A tool combining EasyOCR and LaMa to automatically detect text and replace it with an inpainted background.



EasyLaMa (WIP)

This is a tool combining EasyOCR and LaMa to automatically detect text and replace it with an inpainted background.


For GPU support install PyTorch with CUDA or ROCm support manually.

pip install git+https://github.com/kanttouchthis/EasyLaMa


For a list of supported languages see EasyOCR

from EasyLaMa import TextRemover

tr = TextRemover(languages=["en", "de"], device="cuda)
result, mask = tr("example.png", mask_edge=4, radius=0) # Can take filepath, url, PIL Image object as input. Returns result, mask as PIL Image object
usage: easylama [-h] [-e EDGE] [-r RADIUS] [-o OUTPUT] [-m MASK] [-d DEVICE] [-l LANGUAGES [LANGUAGES ...]] image

positional arguments:
  image                 Image to process. Required

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EDGE, --edge EDGE  Extra margin at the edges of detected boxes. Default: 1
  -r RADIUS, --radius RADIUS
                        Radius for rounded corners. 0 = no rounding. Default: 1
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Filename for storing result, Default: "result.jpg"
  -m MASK, --mask MASK  Filename for storing mask. Default: don't store mask
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        Device to use (cuda, cuda:0, cpu...). Default: cuda
                        Languages to detect. See https://www.jaided.ai/easyocr/ for supported languages and their
                        abbreviations. Default: en
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