Mengzi Pretrained Models


中文 | English


尽管预训练语言模型在 NLP 的各个领域里得到了广泛的应用,但是其高昂的时间和算力成本依然是一个亟需解决的问题。这要求我们在一定的算力约束下,研发出各项指标更优的模型。


基于语言学信息融入和训练加速等方法,我们研发了 Mengzi 系列模型。由于与 BERT 保持一致的模型结构,Mengzi 模型可以快速替换现有的预训练模型。


Mengzi: Towards Lightweight yet Ingenious Pre-trained Models for Chinese




# 使用 Huggingface transformers 加载
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertModel

tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("Langboat/mengzi-bert-base")
model = BertModel.from_pretrained("Langboat/mengzi-bert-base")


# 使用 Huggingface transformers 加载
from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration

tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("Langboat/mengzi-t5-base")
model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("Langboat/mengzi-t5-base")




pip install transformers



RoBERTa-wwm-ext 74.30 57.51 60.80 80.70 67.20 80.67 77.59 67.06 83.78
Mengzi-BERT-base 74.58 57.97 60.68 82.12 87.50 85.40 78.54 71.70 84.16

RoBERTa-wwm-ext 的分数来自 CLUE baseline


Task Learning rate Batch size Epochs
AFQMC 3e-5 32 10
TNEWS 3e-5 128 10
IFLYTEK 3e-5 64 10
CMNLI 3e-5 512 10
WSC 8e-6 64 50
CSL 5e-5 128 5
CMRC2018 5e-5 8 5
C3 1e-4 240 3
CHID 5e-5 256 5







该项目中的内容仅供技术研究参考,不作为任何结论性依据。使用者可以在许可证范围内任意使用该模型,但我们不对因使用该项目内容造成的直接或间接损失负责。技术报告中所呈现的实验结果仅表明在特定数据集和超参组合下的表现,并不能代表各个模型的本质。 实验结果可能因随机数种子,计算设备而发生改变。




      title={Mengzi: Towards Lightweight yet Ingenious Pre-trained Models for Chinese}, 
      author={Zhuosheng Zhang and Hanqing Zhang and Keming Chen and Yuhang Guo and Jingyun Hua and Yulong Wang and Ming Zhou},
  • test_ch.yaml文件


    您好,多模态oscar模型,在acc-icc数据集进行推理的时候,采用语句是: python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 oscar/
    --do_test --test_yaml test_ch.yaml
    --num_beams 5 --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 128 --max_gen_length 20


    opened by jiangix-paper 14
  • 请问Mengzi-BERT-base在CLUE的9项下游任务中,训练的平台配置和参数是多少?


    开发者您好!论文中说Mengzi-BERT-base在CLUE的9项下游任务中超过了RoBERTa、BERT等baseline,我有几个问题想请教您一下: ① 请问在下游任务训练中,你们使用的硬件平台配置是多少呢?例如显卡配置、CUDA版本等。 ② 而且,方便透露下游任务训练中更具体的参数设置吗?例如优化器的参数配置、warmup的设置、模型初始化的seed值、下游任务中是否使用了fp16等。 ③ 刚刚看到FAQ中说不考虑开放training代码,请问Mengzi-BERT-base的下游任务训练代码也不会考虑开放吗?

    opened by ma787639046 9
  • What is the input format for the model to automatically generate marketing copy?

    What is the input format for the model to automatically generate marketing copy?

    hello langboat, thanks for sharing the good work. Regarding the automatically generated marketing copy in the paper

    Given the input title and keywords, the models are required to generate a corresponding descriptive passage

    What is the input of the model? Is it in the form of [cls] title [sep] [keywords1,keywords2,keywords3,keywords4] [sep] [kg11,kg12,kg13] [kg21,kg22,kg23]?

    opened by Nipi64310 3
  • Input prefix of the model mengzi-t5-base

    Input prefix of the model mengzi-t5-base


    I have a question regarding the input of the model mengzi-t5-base. In the original paper of T5, it mentions that "we need to add the task-specific prefix to the original input sequence before feeding it to the model". I wonder that if I want to perform text summarize task with mengzi-t5-base or other downstream tasks, do I need to add some prefix, and what the prefix should be. Thank you very much for your help, looking forward to your reply.

    opened by KarenMars 2
  • How to incorporate knowledge graph in marketing copywriting?

    How to incorporate knowledge graph in marketing copywriting?

    Hi, Thanks for sharing this awesome work. According to the Figure 2. of your paper, you incorporate knowledge graph in marketing copywriting task, but it seems there is no further explanation about this. Could you please explain more about this method?

    opened by windysavage 1
  • batch size究竟是128还是16384

    batch size究竟是128还是16384


    We limit the length of sentences in each batch to up to 512 tokens, and the batch size is 128.


    The batch sizes for the two stages are 16384 and 32768, respectively

    请问究竟batch size究竟是哪个呢?是否前一个是number of sequences,后面一个是number of tokens?还是由于使用了LAMB所以能支持这么大的batch size?LAMB的paper用的是32868。

    opened by hankcs 1
  • mengzi-gpt-neo-base在huggingface上无法体验,有异常爆出


    如题, 错误信息: Can't load tokenizer using from_pretrained, please update its configuration: Can't load tokenizer for 'Langboat/mengzi-gpt-neo-base'. If you were trying to load it from '', make sure you don't have a local directory with the same name. Otherwise, make sure 'Langboat/mengzi-gpt-neo-base' is the correct path to a directory containing all relevant files for a GPT2TokenizerFast tokenizer.

    opened by liruixue 2
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