CondenseNet V2: Sparse Feature Reactivation for Deep Networks



This repository is the official Pytorch implementation for "CondenseNet V2: Sparse Feature Reactivation for Deep Networks" paper by Le Yang*, Haojun Jiang*, Ruojin Cai, Yulin Wang, Shiji Song, Gao Huang and Qi Tian (* Authors contributed equally).


  1. Introduction
  2. Usage
  3. Results
  4. Contacts


Reusing features in deep networks through dense connectivity is an effective way to achieve high computational efficiency. The recent proposed CondenseNet has shown that this mechanism can be further improved if redundant features are removed. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach named sparse feature reactivation (SFR), aiming at actively increasing the utility of features for reusing. In the proposed network, named CondenseNetV2, each layer can simultaneously learn to 1) selectively reuse a set of most important features from preceding layers; and 2) actively update a set of preceding features to increase their utility for later layers. Our experiments show that the proposed models achieve promising performance on image classification (ImageNet and CIFAR) and object detection (MS COCO) in terms of both theoretical efficiency and practical speed.




As an example, use the following command to train a CondenseNetV2-A/B/C on ImageNet

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --model cdnv2_a/b/c 
  --batch-size 1024 --lr 0.4 --warmup-lr 0.1 --warmup-epochs 5 --opt sgd --sched cosine \
  --epochs 350 --weight-decay 4e-5 --aa rand-m9-mstd0.5 --remode pixel --reprob 0.2 \
  --data_url /PATH/TO/IMAGENET --train_url /PATH/TO/LOG_DIR


We take the ImageNet model trained above as an example.

To evaluate the non-converted trained model, use to evaluate from a given checkpoint path:

python --model cdnv2_a/b/c \
  --data_url /PATH/TO/IMAGENET -b 32 -j 8 \
  --train_url /PATH/TO/LOG_DIR \
  --evaluate_from /PATH/TO/MODEL_WEIGHT

To evaluate the converted trained model, use --model converted_cdnv2_a/b/c:

python --model converted_cdnv2_a/b/c \
  --data_url /PATH/TO/IMAGENET -b 32 -j 8 \
  --train_url /PATH/TO/LOG_DIR \
  --evaluate_from /PATH/TO/MODEL_WEIGHT

Note that these models are still the large models after training. To convert the model to standard group-convolution version as described in the paper, use the

python --model cdnv2_a/b/c \
  --data_url /PATH/TO/IMAGENET -b 64 -j 8 \
  --train_url /PATH/TO/LOG_DIR \
  --convert_from /PATH/TO/MODEL_WEIGHT


Results on ImageNet

Model FLOPs Params Top-1 Error Tsinghua Cloud Google Drive
CondenseNetV2-A 46M 2.0M 35.6 Download Download
CondenseNetV2-B 146M 3.6M 28.1 Download Download
CondenseNetV2-C 309M 6.1M 24.1 Download Download

Results on COCO2017 Detection

Detection Framework Backbone Backbone FLOPs mAP
FasterRCNN ShuffleNetV2 0.5x 41M 22.1
FasterRCNN CondenseNetV2-A 46M 23.5
FasterRCNN ShuffleNetV2 1.0x 146M 27.4
FasterRCNN CondenseNetV2-B 146M 27.9
FasterRCNN MobileNet 1.0x 300M 30.6
FasterRCNN ShuffleNetV2 1.5x 299M 30.2
FasterRCNN CondenseNetV2-C 309M 31.4
RetinaNet MobileNet 1.0x 300M 29.7
RetinaNet ShuffleNetV2 1.5x 299M 29.1
RetinaNet CondenseNetV2-C 309M 31.7

Results on CIFAR

Model FLOPs Params CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100
CondenseNet-50 28.6M 0.22M 6.22 -
CondenseNet-74 51.9M 0.41M 5.28 -
CondenseNet-86 65.8M 0.52M 5.06 23.64
CondenseNet-98 81.3M 0.65M 4.83 -
CondenseNet-110 98.2M 0.79M 4.63 -
CondenseNet-122 116.7M 0.95M 4.48 -
CondenseNetV2-110 41M 0.48M 4.65 23.94
CondenseNetV2-146 62M 0.78M 4.35 22.52


Any discussions or concerns are welcomed!


