[ICCV2021] IICNet: A Generic Framework for Reversible Image Conversion

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Deep Learning IICNet

IICNet - Invertible Image Conversion Net

Official PyTorch Implementation for IICNet: A Generic Framework for Reversible Image Conversion (ICCV2021). Demo Video | Supplements


Reversible image conversion (RIC) aims to build a reversible transformation between specific visual content (e.g., short videos) and an embedding image, where the original content can be restored from the embedding when necessary. This work develops Invertible Image Conversion Net (IICNet) as a generic solution to various RIC tasks due to its strong capacity and task-independent design. Unlike previous encoder-decoder based methods, IICNet maintains a highly invertible structure based on invertible neural networks (INNs) to better preserve the information during conversion. We use a relation module and a channel squeeze layer to improve the INN nonlinearity to extract cross-image relations and the network flexibility, respectively. Experimental results demonstrate that IICNet outperforms the specifically-designed methods on existing RIC tasks and can generalize well to various newly-explored tasks. With our generic IICNet, we no longer need to hand-engineer task-specific embedding networks for rapidly occurring visual content.


Clone this repository and set up the environment.

git clone https://github.com/felixcheng97/IICNet.git
cd IICNet/
conda env create -f iic.yml

Dataset Preparation

We conduct experments on 5 multiple-and-single RIC tasks in the main paper and 2 single-and-single RIC tasks in the supplements. Note that all the datasets are placed under the ./datasets directory.

Task 1: Spatial-Temporal Video Embedding

We use the high-quality DAVIS 2017 video dataset in this task. You could download the Semi-supervised 480p dataset through this link. Unzip, rename, and place them under the dataset directory with the following structure.

`-- datasets
    |-- Adobe-Matting
    |-- DAVIS-2017
    |   |-- DAVIS-2017-test-challenge (rename the DAVIS folder from DAVIS-2017-test-challenge-480p.zip)
    |   |-- DAVIS-2017-test-dev       (rename the DAVIS folder from DAVIS-2017-test-dev-480p.zip)
    |   `-- DAVIS-2017-trainval       (rename the DAVIS folder from DAVIS-2017-trainval-480p.zip)
    |-- DIV2K
    |-- flicker
    |-- flicker1024
    |-- Real-Matting
    `-- VOCdevkit

Then run the following scripts for annotation.

cd codes/scripts
python davis_annotation.py

Task 2: Mononizing Binocular Images

We use the Flickr1024 dataset with the official train and test splits in this task. You could download the dataset through this link. Place the dataset under the dataset directory with the following structure.

`-- datasets
    |-- Adobe-Matting
    |-- DAVIS-2017
    |-- DIV2K
    |-- flicker
    |-- flicker1024
    |   |-- Test
    |   |-- Train_1
    |   |-- Train_2
    |   |-- Train_3
    |   |-- Train_4
    |   `-- Validation
    |-- Real-Matting
    `-- VOCdevkit

Then run the following scripts for annotation.

cd codes/scripts
python flicker1024_annotation.py

Task 3: Embedding Dual-View Images

We use the DIV2K dataset in this task. You could download the dataset through this link. Download the corresponding datasets and place them under the dataset directory with the following structure.

`-- datasets
    |-- Adobe-Matting
    |-- DAVIS-2017
    |-- DIV2K
    |   |-- DIV2K_train_HR
    |   |-- DIV2K_train_LR_bicubic
    |   |   |-- X2
    |   |   |-- X4
    |   |   |-- X8
    |   |-- DIV2K_valid_HR
    |   `-- DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic
    |       |-- X2
    |       |-- X4
    |       `-- X8
    |-- flicker
    |-- flicker1024
    |-- Real-Matting
    `-- VOCdevkit

Then run the following scripts for annotation.

cd codes/scripts
python div2kddual_annotation.py

Task 4: Embedding Multi-Layer Images / Composition and Decomposition

We use the Adobe Deep Matting dataset and the Real Matting dataset in this task. You could download the Adobe Deep Matting dataset according to their instructions through this link. You could download the Real Matting dataset on its official GitHub page or through this direct link. Place the downloaded datasets under the dataset directory with the following structure.

