Official PyTorch Implementation of Hypercorrelation Squeeze for Few-Shot Segmentation, arXiv 2021

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Hypercorrelation Squeeze for Few-Shot Segmentation

This is the implementation of the paper "Hypercorrelation Squeeze for Few-Shot Segmentation" by Juhong Min, Dahyun Kang, and Minsu Cho. Implemented on Python 3.7 and Pytorch 1.5.1.

For more information, check out project [website] and the paper on [arXiv].


  • Python 3.7
  • PyTorch 1.5.1
  • cuda 10.1
  • tensorboard 1.14

Conda environment settings:

conda create -n hsnet python=3.7
conda activate hsnet

conda install pytorch=1.5.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
pip install tensorboardX

Preparing Few-Shot Segmentation Datasets

Download following datasets:

1. PASCAL-5i

Download PASCAL VOC2012 devkit (train/val data):


Download PASCAL VOC2012 SDS extended mask annotations from our [Google Drive].

2. COCO-20i

Download COCO2014 train/val images and annotations:


Download COCO2014 train/val annotations from our Google Drive: [], []. (and locate both train2014/ and val2014/ under annotations/ directory).

3. FSS-1000

Download FSS-1000 images and annotations from our [Google Drive].

Create a directory '../Datasets_HSN' for the above three few-shot segmentation datasets and appropriately place each dataset to have following directory structure:

../                         # parent directory
├── ./                      # current (project) directory
│   ├── common/             # (dir.) helper functions
│   ├── data/               # (dir.) dataloaders and splits for each FSSS dataset
│   ├── model/              # (dir.) implementation of Hypercorrelation Squeeze Network model 
│   ├──           # intstruction for reproduction
│   ├──            # code for training HSNet
│   └──             # code for testing HSNet
└── Datasets_HSN/
    ├── VOC2012/            # PASCAL VOC2012 devkit
    │   ├── Annotations/
    │   ├── ImageSets/
    │   ├── ...
    │   └── SegmentationClassAug/
    ├── COCO2014/           
    │   ├── annotations/
    │   │   ├── train2014/  # (dir.) training masks (from Google Drive) 
    │   │   ├── val2014/    # (dir.) validation masks (from Google Drive)
    │   │   └── ..some json files..
    │   ├── train2014/
    │   └── val2014/
    └── FSS-1000/           # (dir.) contains 1000 object classes
        ├── abacus/   
        ├── ...
        └── zucchini/


1. PASCAL-5i

python --backbone {vgg16, resnet50, resnet101} 
                --fold {0, 1, 2, 3} 
                --benchmark pascal
                --lr 1e-3
                --bsz 20
                --load "path_to_trained_model/"
                --logpath "your_experiment_name"
  • Training takes approx. 2 days until convergence (trained with four 2080 Ti GPUs).

2. COCO-20i

python --backbone {resnet50, resnet101} 
                --fold {0, 1, 2, 3} 
                --benchmark coco 
                --lr 1e-3
                --bsz 40
                --load "path_to_trained_model/"
                --logpath "your_experiment_name"
  • Training takes approx. 1 week until convergence (trained four Titan RTX GPUs).

3. FSS-1000

python --backbone {vgg16, resnet50, resnet101} 
                --benchmark fss 
                --lr 1e-3
                --bsz 20
                --load "path_to_trained_model/"
                --logpath "your_experiment_name"
  • Training takes approx. 3 days until convergence (trained with four 2080 Ti GPUs).

Babysitting training:

Use tensorboard to babysit training progress:

  • For each experiment, a directory that logs training progress will be automatically generated under logs/ directory.
  • From terminal, run 'tensorboard --logdir logs/' to monitor the training progress.
  • Choose the best model when the validation (mIoU) curve starts to saturate.


1. PASCAL-5i

Pretrained models with tensorboard logs are available on our [Google Drive].

python --backbone {vgg16, resnet50, resnet101} 
               --fold {0, 1, 2, 3} 
               --benchmark pascal
               --nshot {1, 5} 
               --load "path_to_trained_model/"

2. COCO-20i

Pretrained models with tensorboard logs are available on our [Google Drive].

python --backbone {resnet50, resnet101} 
               --fold {0, 1, 2, 3} 
               --benchmark coco 
               --nshot {1, 5} 
               --load "path_to_trained_model/"

3. FSS-1000

Pretrained models with tensorboard logs are available on our [Google Drive].

python --backbone {vgg16, resnet50, resnet101} 
               --benchmark fss 
               --nshot {1, 5} 
               --load "path_to_trained_model/"

4. Evaluation without support feature masking on PASCAL-5i

  • To reproduce the results in Tab.1 of our main paper, COMMENT OUT line 51 in support_feats = self.mask_feature(support_feats, support_mask.clone())

Pretrained models with tensorboard logs are available on our [Google Drive].

python --backbone resnet101 
               --fold {0, 1, 2, 3} 
               --benchmark pascal
               --nshot {1, 5} 
               --load "path_to_trained_model/"


  • To visualize mask predictions, add command line argument --visualize: (prediction results will be saved under vis/ directory)
  python '...other arguments...' --visualize  

Example qualitative results (1-shot):


If you use this code for your research, please consider citing:

   title={Hypercorrelation Squeeze for Few-Shot Segmentation},
   author={Juhong Min and Dahyun Kang and Minsu Cho},
   journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.01538},
  • about FSS metrics

    about FSS metrics

    In FSS-1000, they said that "The metric we use is the IOU of positive labels in a binary segmentation map". And in DAN,the said that "Note that the metric on FSS-1000 is the IOU of positive labeels(P-IOU) in binary segmentation maps " But they donnot have a clear code to explain it. I think it is the sum of IOU on every test_img,and the divided the test_num. So, I want to ask a help for you ,do you think FSS metric have any difference to metric of PASCAL VOC(mIOU on classes)?

    opened by ily666666 10
  • Paper Result

    Paper Result


    I am training your model resnet50 on pascal (0 fold). After 70 epochs, the max MIou is 62.89. Now the MIou is Fluctuating below the maximum value. Can you suggest how I can achieve the paper results? are there any special parameters to achieve paper results?

