JupyterLite demo deployed to GitHub Pages 🚀

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JupyterLite Demo


JupyterLite deployed as a static site to GitHub Pages, for demo purposes.

Try it in your browser

➡️ https://jupyterlite.github.io/demo



JupyterLite is being tested against modern web browsers:

  • Firefox 90+
  • Chromium 89+


This repository provides a demonstration of how to:

  • build a JupyterLite release using prebuilt JupyterLite assets that bundles a collection of pre-existing Jupyter notebooks as part of the distribution;
  • deploy the release to GitHub Pages.

The process is automated using Github Actions.

You can use this repository in two main ways:

  • generate a new repository from this template repository and build and deploy your own site to the corresponding Github Pages site;
  • build a release from a PR made to this repository and download the release from the created GitHub Actions artifact.

Using Your Own Repository to Build a Release and Deploy it to Github Pages

Requires Github account.

Click on "Use this template" to generate a repository of your own from this template:


From the Actions tab on your repository, ensure that workflows are enabled. When you make a commit to the main branch, a Github Action will run to build your JupoyterLite release and deploy it to the repository's Github Pages site. By default, the Github Pages site will be found at YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io/YOUR_REPOSITORY-NAME. You can also check the URL from the Repository Settings tab Pages menu item.

If the deployment failed, go to "Settings - Actions - General", in the "Workflow permissions" section, check "Read and write permissions". Update files such as readme, and commit so that GitHub rebuids and re-deploys the project. Go to "Settings - Pages", choose "gh-pages" as the source.

Add any additional requirements as required to the requirements.txt file.

You can do this via the Github website by selecting the requirements.txt file, clicking to edit it, making the required changes then saving ("committing") the result to the main branch of your repository.

Modify the contents of the contents folder to include the notebooks you want to distribute as part of your distribution.

You can do this by clicking on the contents directory and dragging notebooks from your desktop onto the contents listing. Wait for the files to be uploaded and then save them ("commit" them) to the main branch of the repository.

Check that you have Github Pages enabled for your repository: from your repository Settings tab, select the Pages menu item and ensure that the source is set to gh-pages.

When you commit a file, an updated release will be built and published on the Github Pages site. Note that it may take a few minutes for the Github Pages site to be updated. Do a hard refresh on your Github Pages site in your web browser to see the new release.

Further Information and Updates

For more info, keep an eye on the JupyterLite documentation:

Deploy a new version of JupyterLite

To change the version of the prebuilt JupyterLite assets, update the jupyterlite package version in the requirements.txt file.

The requirements.txt file can also be used to add extra prebuilt ("federated") JupyterLab extensions to the deployed JupyterLite website.

Commit and push any changes. The site will be deployed on the next push to the main branch.


Create a new environment:

mamba create -n jupyterlite-demo
conda activate jupyterlite-demo
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then follow the steps documented in the Configuring section.

  • xeus-kernels fail

    xeus-kernels fail

    all xeus kernels fail with the same error as https://github.com/jupyterlite/xeus-sqlite-kernel/issues/10.

    Interestingly I can locally install all of them via pip and they work without that issue

    opened by DerThorsten 7
  • Add step to `deploy.yml` Github Action to create `all.json`

    Add step to `deploy.yml` Github Action to create `all.json`

    The current demo is hardwired to use a specific (fixed) all.json config file which itemises the files to be displayed in the file directory listing.

    To make this repo more useful as a possible template repo, from which folk can deploy their own notebook seeded demo site, a new all.json file should be created that captures the files to be listed.

    There is a fragment of Python code in JupyterLite conf.py that could be split out into a simple CLI command to achieve this: https://github.com/jtpio/jupyterlite/blob/695373748db6c5aa015224e94d4aa8679eb34ef2/docs/conf.py#L142

    To make things conventional / easier to identify which files to copy over, it might be worth having something like a content directory into which the notebook files, image files, maybe python files etc etc intended for distribution are placed.

    At the moment the Github Action only copies over *.csv and *.ipynb files: https://github.com/jtpio/jupyterlite-demo/blob/98eb9db9c3cd68e10caa0e265d9be38db9ecb30d/.github/workflows/deploy.yml#L28

    opened by psychemedia 7
  • ipywidgets fails to install in jupyterlite/demo deployment

    ipywidgets fails to install in jupyterlite/demo deployment


    I believe ipywidgets fail to install in the Jupyterlite deployment of the jupyterlite/demo repo. It was working in late July.

    This started as a discussion here: https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/miscellaneous-questions-on-the-usage-of-jupyterlite


    1. Open a fresh Jupyterlite demo from https://jupyterlite.github.io/demo/lab/
    2. Create and run cell with
    import piplite
    await piplite.install(['ipywidgets'])
    1. It yields a ValueError: Can't find a pure Python 3 wheel for 'widgetsnbextension~=4.0'.

