Simple keylogger that uses pynput to listen to keyboard input. Outputs to a text file and the terminal. Press the escape key to stop.
Installation on Windows
Download the .exe from the releases page and run it. No other downloads are required. If smartscreen blocks it, this is because it's not in a list of known programs.
Installation on other operating systems
Download and install the latest version of Python for your OS here:
Open your terminal and execute this command:
pip --version
If it responds, then ignore the "Installing PIP" section below this.
Execute this command:
pip install pynput
Pynput is required to run PyLog.
Assuming you downloaded the file, cd to the directory it's in.
Simply execute python
in your terminal to run it.
Installing PIP
Go to
Copy paste this into a text file named whatever you want, just make sure the extension is .py.
Open your terminal and cd into the directory where the file you just created is located.
Run this command (obviously replace nameoffile with what you named it):
You should now be installing pip, which is needed to download Pynput.