Aggressor script that gets the latest commands from CobaltStrikes opsec page and creates an aggressor script based on tool options.
Grabs latest commands from https://www.cobaltstrike.com/help-opsec and sets block/allow based on tool input.
Options of commands to block/allow are:
- API-only
- House-keeping Commands
- Inline Execute (BOF)
- Post-Exploitation Jobs (Fork&Run)
- Process Execution
- Process Execution (cmd.exe)
- Process Execution (powershell.exe)
- Process Injection (Remote)
- Process Injection (Spawn&Inject)
- Service Creation
Thanks to bluescreenofjeff and _tifkin for the original opsec aggressor scripts. It was more better since it rewrote some of the dropdown options but it hasn't been updated in 4 years, much has changed since then.
usage: get_opsec.py [-h] [-c COMMANDS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c COMMANDS, --commands COMMANDS
Beacon commands to enable (comma delimted) Options: API-only House-keeping bof Post-Exploitation cmd.exe powershell.exe remote spawn&inject service
$ python3 get_opsec.py -c API-only,House-keeping,bof,cmd.exe | tee opsec.cna
#TTP: API-only
#configuring the block commands
foreach $key (sorta(keys(%commands))) {
if (%commands[$key] eq "block") {
alias($key, {
berror($1,"This command's execution has been blocked. Remove the opsec profile to run the command.");
#Adding the opsec command to check the current settings
beacon_command_register("opsec", "Show the settings of the loaded opsec profile",
"Synopsis: opsec
" .
"Displays a list of command settings for the currently loaded opsec profile.");
blog($1,"The current opsec profile has the following commands set to block/block: ");
foreach $key (sorta(keys(%commands))) {
blog2($1,$key . " - " . %commands[$key]);