IJCAI2020 & IJCV 2020 :city_sunrise: Unsupervised Scene Adaptation with Memory Regularization in vivo



Python 3.6 License: MIT

In this repo, we provide the code for the two papers, i.e.,

Table of contents


  • Python 3.6
  • GPU Memory >= 11G (e.g., GTX2080Ti or GTX1080Ti)
  • Pytorch or Paddlepaddle

Prepare Data

Download [GTA5] and [Cityscapes] to run the basic code. Alternatively, you could download extra two datasets from [SYNTHIA] and [OxfordRobotCar].

The data folder is structured as follows:

├── data/
│   ├── Cityscapes/  
|   |   ├── data/
|   |       ├── gtFine/
|   |       ├── leftImg8bit/
│   ├── GTA5/
|   |   ├── images/
|   |   ├── labels/
|   |   ├── ...
│   ├── synthia/ 
|   |   ├── RGB/
|   |   ├── GT/
|   |   ├── Depth/
|   |   ├── ...
│   └── Oxford_Robot_ICCV19
|   |   ├── train/
|   |   ├── ...



python train_ms.py --snapshot-dir ./snapshots/SE_GN_batchsize2_1024x512_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0.1_lr2_drop0.1_seg0.5  --drop 0.1 --warm-up 5000 --batch-size 2 --learning-rate 2e-4 --crop-size 1024,512 --lambda-seg 0.5  --lambda-adv-target1 0.0002 --lambda-adv-target2 0.001   --lambda-me-target 0  --lambda-kl-target 0.1  --norm-style gn  --class-balance  --only-hard-label 80  --max-value 7  --gpu-ids 0,1  --often-balance  --use-se  

Generate Pseudo Label:

python generate_plabel_cityscapes.py  --restore-from ./snapshots/SE_GN_batchsize2_1024x512_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0.1_lr2_drop0.1_seg0.5/GTA5_25000.pth

Stage-II (with recitfying pseudo label):

python train_ft.py --snapshot-dir ./snapshots/1280x640_restore_ft_GN_batchsize9_512x256_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0_lr1_drop0.2_seg0.5_BN_80_255_0.8_Noaug --restore-from ./snapshots/SE_GN_batchsize2_1024x512_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0.1_lr2_drop0.1_seg0.5/GTA5_25000.pth --drop 0.2 --warm-up 5000 --batch-size 9 --learning-rate 1e-4 --crop-size 512,256 --lambda-seg 0.5 --lambda-adv-target1 0 --lambda-adv-target2 0 --lambda-me-target 0 --lambda-kl-target 0 --norm-style gn --class-balance --only-hard-label 80 --max-value 7 --gpu-ids 0,1,2 --often-balance  --use-se  --input-size 1280,640  --train_bn  --autoaug False

*** If you want to run the code without rectifying pseudo label, please change [this line] to 'from trainer_ms import AD_Trainer', which would apply the conventional pseudo label learning. ***


python evaluate_cityscapes.py --restore-from ./snapshots/1280x640_restore_ft_GN_batchsize9_512x256_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0_lr1_drop0.2_seg0.5_BN_80_255_0.8_Noaug/GTA5_25000.pth

Trained Model

The trained model is available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1smh1sbOutJwhrfK8dk-tNvonc0HLaSsw/view?usp=sharing

  • The folder with SY in name is for SYNTHIA-to-Cityscapes
  • The folder with RB in name is for Cityscapes-to-Robot Car

One Note for SYNTHIA-to-Cityscapes

Note that the evaluation code I provided for SYNTHIA-to-Cityscapes is still average the IoU by divide 19. Actually, you need to re-calculate the value by divide 16. There are only 16 shared classes for SYNTHIA-to-Cityscapes. In this way, the result is same as the value reported in paper.

The Key Code

Core code is relatively simple, and could be directly applied to other works.

Related Works

We also would like to thank great works as follows:


  title={Unsupervised Scene Adaptation with Memory Regularization in vivo},
  author={Zheng, Zhedong and Yang, Yi},
  title={Rectifying Pseudo Label Learning via Uncertainty Estimation for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation },
  author={Zheng, Zhedong and Yang, Yi},
  journal={International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)},
  • How to change class balance parameters according to input size

    How to change class balance parameters according to input size

    Hi, thank you for your great work on domain adaptation! The origin input image is 1024512, but now I want to train on higher resolution, like 19201080. How should I change the class balance parameters like max_value and 6464n. In my opinion, it will be better to use ratio threshold instead of a hard assigned number like 64 like this: for i in range(self.num_classes): count[i] = torch.sum(labels==i) if count[i]/(nhw) < 1/128.0: #small classes, original train size is 1024512 weight[i] = self.max_value and 6464/(5121024) = 1/128 But I get worse results than default settings trained with input size (1024512). Is there anything that I missed? Any help will be appreciated.