    Expected behavior

    ipywidgets should install fine. This is the case in the official Jupyterlite demo https://jupyterlite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_static/lab/, so there must be some divergence between the two deployments.


    • JupyterLite version: Version 0.1.0-beta.12
    • Operating System and version: Ubuntu 22.04
    • Browser and version: Firefox 104 (as a snap from Ubuntu)
    opened by pierre-haessig 5
  • Experiment:

    Experiment: "Quickstart"-focused README

    It took me some digging to understand a few key things I needed for a Jupyterlite "Quickstart," where my use case was basically "put some notebooks on GitHub Pages, or other static site hosting, and have them be shareable and interactive (thanks to Jupyterlite)."

    The minimal quickstart steps seem to be:

    mkdir content && cp <some notebook>.ipynb content/
    pip install jupyterlite jupyterlab
    jupyter lite build --contents content --output-dir dist

    At that point, dist/ is a static bundle that can be dropped anywhere, copied into an existing GitHub Pages site dir, etc.

    The jupyterlab dependency was tricky to figure out. It's required for example notebooks to show up on the frontend. Otherwise, jupyter lite build --contents content will ≈silently fail to output api/contents/all.json (which is required for example notebooks from content/ to be presented to users, cf. https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite/issues/318#issuecomment-945492049).

    Some other thoughts:

    • deploy.yml in this repo is a good template for auto-publishing via GHA, which I know is somewhat described in this README, but took me a while to find+appreciate.
    • Forking this repo to get an auto-published GitHub Pages site, with notebooks from contents/, is a powerful "Quickstart" that I didn't glean from my initial skim of relevant repos/docs.
    • A lot of this info (like the existence and structure of this demo repo) could be called out more prominently in the main jupyterlite docs (and perhaps in an example notebook in this repo / the public demo site?). Something like how-to-host-your-own-jupyterlite.ipynb, easily findable in the main demo.

    Anyway, I appreciate that the README.md in this repo is geared toward beginners; perhaps some of the above (and the README.md I wrote in this PR / my fork) could go in a quickstart.md or something?

    Thoughts welcome, I'm not actually proposing to replace the README wholesale, this is just my take on explaining a quickstart to someone who's already more proficient with Git{,Hub}.

    opened by ryan-williams 4
  • Add screencast to show how to use the template

    Add screencast to show how to use the template


    To make it event clearier and show how to use the GitHub template.

    Suggested Improvement

    There is already a screenshot in https://github.com/jupyterlite/demo#usage.

    @martinRenou maybe we could update it and use the screencast from this tweet? https://twitter.com/martinRenou/status/1415683682036162567

    opened by jtpio 4
  • overrides settings of

    overrides settings of "@jupyterlab/notebook-extension:tracker" to change the rendering layout


    I try to configure the look and feel of the resulting embedded notebook. My (first) goal is to change the rendering layout to 'side-by-side'. Could you please explain me how to do that ? I tried several things (overrides.json, jupyter-lite.json in different folder, etc) but with no luck. I guess the closest thing I did is to add a jupyter-lite.json file in the root directory of my repo with the following content: `{

    "jupyter-lite-schema-version": 0,
    "jupyter-config-data": {
      "disabledExtensions": [
    "settingsOverrides": {
         "@jupyterlab/notebook-extension:tracker": {
            "renderingLayout": "side-by-side"
        "@jupyterlab/apputils-extension:palette": {"modal": false}


    the file seems considered since the disabled extensions are actually disabled but the rendering layout is not changed :-/ the repo is here: https://github.com/jdeantoni/iiwjupylite and the resulting page here: https://jdeantoni.github.io/iiwjupylite/lab/index.html

    any help would be appreciated thanks

    opened by jdeantoni 2
  • How to enable real-time collaboration

    How to enable real-time collaboration


    There is no section about collaboration specific to the demo. In the jupyterlite docs, it says that it should be enabled but I can't see this on my instance which is a vanilla fork of the demo.

    I also tried to deploy my own from scratch, and the collaboration works on my machine but not when it is deployed on e.g. github pages nor gitlab pages.

    I have tried to append room=0, put a specific room number in the configuration that I then put in the url, but the two open windows don't show the other modifications.

