[3DV 2021] Channel-Wise Attention-Based Network for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation


Channel-Wise Attention-Based Network for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

This is the official implementation for the method described in

Channel-Wise Attention-Based Network for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

Jiaxing Yan, Hong Zhao, Penghui Bu and YuSheng Jin.

3DV 2021 (arXiv pdf)




Assuming a fresh Anaconda distribution, you can install the dependencies with:

conda install pytorch=1.7.0 torchvision=0.8.1 -c pytorch
pip install tensorboardX==2.1
pip install opencv-python==
pip install albumentations==0.5.2   # we use albumentations for faster image preprocessing

This project uses Python 3.7.8, cuda 11.4, the experiments were conducted using a single NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU and CPU environment - Intel Core i9-9900KF.

We recommend using a conda environment to avoid dependency conflicts.

Prediction for a single image

You can predict scaled disparity for a single image with:

python test_simple.py --image_path images/test_image.jpg --model_name MS_1024x320

On its first run either of these commands will download the MS_1024x320 pretrained model (272MB) into the models/ folder. We provide the following options for --model_name:

--model_name Training modality Resolution Abs_Rel Sq_Rel $\delta<1.25$
M_640x192 Mono 640 x 192 0.105 0.769 0.892
M_1024x320 Mono 1024 x 320 0.102 0.734 0.898
M_1280x384 Mono 1280 x 384 0.102 0.715 0.900
MS_640x192 Mono + Stereo 640 x 192 0.102 0.752 0.894
MS_1024x320 Mono + Stereo 1024 x 320 0.096 0.694 0.908

KITTI training data

You can download the entire raw KITTI dataset by running:

wget -i splits/kitti_archives_to_download.txt -P kitti_data/

Then unzip with

cd kitti_data
unzip "*.zip"
cd ..


The train/test/validation splits are defined in the splits/ folder. By default, the code will train a depth model using Zhou's subset of the standard Eigen split of KITTI, which is designed for monocular training. You can also train a model using the new benchmark split or the odometry split by setting the --split flag.


Monocular training:

python train.py --model_name mono_model

Stereo training:

Our code defaults to using Zhou's subsampled Eigen training data. For stereo-only training we have to specify that we want to use the full Eigen training set.

python train.py --model_name stereo_model \
  --frame_ids 0 --use_stereo --split eigen_full

Monocular + stereo training:

python train.py --model_name mono+stereo_model \
  --frame_ids 0 -1 1 --use_stereo

Note: For high resolution input, e.g. 1024x320 and 1280x384, we employ a lightweight setup, ResNet18 and 640x192, for pose encoder at training for memory savings. The following example command trains a model named M_1024x320:

python train.py --model_name M_1024x320 --num_layers 50 --height 320 --width 1024 --num_layers_pose 18 --height_pose 192 --width_pose 640
#             encoder     resolution                                     
# DepthNet   resnet50      1024x320
# PoseNet    resnet18       640x192

Finetuning a pretrained model

Add the following to the training command to load an existing model for finetuning:

python train.py --model_name finetuned_mono --load_weights_folder ~/tmp/mono_model/models/weights_19

Other training options

Run python train.py -h (or look at options.py) to see the range of other training options, such as learning rates and ablation settings.

KITTI evaluation

To prepare the ground truth depth maps run:

python export_gt_depth.py --data_path kitti_data --split eigen
python export_gt_depth.py --data_path kitti_data --split eigen_benchmark

...assuming that you have placed the KITTI dataset in the default location of ./kitti_data/.

The following example command evaluates the weights of a model named MS_1024x320:

python evaluate_depth.py --load_weights_folder ./log/MS_1024x320 --eval_mono --data_path ./kitti_data --eval_split eigen

Precomputed results

You can download our precomputed disparity predictions from the following links:

Training modality Input size .npy filesize Eigen disparities
Mono 640 x 192 326M Download 🔗
Mono 1024 x 320 871M Download 🔗
Mono 1280 x 384 1.27G Download 🔗
Mono + Stereo 640 x 192 326M Download 🔗
Mono + Stereo 1024 x 320 871M Download 🔗


Monodepth2 - https://github.com/nianticlabs/monodepth2

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  • Pretrained Model of Stereo Training

    Pretrained Model of Stereo Training

    Hi @kamiLight, thank you for open-sourcing this work!

    I would like to ask if CADepth can be trained with the stereo option. If so then could you share the pretrained weights? Thanks!

    opened by ldkong1205 2
  • About results

    About results

    Thank you for your brilliant research! I have a question about the results. The home page provided higher results than I tested myself using official weights. Running command I used is python evaluate_depth.py --load_weights_folder M_640x192 --data_path /kitti_path --eval_mono --eval_split eigen But the results is abs_rel | sq_rel | rmse | rmse_log | a1 | a2 | a3 | & 0.106 & 0.789 & 4.580 & 0.182 & 0.890 & 0.964 & 0.983 \ I want to know the reason for the poor results I tested.

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  • Training or Fine-tuning on a custom dataset

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    I would like to Fine-tune this model or train again on my custom dataset on a CPU machine (Monocular images)

    Could you please help me with what all things I need to take care of or changes need to be made before doing so?

    Thanks Kaushik

    opened by kaushik4444 0
  • Faster training compared to Monodepth2

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    Hi and thanks for sharing your code online!

    When training my own models and comparing with the Monodepth2 framework, I noticed that CADepth-Net takes significantly less time to train with all parameters being the same - number of layers, epochs, type of training data, hardware. For example, 6h53m for 20 epochs on monocular data with ResNet18 for both depth and pose. My MonoDepth model with the same settings took 11h19m, consistently over several tests. To my understanding, you essentially took the Monodepth2 code and then added the SPM and DEM, so I wonder how that results in reduced training time. Do you have an idea why this might be?

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