    opened by qimw 7
  • can not get good performance

    can not get good performance

    Hi, I have some problems 1.for your release model: stage 1 model (SE_GN_batchsize2_1024x512_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0.1_lr2_drop0.1_seg0.5), I test this model using your code, the mIoU is only 38.07, much lower than 45.5(stage 1 miou in MRNet paper). stage2 model(1280x640_restore_ft_GN_batchsize9_512x256_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0_lr1_drop0.2_seg0.5_BN_80_255_0.8_Noaug) is 50.34 , which is same as the report result in second paper. 2. train result I use your released stage 1 model to generate pseudo label, then train stage 2, However, the performance is low: 43.89 for 25000.pth, 42.69 for 50000.pth, 41.98 for 100000.pth, much lower than the result in your paper. And I do not change any code except variable DATA_DIRECTORY

    opened by panzhang0212 6
  • Question about stage2

    Question about stage2

    Nice work! I am a novice in the domain adaptation field. I have a question about stage2. In my understanding about your paper, uncertainty estimation is used for target domain images. But in your code trainer_ms_variance.py, it seems to be calculated on the image of the source domain.

        def gen_update(self, images, images_t, labels, labels_t, i_iter):
                pred1, pred2 = self.G(images)
                pred1 = self.interp(pred1)
                pred2 = self.interp(pred2)
                if self.class_balance:            
                    self.seg_loss = self.update_class_criterion(labels)
                loss_seg1 = self.update_variance(labels, pred1, pred2) 
                loss_seg2 = self.update_variance(labels, pred2, pred1)
                loss = loss_seg2 + self.lambda_seg * loss_seg1
    opened by zhangbin0917 4
  • Question about stage 3

    Question about stage 3

    Hi, thanks for your great job! Recently I've been reading your code and I have a question about stage 2(rectifying). You set lambda_adv_target1 and lambda_adv_target2 to 0 which means there is no adv training in stage 2(Right?), but you keep training generator with false instruction from discriminator(the weight of discriminators is not loaded in stage 3), you annotated here which means you keep training G, but here you never updated D, is this the right behavior or maybe I misunderstood sth?

    opened by wtupc96 4
  • load state dict error

    load state dict error

    When conducting experiments of stage 1 training, state dicts of self.G model is inconsistent with the pretrained model in 'http://vllab.ucmerced.edu/ytsai/CVPR18/DeepLab_resnet_pretrained_init-f81d91e8.pth'. For example, key of state dict of self.G is 'layer5.conv2d_list.0.0.weight' and 'layer6.bottleneck.0.se.0.weight', but key of the pretrained model is 'layer5.conv2d_list.0.weight' and there is no module 'layer6.bottleneck.0.se.0.weight'. Should I set the strict as False in load_state_dict()?

    opened by valencebond 3
  • tabular data/ noisy instances

    tabular data/ noisy instances

    Hi, thanks for sharing your implementation. I have two questions about it:

    1. Does it also work on tabular data?
    2. Is it possible to identify the noisy instances (return the noisy IDs or the clean set)?


    opened by nazaretl 2
  • Question about Pseudo-labels are source domain but not target domain in the code

    Question about Pseudo-labels are source domain but not target domain in the code

    Hi, thanks for the nice code~ I have some questions about the pseudo-labels training part of the code,

    this is the pseudo labeling loss of the source data as Eq.11 in paper: loss_seg1 = self.update_variance(labels, pred1, pred2), in which the labels come from the source domain.

    the target domain does not use the pseudo-labels but the entropy minimization: loss_kl = ( self.kl_loss(self.log_sm(pred_target2) , mean_pred) + self.kl_loss(self.log_sm(pred_target1) , mean_pred))/(nhw)

    opened by jingzhengli 1
  • About data loading

    About data loading

    Hello, thank for sharing the great work. I have a quick question. I find that ''random scale'' and ''mirror'' are used for preprocessing data, which is a little different from previous works.

    • So, for what reason did you adopt these strategies?

    • Have you conducted experiments to verify how much performance improvement they bring?


    opened by BinhuiXie 1
  • About rectification in stage 2

    About rectification in stage 2

    Hi, thanks for the code! I was wondering why in stage 2 the loss weight lambda-kl-target is set to 0. From my understanding, the rectification is done by using this term. Thanks in advance.

    opened by adricarda 1
  • Without recitfying pseudo label in Stage 2

    Without recitfying pseudo label in Stage 2

    If I want to run the code without rectifying the pseudo label, I am confused that why in stage 2 the loss weight lambda-kl-target is set to 0? (From README) From Eq.9 of the IJCAI2020 paper, I understand the KL-divergence loss is should be used. Thanks

    opened by yihong-97 1
  • AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'sync_bn'

    AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'sync_bn'

    Thank you for sharing this code! I have a small question, when I run the train_ms_robot. py file, I always get an error, AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'sync_bn'.

    opened by xmz123456 1
  • Prediction variance and Prediction confidence

    Prediction variance and Prediction confidence


    could you maybe explain the difference between prediction variance and prediction Confidence? In the paper, Figure 5 visualizes both, but I'm not sure how do you calculate them. I assume the KL term divergence is used as variance, then how to get the confidence?

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by SnowdenLee 1
  • Where is the code for MC-Dropout?

    Where is the code for MC-Dropout?

    Hi @layumi , I noticed that in your paper, the uncertainty is obtained by computing both MC-Dropout and difference between two classifiers, but I cannot find the code used for MC-Dropout, could you please kindly tell me?

    opened by mitming 1
  • Question about no folder of

    Question about no folder of "ground truth" of SYNTHIA dataset

    Sorry to bother you, when I downloaded the SYNTHIA dataset and decompressed it. I found there was no folder with "ground truth"(GT). I want to know if someone else is in this situation.

    opened by jingzhengli 1
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