta> Tag
    • [x] Result pagination
    • [x] Convert bukuserver README from rst to markdown
    • [x] Browse a bookmark (possibly dead URL) on Wayback machine
    • [x] Show bookmarks to be deleted before deletion
    • [x] Support keyword filtering (records having keywords a and b but not c and d) (thanks @SaltyCatFish)
    • [x] Support filtering by tags with search options (see #250) (thanks @SaltyCatFish)
    • [x] Port feature from googler/ddgr - omniprompt key O
    • [x] Show results with most search keyword matches on top (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Text-mode user agent for Buku
    • [X] Copy search result URL to cipboard
    • [x] Read default Firefox profile name from profiles.ini (see #212, thanks @alex-bender)
    • [x] Support --format in search results (ref, thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] API documentation (comments need to be in NumPy format) (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Auto-import: optionally add parent folder name as tag, ask for unique tag [like importdb()]
    • [x] Support custom colours (thanks @shv-q3)
    • [x] Generate packages on Travis-CI using PackageCore (see #189) (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Search multiple tags, exclusion in tag search (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Auto-import Firefox and Google Chrome bookmarks (thanks @alex-bender)
    • [x] Suggest tags those go together
    • [x] Append/overwrite/remove tags from prompt
    • [x] Add more tests (ongoing activity @rachmadaniHaryono)
    • [x] A browser plugin (thanks @SamHH for bukubrow)
    • [x] Text editor support (thanks @ZwodahS)
    • [x] Need a PyPI maintainer (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Make refreshdb faster using threads (record updates should be synchronized)
    • [x] Show usage count in tag list
    • [x] Proxy support (thanks @denisfalqueto)
    • [x] Continuous search at prompt
    • [x] Add prompt help
    • [x] Specify custom DB file to class BukuDb (library usage, no exposed option)
    • [x] Move to urllib3
    • [x] Handle redirects using referrer masking. Example URL. Fixed with urllib3.
    • [x] Support URL shortening. This helps to share URLs. (see #92 for limitations)
    • [x] Make a bookmark title immutable via refreshdb()
    • [x] Markdown import/export
    • [x] Regex search
    • [x] Ubuntu PPA (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Export specific tags to HTML
    • [x] Exact word match using REGEX. Make substring match optional.
    • [x] Delete all records based on a search result
    • [x] Delete multiple items, support combination of indices and ranges
    • [x] Append tags
    • [x] Travis CI integration
    • [x] Ubuntu deb package generation on new tag
    • [x] Merge bookmark database files (for users who work on multiple systems)
    • [x] Export bookmarks in FF or Chrome html format.
    • [x] Option to add folder names as tags while importing HTML (thanks @mohammadKhalifa)
    • [x] Check and show upstream version
    • [ ] Anything else which would add value (please discuss in this thread)
    help wanted 
    opened by jarun 51
  • ToDo list

    ToDo list

    Continued from #78.


    The list below is a growing one. While suggesting new features please consider contributing to Buku. The code is intentionally kept simple and easy to understand with comments. We'll be happy to help out any new contributor.

    Some of the fresh-baked features may not have been released yet. Grab the master branch for those.

    Identified tasks

    • [ ] Ubuntu Unity scope
    • [ ] A browser plugin (probably a new project; see #122)
    • [ ] Add more tests
    • [ ] API documentation
    • [ ] Rest API for webapps
    • [ ] Android app (using the same database)
    • [x] Text editor support (thanks @ZwodahS)
    • [x] Need a PyPI maintainer
    • [x] Make refreshdb faster using threads (record updates should be synchronized).
    • [x] Show usage count in lag list
    • [x] Proxy support
    • [x] Continuous search at prompt
    • [x] Add prompt help
    • [x] Specify custom DB file to class BukuDb (library usage, no exposed option)
    • [x] Move to urllib3
    • [x] Handle redirects using referrer masking. Example URL. Fixed with urllib3.
    • [x] Support URL shortening. This helps to share URLs. (see #92 for limitations)
    • [x] Make a bookmark title immutable via refreshdb()
    • [x] Markdown import/export
    • [x] Regex search
    • [x] Ubuntu PPA
    • [x] Export specific tags to HTML
    • [x] Exact word match using REGEX. Make substring match optional.
    • [x] Delete all records based on a search result
    • [x] Delete multiple items, support combination of indices and ranges
    • [x] Append tags
    • [x] Travis CI integration
    • [x] Ubuntu deb package generation on new tag
    • [x] Merge bookmark database files (for users who work on multiple systems)
    • [x] Export bookmarks in FF or Chrome html format.
    • [ ] ~~Option to add folder names as tags while importing HTML~~ (see #80)
    • [ ] ~~Implement self-upgrade~~ (see #83)
    • [ ] Anything else which would add value (please discuss in this thread)
    opened by jarun 48
  • TODO list

    TODO list

    Continued from #14.


    The list below is a growing one. While suggesting new features please consider contributing to Buku. The code is intentionally kept simple and easy to understand with comments. We'll be happy to help out any new contributor.

