KIRI - Keyboard Interception, Remapping and Injection using Raspberry Pi as a HID Proxy.
Near limitless abilities for a keyboard warrior.
- Simple remap of any key or key combination to any key or key combination.
- Build keyboard mapping and/or macros using python.
- Completely external and thereby supports any operating system capable of receiving keyboard input via USB.
Hardware Requirements
- A Raspberry Pi with an USB OTG port (e.g. Pi 4 and Zero W) - this is required so the Raspberry Pi may identify itself as a Human Interface Device (HID).
- An additional USB port for keyboard input to the Raspberri Pi. Only if using a bluetooth keyboard the Raspberri Pi Zero W will suffice, otherwise a Raspberri Pi 4 is needed.
OS Requirements
- Testing has only been conducted with Raspberrian OS - other distributions may work also.
- For convenience and later modifications one can enable sshd on the raspberry pi and connect it to e.g. WiFi-LAN.
Software Requirements
- python >= 3.4 with evdev and importlib installed (pip3 install evdev importlib)
Enable USB OTG via the dwc2 module and allow us to register a HID device in non-kernel mode
sudo -i
echo "dtoverlay=dwc2" | tee -a /boot/config.txt
echo "dwc2" | tee -a /etc/modules
echo "libcomposite" | tee -a /etc/modules
Add binary to PATH:
sudo ln -s /root/kiri/kiri_usb /usr/bin
Modify /etc/rc.local to call the script on boot.
nano /etc/rc.local
Insert the following before exit 0.
Reboot the device.
After reboot, verify that /dev/hidg0 exists.
ls /dev/hidg0
The Raspberry Pi is now setup so e.g. a python script can write USB reports to the USB OTG port by simply writing to /dev/hidg0.
Installing KIRI
- Using git, checkout to a folder accessible by a super-user, e.g. /root/kiri.
or - Copy the files of this repository to e.g. /root/kiri
- You should now have a file with the following path: /root/kiri/ on the raspberry pi.
Set up a service or e.g. crontab to run on boot as a super-user (e.g. root).
Example with crontab
sudo -i
crontab -e
Add the following line
@reboot python3 /root/kiri/ >>/var/log/kiri.log