`-- datasets
    |-- Adobe-Matting
    |   |-- Addobe_Deep_Matting_Dataset.zip
    |   |-- train2014.zip
    |   |-- VOC2008test.tar
    |   `-- VOCtrainval_14-Jul-2008.tar
    |-- DAVIS-2017
    |-- DIV2K
    |-- flicker
    |-- flicker1024
    |-- Real-Matting
    |   |-- fixed-camera
    |   `-- hand-held
    `-- VOCdevkit

Then run the following scripts for annotation.

cd codes/scripts

# process the Adobe Matting dataset
python adobe_process.py
python adobe_annotation.py

# process the Real Matting dataset
python real_process.py
python real_annotation.py

Task 5: Hiding Images in an Image

We use the Flicker 2W dataset in this task. You could download the dataset on its official GitHub page through this link. Place the unzipped dataset under the datasets directory with the following structure.

`-- datasets
    |-- Adobe-Matting
    |-- DAVIS-2017
    |-- DIV2K
    |-- flicker
    |   `-- flicker_2W_images
    |-- flicker1024
    |-- Real-Matting
    `-- VOCdevkit

Then run the following scripts for annotation.

cd codes/scripts
python flicker_annotation.py

Task 6 (supp): Invertible Grayscale

We use the VOC2012 dataset in this task. You could download the training/validation dataset through this link. Place the unzipped dataset under the datasets directory with the following structure.

`-- datasets
    |-- Adobe-Matting
    |-- DAVIS-2017
    |-- DIV2K
    |-- flicker
    |-- flicker1024
    |-- Real-Matting
    `-- VOCdevkit
        `-- VOC2012

Then run the following scripts for annotation

cd codes/scripts
python voc2012_annotation.py

Task 7 (supp): Invertible Image Rescaling

We use the DIV2K dataset in this task. Please check Task 3: Embedding Dual-View Images to download the corresponding dataset. Then run the following scripts for annotation.

cd codes/scripts
python div2ksr_annotation.py


To train a model for a specific task, run the following script:

cd codes
OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python train.py -opt ./conf/train/<xxx>.yml

To enable distributed training with multiple GPUs for a specific task, simply assign a list of gpu_ids in the yml file and run the following script. Note that since training with multiple GPU is not tested yet, we suggest to train a model with a single GPU.

cd codes
OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port 29501 train.py -opt ./conf/train/<xxx>.yml


We provide our trained models in our paper for your reference. Download all the pretrained weights of our models from Google Drive or Baidu Drive (extraction code: e377). Unzip the zip file and place pretrained models under the ./experiments directory.

To test a model for a specific task, run the following script:

cd codes
OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python test.py -opt ./conf/test/<xxx>.yml


Some codes of this repository benefits from Invertible Image Rescaling (IRN).


If you find this work useful, please cite our paper:

    title = {IICNet: A Generic Framework for Reversible Image Conversion}, 
    author = {Ka Leong Cheng and Yueqi Xie and Qifeng Chen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},
    year = {2021}


Feel free to open an issue if you have any question. You could also directly contact us through email at [email protected] (Ka Leong Cheng) and [email protected] (Yueqi Xie).

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    Thanks for your work. May I know that is the e_(ref) in the paper equal to the exact middle input images, e.g. f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, then f3? e_(ref) no need to embed the f3 right? Thanks.

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    Hi, when I ran the codes, I failed to find the .json file and get the bug:

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    Thank you for your great work!!! I have a question about the environment, do you use the cuda10.2? I encountered this problem when configuring the environment 2022-03-14 11-16-47 的屏幕截图 the pythorch and torchvision unable to be installed do you have an environment.txt so that I can pip install environment.txt thank you very much!

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