    Some of the just-completed features may not have been released yet. Grab the master branch for those.

    Currently identified ToDos

    • [ ] Implement self-upgrade (refer to googler source)
    • [ ] Move to REPL style (re-use the current Argparser, make sure DB is consistent after each run). Branch - repl
    • [ ] Load DB in memory, use encryption by default (unlock for a complete REPL session, lock before program exit)
    • [ ] ~~Option to add folder names as tags while importing HTML~~ (refer to #80)
    • [ ] Search as you type at REPL prompt
    • [ ] Fuzzy search at REPL prompt
    • [ ] PyPI packaging (branch pypi-packaging)
    • [ ] Android app (using the same database)
    • [x] Markdown import/export
    • [x] Regex search
    • [x] Ubuntu PPA
    • [x] Export specific tags to HTML
    • [x] Add more tests (incremental @wheresmyjetpack, @poikjhn)
    • [x] Exact word match instead of substring match as it works currently. (Hint: REGEXP)
    • [x] Delete all records based on a search result
    • [x] Delete multiple items eg: 1,2,3,10-30,45 (to delete records 1,2,3, from 10 to 30.. etc)
    • [x] Append tags
    • [x] Travis CI integration
    • [x] Ubuntu deb package generation on new tag
    • [x] Merge bookmark database files (for users who work on multiple systems)
    • [x] Export bookmarks in FF or Chrome html format.
    • [ ] Anything else which would add value (please discuss in this thread)
    opened by jarun 44
  • ToDo List

    ToDo List

    Continued from #174.


    The list below is a growing one. While suggesting new features please consider contributing to Buku. The code is intentionally kept simple and easy to understand with comments. We'll be happy to assist any new contributor. We need your help!

    Some of the fresh-baked features may not have been released yet. Grab the master branch for those.

    Identified tasks

    • [ ] Paging option (10 by default if value is omitted in option). The current behaviour stays the same as users already have scripts based on it.
    • [ ] Support filtering by tags with search options (see #250)
    • [ ] Support keyword filtering (records having keywords a and b but not c and d)
    • [ ] Android app (with the same schema) (probably a separate project; we'll be glad to help)
    • [x] Port feature from googler/ddgr - omniprompt key O
    • [x] Show results with most search keyword matches on top (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Text-mode user agent for Buku
    • [X] Copy search result URL to cipboard
    • [x] Read default Firefox profile name from profiles.ini (see #212, thanks @alex-bender)
    • [x] Support --format in search results (ref, thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] API documentation (comments need to be in NumPy format) (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Auto-import: optionally add parent folder name as tag, ask for unique tag [like importdb()]
    • [x] Support custom colours (thanks @shv-q3)
    • [x] Generate packages on Travis-CI using PackageCore (see #189) (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Search multiple tags, exclusion in tag search (thanks @mosegontar)
    • [x] Auto-import Firefox and Google Chrome bookmarks (thanks @alex-bender)
    • [x] Suggest tags those go together
    • [x] Append/overwrite/remove tags from prompt
    • [x] Rest API for webapps (thanks @kishore-narendran)
    • [x] Add more tests (ongoing activity @rachmadaniHaryono)
    • [x] A browser plugin (thanks @SamHH for bukubrow)
    • [x] Text editor support (thanks @ZwodahS)
    • [x] Need a PyPI maintainer (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Make refreshdb faster using threads (record updates should be synchronized)
    • [x] Show usage count in tag list
    • [x] Proxy support (thanks @denisfalqueto)
    • [x] Continuous search at prompt
    • [x] Add prompt help
    • [x] Specify custom DB file to class BukuDb (library usage, no exposed option)
    • [x] Move to urllib3
    • [x] Handle redirects using referrer masking. Example URL. Fixed with urllib3.
    • [x] Support URL shortening. This helps to share URLs. (see #92 for limitations)
    • [x] Make a bookmark title immutable via refreshdb()
    • [x] Markdown import/export
    • [x] Regex search
    • [x] Ubuntu PPA (thanks @shaggytwodope)
    • [x] Export specific tags to HTML
    • [x] Exact word match using REGEX. Make substring match optional.
    • [x] Delete all records based on a search result
    • [x] Delete multiple items, support combination of indices and ranges
    • [x] Append tags
    • [x] Travis CI integration
    • [x] Ubuntu deb package generation on new tag
    • [x] Merge bookmark database files (for users who work on multiple systems)
    • [x] Export bookmarks in FF or Chrome html format.
    • [x] Option to add folder names as tags while importing HTML (thanks @mohammadKhalifa)
    • [x] Check and show upstream version
    • [ ] Anything else which would add value (please discuss in this thread)
    help wanted 
    opened by jarun 40
  • Scan and import Firefox and Google Chrome bookmarks DB file

    Scan and import Firefox and Google Chrome bookmarks DB file

    Feature will allow users to import existing bookmarks from Google Chrome and Firefox browsers from default profiles. Continued from #135

    Add optional argument to --ib where user can specify the path. If option --tacit is not used, please ask the user (twice) whether to import bookmarks from the browser:

    • Google Chrome
    • Firefox.

