Zapiski za ure o C++-u



Zapiski o C++-u. Objavljena verzija je na

Generating the notes

The setup assumes you are working in a Linux environment. The instrcutions need only slight modifications for Windows. Make sure you have a recent enough version of Python 3 installed.


python -m venv venv3
source venv3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

to prepare the development environment.

Change to the notes directory:

cd notes

Every time you wish to compile the notes, run

make html

(or make latex, or other).

Edit the sources in the source/ folder to update the notes. The generated notes can be viewed in a browser by opening the build/html/index.html file.

Jure Slak

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Jure Slak
postdoc researcher
Jure Slak