An Unofficial Alipay API for Python

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An Unofficial Alipay API for Python


An Unofficial Alipay API for Python, It Contain these API:

  • Generate direct payment url
  • Generate partner trade payment url
  • Generate standard mixed payment url
  • Generate batch trans pay url
  • Generate send goods confirm url
  • Generate forex trade url
  • Generate QR code url
  • Verify notify
  • Single Trade Query
  • Generate Refund With Pwd URL

official document:


pip install alipay



>>> from alipay import Alipay
>>> alipay = Alipay(pid='your_alipay_pid', key='your_alipay_key', seller_email='your_seller_mail')

Or you can use seller_id instead of seller_email:

>>> alipay = Alipay(pid='your_alipay_pid', key='your_alipay_key', seller_id='your_seller_id')

Generate direct payment url



>>> alipay.create_direct_pay_by_user_url(out_trade_no='your_order_id', subject='your_order_subject', total_fee='100.0', return_url='your_order
_return_url', notify_url='your_order_notify_url')

Generate partner trade payment url



>>> params = {
... 'out_trade_no': 'your_order_id',
... 'subject': 'your_order_subject',
... 'logistics_type': 'DIRECT',
... 'logistics_fee': '0',
... 'logistics_payment': 'SELLER_PAY',
... 'price': '10.00',
... 'quantity': '12',
... 'return_url': 'your_order_return_url',
... 'notify_url': 'your_order_notify_url'
... }
>>> alipay.create_partner_trade_by_buyer_url(**params)

Generate standard mixed payment url



>>> alipay.trade_create_by_buyer_url(**params)

Generate batch trans pay url



>>> params = {
... 'batch_list': (), #批量付款用户列表
... 'account_name': 'seller_account_name', #卖家支付宝名称
... 'batch_no': 'batch_id', #转账流水号,须唯一
... 'notify_url': 'your_batch_notify_url' #异步通知地址
... }
>>> alipay.create_batch_trans_notify_url(**params)

Note: batch_list 为批量付款用户列表,具体格式如下例子:(如涉及中文请使用unicode字符)

>>> batch_list = ({'account': '[email protected]', #支付宝账号
...                'name': u'测试', #支付宝用户姓名
...                'fee': '100', #转账金额
...                'note': 'test'},
...               {'account': '[email protected]', #支付宝账号
...                'name': u'测试', #支付宝用户姓名
...                'fee': '100', #转账金额
...                'note': 'test'}) #转账原因

Generate send goods confirm url



>>> params = {
... 'trade_no': 'your_alipay_trade_id',
... 'logistics_name': 'your_logicstic_name',
... 'transport_type': 'EXPRESS',
... 'invocie_no': 'your_invocie_no'
... }
>>> alipay.send_goods_confirm_by_platform(**params)

Generate forex trade url

  • Create website payment for foreigners (With QR code)
  • Create mobile payment for foreigners


>>> params = {
... 'out_trade_no': 'your_order_id',
... 'subject': 'your_order_subject',
... 'logistics_type': 'DIRECT',
... 'logistics_fee': '0',
... 'logistics_payment': 'SELLER_PAY',
... 'price': '10.00',
... 'quantity': '12',
... 'return_url': 'your_order_return_url',
... 'notify_url': 'your_order_notify_url'
... }
>>> # Create website payment for foreigners
>>> alipay.create_forex_trade_url(**params)
>>> # Create mobile payment for foreigners
>>> alipay.create_forex_trade_wap_url(**params)

Generate QR code url

生成创建 QR 码链接


>>> alipay.add_alipay_qrcode_url(**params)

Note: 如果你的 biz_data 中有 Unicode 字符,在 dumps 的时候需要把 ensure_ascii 设置为 False,即 json.dumps(d, ensure_ascii=False) 否则会遇到错误

Verify notify

verify notify from alipay server, example in Pyramid Application

def alipy_notify(request):
    alipay = request.registry['alipay']
    if alipay.verify_notify(**request.params):
        # this is a valid notify, code business logic here
        # this is a invalid notify

Single Trade Query



import re
xml = alipay.single_trade_query(out_trade_no="10000005")
res = re.findall('<trade_status>(\S+)</trade_status>', xml) # use RE to find trade_status, xml parsing is more useful, in fact.
status = None if not res else res[0]
print status # will print out TRADE_SUCCESS when trade is success

