Disturbing Target Values for Neural Network regularization: attacking the loss layer to prevent overfitting
1. Classification Task
PyTorch implementation of DisturbLabel: Regularizing CNN on the Loss Layer [CVPR 2016] extended with Directional DisturbLabel method.
This classification code is built on top of https://github.com/amirhfarzaneh/disturblabel-pytorch/blob/master/README.md project and utilizes implementation from ResNet 18 from https://github.com/huyvnphan/PyTorch_CIFAR10
Directional DisturbLabel
if args.mode == 'ddl' or args.mode == 'ddldr':
out = F.softmax(output, dim=1)
norm = torch.norm(out, dim=1)
out = out / norm[:, None]
idx = []
for i in range(len(out)):
if out[i,target[i]] > .5:
if len(idx) > 0:
target[idx] = disturb(target[idx]).to(device)
python main_ddl.py --mode=dl --alpha=20
Most important arguments
- which data to use
Possible values:
value | dataset |
FMNIST | Fashion MNIST |
CIFAR10 | CIFAR-10 |
CIFAR100 | CIFAR-100 |
ART | Art Images: Drawing/Painting/Sculptures/Engravings |
INTEL | Intel Image Classification |
Default: MNIST
-- mode
- regularization method applied
Possible values:
value | method |
noreg | Without any regularization |
dl | Vanilla DistrubLabel |
ddl | Directional DisturbLabel |
dropout | Dropout |
dldr | DistrubLabel+Dropout |
ddldl | Directional DL+Dropout |
Default: ddl
- alpha for vanilla Distrub label and Directional DisturbLabel
Possible values: int from 0 to 100. Default: 20
- number of training epochs
Default: 100
2. Regression Task
def noise_generator(x, alpha):
noise = torch.normal(0, 1e-8, size=(len(x), 1))
noise[torch.randint(0, len(x), (int(len(x)*(1-alpha)),))] = 0
return noise
def disturberror(outputs, values):
epsilon = 1e-8
e = values - outputs
for i in range(len(e)):
if (e[i] < epsilon) & (e[i] >= 0):
values[i] = values[i] + e[i] / 4
elif (e[i] > -epsilon) & (e[i] < 0):
values[i] = values[i] - e[i] / 4
return values
- Boston: 506 instances, 13 features
- Bike Sharing: 731 instances, 13 features
- Air Quality(AQ): 9357 instances, 10 features
- make_regression(MR): 5000 instances, 30 features (random sample for regression)
- Housing Price - Kaggle(HP): 1460 instances, 81 features
- Student Performance (SP): 649 instances, 13 features (20 - categorical were dropped)
- Superconductivity Dataset (SD): 21263 instances, 81 features
- Communities & Crime (CC): 1994 instances, 100 features
- Energy Prediction (EP): 19735 instancies, 27 features
Experiment Setting
Model: MLP which has 3 hidden layers
Result: Averaged over 20 runs
Hyperparameters: Using grid search options
python main_new.py --de y --dataset "bike" --dv_annealing y --epoch 100 --T 80
python main_new.py --de y --dv y --dataset "bike" -epoch 100
python main_new.py --de y --l2 y --dataset "air" -epoch 100
python main_new.py --dv y --dv_annealing y --dataset "air" -epoch 100 #for annealing setting dv should be "y"
--dataset: 'bike', 'air', 'boston', 'housing', 'make_sklearn', 'superconduct', 'energy', 'crime', 'students'
--dropout, --dv(disturbvalue), --de(disturberror), --l2, --dv_annealing: (string) y / n
--lr: (float)
--batch_size, --epoch, --T(cos annealing T): (int)
-- default dv_annealing: alpha_min = 0.05, alpha_max = 0.12, T_i = 80