    Suggested Improvement

    A section that says how to make real-time collaboration work

    opened by horaceg 2
  • Settings and Actions links in readme broken

    Settings and Actions links in readme broken


    In the template section the links to Actions and Settings etc dont lead to the approriate repo tabs, rather to parts of the code that are then non-existent.

    so here:

    image the actions link leads to the non-existent https://github.com/jupyterlite/demo/blob/main/actions

    Suggested Improvement

    Make these links lead to the approriate https://github.com/jupyterlite/demo/actions

    opened by ianhi 2
  • Add jupyterlite-xeus-lua

    Add jupyterlite-xeus-lua

    Fixes https://github.com/jupyterlite/xeus-lua-kernel/issues/24

    Now that jupyterlite-xeus-lua is published to PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/jupyterlite-xeus-lua/

    cc @DerThorsten

    opened by jtpio 2
  • Make the repo compatible with Netlify

    Make the repo compatible with Netlify

    It looks like the only thing needed to make that repo automatically deployable on Netlify (for folks generating theirs with the template) is to add a runtime.txt file with the following content:


    To make sure to be using Python 3.7.

    And then specify the build command in the "Deploy Settings":

    jupyter lite build --output-dir dist --debug


    opened by jtpio 2
  • Demo notebook is misleading

    Demo notebook is misleading

    The demo notebook is misleading - when I tried running the demo locally at least, there is a lot of whitespace at the top of the notebook that makes it look like the page is blank (and broken....)


    Are the line breaks in the notebook for a reason?


    opened by psychemedia 2
  • dotnet core kernel and node ObservableHQ Bridge

    dotnet core kernel and node ObservableHQ Bridge


    I would like it if we could use dotnet core kernel then display the content in html using ObservableHQ []

    Use cases:

    -dotnet-CLR -repl

    • taking advantage of dotnet DLR ,foreign code interop and CIL bytecode.
    • utilizing onnx interference runtime and deployment in most platform natively with enhanced performance .
    • cross platform native deamon/services communication protocol to bridge plugins with native messaging in client apps --automation with powershell?
    • interactive programming/learning += desktop editors in mobile through web RWD+PWA . --blazor in notebook?
    • interactive data plotting and visualization displayed in html with widget and web component .
    • [Multi-language notebooks&variable sharing] within the same notebook

    Proposed Solution

    Add an option to switch computing kernel so we cloud use dotnet libraries usage example

    Additional context

    https://nteract.io/kernels/dotnet https://github.com/nteract/nteract/tree/master/applications/jupyter-extension

    opened by PrestigeDevop 0
  • Pyolite kernel stocks on [*]

    Pyolite kernel stocks on [*]


    I used your document to run a local instance of jupyterlite on port 8000 but stocks on [*], i also run your online and had the same problem. I should note that, the javascript kernel is working okay

    Browser Output
    Paste the output from your browser Javascript console here.
    opened by babaee74 1
  • Provide example of how to add your own extension to the distribution

    Provide example of how to add your own extension to the distribution

    The JupyterLite demo currently shows how to add custom content to the site, as well as additional app config settings.

    It would be useful for a documented demo of how to add a custom extension, eg from a pre-built wheel.

    opened by psychemedia 7
  • Automated version bump when new releases are out

    Automated version bump when new releases are out


    For now we manually update this repo to bump the version of jupyterlite when there is a new release. For example: https://github.com/jupyterlite/demo/pull/43

    It would be great if this could be automated instead.

    Proposed Solution

    Probably just parsing and writing to requirements.txt should be enough for now.

    Additional context

    JupyterLab Desktop has a workflow to do that with JupyterLab releases: https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab-desktop/blob/master/.github/workflows/sync_lab_release.yml

    opened by jtpio 0
  • Demo notebook of things that don't (yet) work

    Demo notebook of things that don't (yet) work


    Many potential users of jupyterlite are likely to consider themselves "notebook users" rather than developers. This template repo helps provide an on-ramp to unexperienced users with a way to get started with their own deployment of jupyterlite, as well as exploring what's possible via the demo notebooks.

    Such users might be consider themselves "notebook users" rather than developers and might be frustrated if things they expect to work don't (yet) work.

    It might be useful to have a notebook of "not yet working" examples of things that folk are likely to try but that don't yet work, with workarounds if available, perhaps with a brief explanation of why they don't (yet) work.

    See also: https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite/issues/199

    Suggested Improvement

    Create a notebook with a set of "not yet working" items.

    For example:

    • %pip not available [related issue]
    • pd.read_csv() file not found; sqliite file not found etc. [related issue]
    • shell commands and line magics that make use of shell commands won't work
    opened by psychemedia 1
  • What happens if demo files are updated and a user has already visited the site

    What happens if demo files are updated and a user has already visited the site

    If a user has visited the site from a particular browser and then revisits the demo site at a later time, perhaps noticing from the repo that additional demo examples have been added, or original examples have been updated, how will their browser respond?

    • will new files be added to browser storage (which already has state associated with the demo URL)?
    • will updated files overwrite similarly named files in browser storage?

    How could a user "update" their local state to reflect the current repo live demo state? (I guess one way might be to run the browser as a new private browser session, but how many folk would think to do that?)

    opened by psychemedia 5
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