Source code for the paper "PLOME: Pre-training with Misspelled Knowledge for Chinese Spelling Correction" in ACL2021

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Deep Learning PLOME

PLOME:Pre-training with Misspelled Knowledge for Chinese Spelling Correction (ACL2021)

This repository provides the code and data of the work in ACL2021: PLOME: Pre-training with Misspelled Knowledge for Chinese Spelling Correction


  • python3

  • tensorflow1.14

  • horovod


  • Finetune:

    train and evaluation file format: original sentence \t golden sentence

    step1: cd finetune_src ; 
    step2: download the pretrained PLOME model and corpus from ;
    step3: sh
  • Pre-train

    step1: cd pre_train_src ;
    step2: sh ;
    step3: sh

    Our pre-trained model:

  • 测试数据集及评价方式?



    我使用放出的plome模型,使用放出的训练集微调,使用放出的测试集(542条),最后的结果是 pinyin result: token check: p=0.933, r=0.874, f=0.902 token correction: p=0.975, r=0.852, f=0.909 fusion result: token check: p=0.936, r=0.871, f=0.902 token correction: p=0.966, r=0.841, f=0.899 sent check: p=0.867, r=0.800, f=0.832 sent correction: p=0.841, r=0.776, f=0.807 不知是否正确?

    论文给出的结果为 image




    opened by wangwang110 8
  • 预测部分代码


    你好,请教一下关于预测部分代码实现的问题: ① 根据,从中抽取了evaluate() 部分的代码进行修改。 ② 在实现predict过程中,由于测试样本没有标签,剔除了bert_tagging.py中关于label相关的代码,在调用create_model()方法时,出现了一些Error,请问在create_model()之前是否需要添加 graph=tf.get_default_graph() ? 还有为啥我的中间输出了一些类似这样的数值: (?, 40, 768) , (?, 4, 32) ,这里的 ?是不是表示输出有问题?

    opened by TommyTang930 1
  • cbert使用


    作者,您好,请问cbert是最终训练好的模型吗?评测直接使用cbert,会报错 Key loss/output_py_bias not found in checkpoint Not found: Key py_emb/GRU/rnn/gru_cell/candidate/bias not found in checkpoint


    opened by joyJZhang 0
  • 执行程序问题


    您好,我在执行您的程序的时候遇到了 Traceback (most recent call last): File "G:/PLOME-main/finetune_src/", line 268, in print('\tsk_or_py=', FLAGS.sk_or_py) File "G:/PLOME-main/finetune_src/", line 203, in train start_time = time.time() File "G:\PLOME-main\venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\", line 950, in run run_metadata_ptr) File "G:\PLOME-main\venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\", line 1173, in _run feed_dict_tensor, options, run_metadata) File "G:\PLOME-main\venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\", line 1350, in _do_run run_metadata) File "G:\PLOME-main\venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\", line 1370, in _do_call raise type(e)(node_def, op, message) tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: 2 root error(s) found. (0) Invalid argument: Key: stroke_ids. Can't parse serialized Example. [[{{node ParseSingleExample/ParseSingleExample}}]] [[IteratorGetNext]] [[IteratorGetNext/_475]] (1) Invalid argument: Key: stroke_ids. Can't parse serialized Example. [[{{node ParseSingleExample/ParseSingleExample}}]] [[IteratorGetNext]] 0 successful operations. 0 derived errors ignored. 请问这个问题您有解决方案么,本地环境和您在readme里面说的一样,谢谢您

    opened by zhoukaiwei66 3
  • 关乎mask策略,是只mask前面的字吗?


    def mask_process(self, input_sample):
        valid_ids = [idx for (idx, v) in enumerate(input_sample) if v not in self.invalid_ids]
        masked_sample = copy.deepcopy(list(input_sample))
        seq_len = len(masked_sample)
        masked_flgs = [0] * seq_len
        n_masked = int(len(valid_ids) * self.config['global_rate'])
        if n_masked < 1:
            n_masked = 1
        for pos in valid_ids[:n_masked]:
            method = self.get_mask_method()
            if method == 'pinyin':
                new_c = self.same_py_confusion.get_confusion_item_by_ids(input_sample[pos])
                if new_c is not None:
                    masked_sample[pos] = new_c
                    masked_flgs[pos] = 1
            elif method == 'jinyin':
                new_c = self.simi_py_confusion.get_confusion_item_by_ids(input_sample[pos])
                if new_c is not None:
                    masked_sample[pos] = new_c
                    masked_flgs[pos] = 1
            elif method == 'stroke':
                new_c = self.sk_confusion.get_confusion_item_by_ids(input_sample[pos]) 
                if new_c is not None:
                    masked_sample[pos] = new_c
                    masked_flgs[pos] = 1
            elif method == 'random':
                new_c = self.all_token_ids[random.randint(0, self.n_all_token_ids)]
                if new_c is not None:
                    masked_sample[pos] = new_c
                    masked_flgs[pos] = 1
            elif method == 'keep': 
                masked_flgs[pos] = 1
        masked_py_ids = [self.tokenid_pyid.get(x, 1) for x in masked_sample]  
        masked_sk_ids = [self.tokenid_skid.get(x, 1) for x in masked_sample] 
        return np.asarray(masked_sample, dtype=np.int32), np.asarray(masked_flgs, dtype=np.int32), np.asarray(masked_py_ids, dtype=np.int32), np.asarray(masked_sk_ids, dtype=np.int32)


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