    The entrypoint for this function can be:

    1. A new option, say --ib (Import from Browser)
    2. When the database is being created the first time. Refer to initdb():
     415             # not db_exists and not enc_exists                                   
     416             print('DB file is being created at %s.\nYou should encrypt it.'      
     417                   % dbfile)
    opened by alex-bender 40
  • Get default profile path from profiles.ini file

    Get default profile path from profiles.ini file

    With this PR Firefox autoimport gets default profile from profile.ini file, and fix one bug in load_chrome_database function.

    Debian test cases:

    • [x] FF is not installed and no .mozilla root directory
    • [x] missing profiles.ini file
    • [x] empty profiles.ini file
    • [x] default profile directory is missing
    • [x] file places.sqlite is missing
    • [x] places.sqlite is a blank file
    • [x] profiles.ini file is a directory.

    Ubuntu test cases:

    • [x] no .mozilla root directory
    • [x] default profile directory is missing
    • [x] file places.sqlite is missing
    • [x] places.sqlite is a blank file
    • [x] empty profiles.ini file
    • [x] profiles.ini file is a directory.

    Mac OS test cases:

    • [x] empty profile.ini file
    • [x] profiles.ini file is a directory.
    • [x] FF is not installed
    • [x] FF installed but not started (there is no default profile)
    • [x] FF installed but no bookmarks
    • [x] FF installed and has some bookmarks.

    Windows 10 test cases (@jarun):

    • [x] Firefox uninstalled (no Mozilla root directory)
    • [x] Firefox installed, profiles.ini missing
    • [x] Firefox installed, profiles.ini empty
    • [x] Firefox installed, default profile directory missing
    • [x] Firefox installed, places.sqlite missing
    • [x] Firefox installed, places.sqlite just a blank file
    opened by alex-bender 39
  • Import browser bookmarks

    Import browser bookmarks

    Importing description field isn't implemented yet. As well documentation and man page. Check the code please, I'll make all needed changes and create tests and docs. Windows branch wasn't tested (I have no access to the win platform). Thanks

    opened by alex-bender 37
  • Return empty list when no matches are found

    Return empty list when no matches are found

    Currently, some BukuDb methods (searchdb(), search_by_tag()) that return a list are returning None instead of an empty list (…sometimes).

    This doesn't seem to improve the result usability (empty list is just as falsey as None), and conversely may complicate its processing (since None can't be iterated over nor concatenated). Thus, I suggest always returning a list value in these methods.

    …Also, some methods (get_rec_all(), search_keywords_and_filter_by_tag(), exclude_results_from_search()) always return a list (regardless of documented return type), which makes the API inconsistent.

    opened by LeXofLeviafan 2
  • Don't use Optional type for every single argument with a default value

    Don't use Optional type for every single argument with a default value

    The Optional type hint is meant to describe a "nullable" value – it has nothing to do with the value being an "omittable" function argument. Which is why I suggest modifying method type hints in the main buku file so that only the arguments which can legally have the None value are marked Optional.

    opened by LeXofLeviafan 0
  • Use named tuples for BookmarkVar values

    Use named tuples for BookmarkVar values

    I believe that using keywords/field names is better practice than magic numbers (i.e. row.title instead of row[2]), which is perfectly achievable when using named tuples (or their typed equivalent) instead of plain tuples – which is how the BookmarkVar type is defined at the moment.

    This likely won't take much effort to implement, since converting a plain tuple to a named tuple is as simple as passing a (starred) tuple value to the constructor: BookmarkVar(*resultset[0]).

    opened by LeXofLeviafan 0
  • [bukuserver] Themes

    [bukuserver] Themes

    fixes #644:

    • adding an env variable to supply a theme name (from this list) to flask-admin
    • documenting the variable in bukuserver readme (including the mention of the most decent-looking dark theme)
    opened by LeXofLeviafan 15
  • Suggestion: mention/link to existing library API docs

    Suggestion: mention/link to existing library API docs

    Even though buku can be used as a library, and has Python docs for its library API, there's no mention of this API on either PyPI page, GitHub readme, nor even on the respective project wiki page.

    Apparently not a lot of projects use buku in this capacity either. I wonder if there's a connection here… :thinking:

    opened by LeXofLeviafan 0
  • Return None instead of -1 on failure (when success result is a bookmark ID)

    Return None instead of -1 on failure (when success result is a bookmark ID)

    As of now, several BukuDb methods (get_rec_id(), get_max_id(), add_rec()) return a bookmark ID on success, but on failure they return -1. I suggest changing their failure value to None.


    • Python is not C so None is always a valid return value
    • None is basically meant for this kind of purpose
    • the row numbers start with 1 so returning a falsey value on failure would make the success checks more natural (i.e. if buku.add_rec(…))
    • even the explicit value comparison becomes more transparent (is None instead of == -1).
    opened by LeXofLeviafan 10
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