    Thank you

    opened by Ehteshamciitwah 7
  • Pascal datasets

    Pascal datasets


    During the training of your model. I realized the model is using nearly 11000 images for training on fold0. While the other comparable models like PFENet are using different lists containing nearly 4000 images for fold 0. Why there is a difference between training images number. am I missing something? Furthermore when I train your model using PFENet pipelines (data loader). The results are very low. Need your comments. Thank you

    opened by Ehteshamciitwah 6
  • Unfair Comparisons especially on COCO

    Unfair Comparisons especially on COCO

    This is not the case actually because you did not fairly compare your results with REPRI and PFENet in the table1 where the results are directly copied from their papers. In they keep the aspect ratio of the resized images to be the same as the original image, but in your implementation the images are simply resized to be the aspect ratio 1:1 without keeping the original label.

    For my second question, now that all previous methods use 417, 473 or the original sizes for evaluating COCO and PASCAL. I do not understand why did you use size 400 on COCO and PASCAL to create a brand **new** setting and make other people hard to follow to have a fair comparison, even if the size 400 does not bring the best performance according to your words. Normally we should show the setting of the best results. This is true the performance on Pascal will be slightly higher when the training size grows but they are still comparable. And the models of REPRI and PASCAL cannot be directly tested with 1:1 aspect ratio because they are not trained with the images the 1:1 ratios in the non-255 regions. However on COCO I have tested on PFENet. the results will be much lower when it is evaluated with the original labels without resize. it is the same to the results shownin PFENet it is also mentioned by So I think it is unfair if you cannot show the COCO results with the original aspects and the original sizes (or 417, 473) to compare with related methods (REPRI, PFENET AND ASGNet and so on) because a smaller size for resizing labels does bring much better performance on COCO.

    opened by deepAICrazy 5
  • about effect

    about effect

    I download your code,and train it according to the readme.txt, but when I train it 150 epoches,Its mIOU up to 82.47%.So ,can you tell me how should I train to achieve the effect of the essay.

    opened by ily666666 5
  • unsufficient GPU storage?

    unsufficient GPU storage?

    Hello, I'm currently testing your code on a new class I inserted to FSS-1000 (weldings on big machine parts). When trying to change several values, such as the image size in line 88 in or the batch size, i constantly run into this error:

    RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1.40 GiB (GPU 0; 7.79 GiB total capacity; 4.36 GiB already allocated; 448.50 MiB free; 5.44 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)

    I'm working on a nvidia RTX 3070ti with 8 Gigs of VRAM. I suppose this is because Pytorch manually manages storage allocation and there is not enough VRAM for processing larger images. However this is what i want to do, because I suppose larger images lead to better results in Few Shot Segmentation. So my question is, is there any way to increase FB-IoU and mIou on my own set of images or do I have to implement a completely new dataset on my own and do I have to train a new model to use it on this own set of images?

    Thank you in advance and for your impressive work.

    opened by JoniGlueck 4
  • Possible code simplification?

    Possible code simplification?



    Is a rather complicated function, which (if I understand it correctly) just strides the final two dimensions. Could you instead simply do:

    out1 = x[...,::2,::2]

    Perhaps there is something I'm missing here? Otherwise, I think it would make the code more readable.

    opened by Parskatt 4
  • Training on data from different domain

    Training on data from different domain


    Thank you for making your work publicly available.

    Currently, I am trying to train on satellite imagery (5 cm resolution) but it seems like the model can't converge.

    The dataset consists of 6 classes of which 0=background. I have set the following in my custom Dataset:

     self.nfolds = 5
     self.nclass = 5

    Can you confirm if my thought proces is correct that each fold will have 4 base classes in the training set and 1 base class in the validation set?

    As for the training, I though about unfreezing the gradients because the domain data is so much different from the pretrained data.

    Do you have any ideas on how I could obtain feasible results on my data?


    opened by desmania 3
  • 5-shot training

    5-shot training

    Hello, Thanks for your great work on FSS! I have some confusion about Implementation details of 5-shot training.

    1. According to #8, did it mean that the dataloader give 5 support-query, then model gives 5 loss and sum these losses to backward?
    2. With Figure A12, is it more rational to get five support images and one query image for 5-shot training?
    3. According to section4.5 and #18, what's meaning of "maximum voting score"? Thank you.
    opened by Joseph-Lee-V 2
  • Zero shot learning

    Zero shot learning

    Hello, I have a question for you. Does this code support for zeros shot learning?? I want to use zero shot with this code for evaluating and training it on my dataset

    Thank you

    opened by viethoang303 2
  • [Question] Domain shift result

    [Question] Domain shift result

    COCO to Pascal - test

    I tried to get domain shift results from your pre-trained model (Resnet50 COCO fold 0 ) but strangely got low accuracy.

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

    For example for the fold 0 in the domain shift test, First, I collect all train and validation pascal data and then exclude all classes that are in the coco fold 0. Only Airplane, Boat, Chair, Dining table, Dog, Person remain for fold 0 as explained in the paper RePRI.

    The entire above-remained fold 0 data were used for checking accuracy. There are 7717 cases for the fold 0 test.

    Should I sample 1000 cases from 7717 cases?

    Thank you.

    opened by moonsh 2
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