Generate Refund With Pwd URL



>>> params = {
... 'batch_list': (), #批量退款数据集
... 'batch_no': 'batch_id', #退款批次号,须唯一
... 'notify_url': 'your_batch_notify_url' #异步通知地址
... }
>>> alipay.refund_fastpay_by_platform_pwd(**params)

Note: batch_list 为批量退款数据集,具体格式如下例子:(如涉及中文请使用unicode字符)

>>> batch_list = ({'trade_no': 'xxxxxxxx', #原付款支付宝交易号
...                'fee': '100', #退款总金额
...                'note': 'test'}, #退款原因
...               {'trade_no': 'xxxxxxxx', #原付款支付宝交易号
...                'fee': '100', #退款总金额
...                'note': 'test'}) #退款原因

Example in Pyramid Application

Include alipay either by setting your includes in your .ini, or by calling config.include('alipay').

pyramid.includes = alipay

now in your View

def some_view(request):
    alipay = request.registry['alipay']
    url = alipay.create_direct_pay_by_user_url(...)


  • django 的notify_url应该这样写吧?

    django 的notify_url应该这样写吧?

    def alipy_notify(request):
        if alipay.verify_notify(**request.POST):
            # this is a valid notify, code business logic here
            # this is a invalid notify
    opened by pc10201 3
  • 您的readme文档,关于wap支付这部分代码写的不对的吧?


    alipay_wap = Alipay(pid='your_alipay_pid', key='your_alipay_key', seller_id='your_seller_id')


    alipay_wap = WapAlipay(pid='your_alipay_pid', key='your_alipay_key', seller_id='your_seller_id')

    opened by benliu723 2
  • 通过pip安装0.2.4错误


    sudo pip install alipay==0.2.4
    Downloading/unpacking alipay==0.2.4
      Downloading alipay-0.2.4.tar.gz
      Running (path:/tmp/pip_build_root/alipay/ egg_info for package alipay
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "<string>", line 17, in <module>
          File "/tmp/pip_build_root/alipay/", line 7, in <module>
            CHANGES = open(os.path.join(here, 'CHANGES.rst')).read()
        IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/pip_build_root/alipay/CHANGES.rst'
        Complete output from command python egg_info:
        Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 17, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pip_build_root/alipay/", line 7, in <module>
        CHANGES = open(os.path.join(here, 'CHANGES.rst')).read()
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/pip_build_root/alipay/CHANGES.rst'
    Cleaning up...


    opened by zxkane 2
  • verify_notify验证失败


    alipay.verify_notify(**request.args) failed

    对比过示例的pyramid的 request.params

    pyramid的request.params是 NestedMultiDict([(u'a', u'111'), (u'b', u'cccc')])

    flask的 MultiDict([('a', u'111'), ('b', u'cccc')])

    看起来区别好像是 key 一个为 unicode,另一个不是 values 两者都是unicode

    您上次让我检查 values 是不是utf-8 编码,那示例应该是能够成功的吧,示例的pyramid也是unicode的

    opened by JoshYuJump 1
  • Seller id support

    Seller id support

    1. Add support to use seller_id instead of seller_email (when initialization)
    2. Polish some style problems (whitespace, indent, etc.)
    3. Update README and unit tests correspondingly.
    opened by Hexcles 1
  • 支付宝异步回调收不到信息有人发生过吗?


    def notify_url_handler(request):
        if request.method=='POST':
            if alipay.verify_notify(**request.POST.dict()):
                return HttpResponse("success")
                return HttpResponse("failed")
            return HttpResponse("failed")


    opened by kangsgo 0
  • FIX SEVERE FAULT IN `check_notify_remotely`!

    FIX SEVERE FAULT IN `check_notify_remotely`!

    Two strings are not safe to compare using 'is'. Sometimes it will give the 'right' result, if the cpython "internalize" the string literals. Otherwise, two same strings might have different IDs.

    opened by Hexcles 0
  • 手机支付的问题

    手机支付的问题 文档介绍 wap 下生成的是 开头的 url 这里生成的是 开头的 不能唤起 支付宝 App ,需要手动拼接成 的 url 吗?

    opened by wuyazi 0
  • sign_type问题


    我看的文档 sign_type 都是RSA 为什么你的封装签名中用的是MD5 文档中说只支持RSA和RSA2呀 难道我看的是假文档?

    opened by wsqy 3
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