If you find our project useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={CondenseNet V2: Sparse Feature Reactivation for Deep Networks},
  author={Yang, Le and Jiang, Haojun and Cai, Ruojin and Wang, Yulin and Song, Shiji and Huang, Gao and Tian, Qi},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  • the converted model get more larger

    the converted model get more larger

    hi,thanks for your best contributions! When i converted the trained model on cifar10, i find the converted model get more larger,e.g. 10723->24418, how can i converted the model right, or the fact is that.

    the train arguments on cifar10 is : --model condensenetv2 -b 64 -j 12 --data cifar10 --stages 14-14-14 --growth 8-16-32


    opened by niliusha123 6
  • Pruning issue

    Pruning issue

    Awesome job! Recently, I have read your paper and have a question about the way you prune the weight. In the paper, you write as following

    M^g_{i,j} is set to zero for all j in g-th group for each pruned output feature map i.

    Maybe it should be implemented as self._mask[d, i:i+d_in, :, :].fill_(0) rather than

    Is there anything wrong of my understanding?

    opened by fushh 2
  • 作者训练好imagenet 模型

    作者训练好imagenet 模型

    您好,请问我能用作者训练好imagenet 模型进行迁移学习吗,我并没有发现该模型,因为我简单的把该结构拿出来进行图像检索,具体操作为去掉最后的分类层,添加l连接层(1024,128)发现结果并不是很好,大概是我做错了,而且我发现收敛的很慢,运行同样的epoch和损失函数,该网络65个epoch时只有50%,而imagenet预训练下的alexnet都有70%,实验设备有限,我希望能快速得到结果,希望作者能给合适imagenet模型,邮箱是,万分感谢。这是我修改的地方

    class CondenseNetV2(nn.Module): def init(self, args, bit):

        super(CondenseNetV2, self).__init__()
        self.stages = args.stages
        self.growth = args.growth
        assert len(self.stages) == len(self.growth)
        self.args = args
        self.progress = 0.0
        if args.dataset in ['cifar10', 'cifar100']:
            self.init_stride = 1
            self.pool_size = 8
            self.init_stride = 2
            self.pool_size = 7
        self.features = nn.Sequential()
        ### Initial nChannels should be 3
        self.num_features = 2 * self.growth[0]
        ### Dense-block 1 (224x224)
        self.features.add_module('init_conv', nn.Conv2d(3, self.num_features,
        for i in range(len(self.stages)):
            activation = 'HS' if i >= args.HS_start_block else 'ReLU'
            use_se = True if i >= args.SE_start_block else False
            ### Dense-block i
            self.add_block(i, activation, use_se)

    #只修改了这里 #self.fc = nn.Linear(self.num_features, args.fc_channel) #self.fc_act = HS() self.hash = nn.Linear(self.num_features, bit) self.fc_act = HS() ### Classifier layer #self.classifier = nn.Linear(args.fc_channel, args.num_classes) self._initialize() #************************

    def cdnv2_b(self,args, bit):#这里没改,就加个bit args.stages = '2-4-6-8-6' args.growth = '6-12-24-48-96' print('Stages: {}, Growth: {}'.format(args.stages, args.growth)) args.stages = list(map(int, args.stages.split('-'))) args.growth = list(map(int, args.growth.split('-'))) args.condense_factor = 6 args.trans_factor = 6 args.group_1x1 = 6 args.group_3x3 = 6 args.group_trans = 6 args.bottleneck = 4 args.last_se_reduction = 16 args.HS_start_block = 2 args.SE_start_block = 3 args.fc_channel = 1024 return CondenseNetV2(args, bit)

    #************************************************args参数只传了这些,其他都没改 import os import argparse import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyTorch Condensed Convolutional Networks') args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() args.dataset = 'cifar100' args.num_classes = 100 cdnv2_b(args, 64):

    opened by HHEjie123 2
  • Weight size mismatch between the pretrained model and the model defined in the code!预训练模型和代码中的模型参数尺寸不匹配

    Weight size mismatch between the pretrained model and the model defined in the code!预训练模型和代码中的模型参数尺寸不匹配

    size mismatch for features.denseblock_1.denselayer_1.conv_1.conv.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([32, 2, 1, 1]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([32, 16, 1, 1]).

    opened by chenhao12 1
  • issue about SFR-ShuffleNetV2

    issue about SFR-ShuffleNetV2

    Sfr-shufflenetv2 is mentioned in the paper, but I can't find its code. Is Sfr-shufflenetv2 add or concat 1 * 1 convolution and the other half channel of the input? And the paper mentioned that you shuffle the channel after using the SFR module in condensenetv2, but I didn't see the use of channel shuffle in the corresponding file, so channel shuffle is not necessary, right? thanks!!

    opened by Piplebobble 1
Haojun Jiang
Now a first year PhD in the Department of Automation. My research interest lies in Computer Vision .
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