Subdivision-based Mesh Convolutional Networks


Subdivision-based Mesh Convolutional Networks

The official implementation of SubdivNet in our paper,

Subdivion-based Mesh Convolutional Networks



  • python3.7+
  • CUDA 10.1+
  • Jittor

To install python requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Fetch Data

This repo provides training scripts for classification and segementation, on the following datasets,

  • shrec11-split10
  • shrec11-split16
  • cubes
  • manifold40 (based on ModelNet40)
  • humanbody
  • coseg-aliens

To download the preprocessed data, run

sh scripts/<DATASET_NAME>/

Manfold40 (before remeshed) can be downloaded via this link.


To train the model(s) in the paper, run this command:

sh scripts/<DATASET_NAME>/

To speed up training, you can use multiple gpus. First install OpenMPI:

sudo apt install openmpi-bin openmpi-common libopenmpi-dev

Then run the following command,

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="2,3" mpirun -np 2 sh scripts/<DATASET_NAME>/


To evaluate the model on a dataset, run:

sh scripts/<DATASET_NAME>/

The pretrained weights are provided. Run the following command to download them.

sh scripts/<DATASET_NAME>/


After testing the segmentation network, there will be colored shapes in a results directory. Use your favorite 3D viewer to check them.

Apply to your own data

To create your own data with subdivision sequence connectivity, you may use our provided tool that implements the MAPS algorithm. You may also refer to NeuralSubdivision, as they also provide a MATLAB scripts for remeshing.

To run our implemented MAPS algorithm, first install the following python dependecies,


Then run to remesh your meshes.


Please cite our paper if you use this code in your own work:

      title={Subdivision-Based Mesh Convolution Networks}, 
      author={Shi-Min Hu and Zheng-Ning Liu and Meng-Hao Guo and Jun-Xiong Cai and Jiahui Huang and Tai-Jiang Mu and Ralph R. Martin},
  • 关于数据集训练的一些问题


    @lzhengning 您好!


    目前我在尝试使用自己的数据集进行训练,但是现在遇到一些问题: 1、数据集预处理部分,那个json文件中的参数我没搞明白,我看过了您在#9 中的回答,那个sub_labels和raw_to_sub的数据是如何获取的,trimesh.proximity.closest_point中的输入是一个mesh数据和一个points,这个points应该选择哪些点的坐标?mesh的顶点吗? 2、在打标签时,应该在原始数据上进行还是在进行remesh后的mesh中进行? 3、我目前需要训练的mesh数据每个都包含了10w个左右的三角面片,请问还需要运行MAPS算法吗?如果需要,是否应该先对mesh进行简化后再运行该算法?


    opened by ZYB-1997 14
  • How many gpus do you utilize?

    How many gpus do you utilize?

    ”name: manifold40 Train 0: 0%| | 0/2049 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Compiling Operators(1/1) used: 19.2s eta: 0s

    Compiling Operators(1/1) used: 13s eta: 0s

    Compiling Operators(1/1) used: 13s eta: 0s

    Compiling Operators(1/1) used: 13.8s eta: 0s

    Compiling Operators(56/56) used: 78.5s eta: 0s

    Compiling Operators(44/44) used: 60.4s eta: 0s

    Compiling Operators(1/1) used: 16s eta: 0s Train 0: 0%| | 1/2049 [03:56<134:34:05, 236.55s/it] Compiling Operators(2/2) used: 19.3s eta: 0s

    Compiling Operators(1/1) used: 14.4s eta: 0s Train 0: 1%|▋ | 21/2049 [04:52<1:14:44, 2.21s/it][w 0624 09:21:26.817385 20] forward_ algorithm cache is full [w 0624 09:21:27.423196 20] backward w algorithm cache is full Train 0: 1%|▊ | 24/2049 [04:56<56:14, 1.67s/it][w 0624 09:21:31.279631 20] backward x algorithm cache is full Train 0: 65%|███████████████████████████████████████████▌ | 1332/2049 [1:21:43<51:18, 4.29s/it] “ The training process consume too much time. I utilize 1 gpu (12G) to train. An hour later, Train 0 is not over. I noticed that you mentioned that using multiple gpus could speed up the trainning, so I want to know how many gpus do you utilize and how long is the training time?

    Thank you very much!

    opened by liang3588 12
  • Segmentation on my own dataset

    Segmentation on my own dataset

    Hi @lzhengning, Thanks for releasing this code.

    I would like to test your pretrained segmentation model on .obj meshes without groundtruth, do you think it is easily achievable ? Is there a particular tool you use to label the meshes and get the .json files present in your repository ?

    Kind regards.

    opened by goyallon 7
  • Questions about your results?

    Questions about your results?

    The results of PD-MeshNet in your paper are very different from the results in the original paper. I also notice your answer to question 15. But the metric of PD-MeshNet is on the primal nodes (on faces), which means that the metric is strict. Therefore, I'm curious about the reason. Thanks! Have a nice day!

    opened by lidan233 6
  • AssertionError assert self.F == self.Fs.max().data[0]

    AssertionError assert self.F == self.Fs.max().data[0]

    你好 我在进行manifold数据集上的分类任务训练时,遇到了下面的错误

    name:  manifold40
    Train 0:   0%|                                                                                                                                                                           | 0/2049 [00:01<?, ?it/s]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 184, in <module>
        train(net, optim, train_dataset, writer, epoch)
      File "", line 33, in train
        mesh_tensor = to_mesh_tensor(meshes)
      File "/mnt/data/wy/SubdivNet/subdivnet/", line 28, in to_mesh_tensor
      File "/mnt/data/wy/SubdivNet/subdivnet/", line 35, in __init__
        assert self.F == self.Fs.max().data[0]


    opened by flyKite1998 5
  • 无法复现论文结果,一些预训练分类模型准确率为0




    name:  Cubes
    Test 0: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 103/103 [01:09<00:00,  1.48it/s]
    test acc =  0.00015174506828528073
    test acc [voted] =  0.0


    name:  Manifold40
    Test 0:   5%|███████                                                                                                                          | 112/2057 [00:11<04:29,  7.22it/s]
    [w 0723 15:28:27.917150 76] forward_ algorithm cache is full
    Test 0: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2057/2057 [03:12<00:00, 10.67it/s]
    test acc =  0.037560777957860614
    test acc [voted] =  0.03727714748784441


    name:  shrec11-split10
    Test 0: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 99/99 [00:48<00:00,  2.04it/s]
    test acc =  0.0
    test acc [voted] =  0.0


    name:  shrec11-split16
    Test 0: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 40/40 [00:28<00:00,  1.43it/s]
    test acc =  0.0
    test acc [voted] =  0.0
    opened by zhenhao-huang 5
  • Cannot run the test shell script

    Cannot run the test shell script

    Hello. Thanks for your work. However, when I try to run the test script of coseg-alien, it gives me an error message like this:

    name: coseg-alien
    0:   0%|                    | 0/37 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/home/xxx/.cache/jittor/default/g++/jit/ error: calling a constexpr __host__ function("floor") from a __global__ function("func_bc2f95c82b48131a_0") is not allowed. The experimental flag '--expt-relaxed-constexpr' can be used to allow this.
    1 error detected in the compilation of "/home/xxx/.cache/jittor/default/g++/jit/".
    [e 0721 14:21:37.874137 48:C15] [Error] source file location: /home/xxx/.cache/jittor/default/g++/jit/
    [e 0721 14:21:37.874176 48:C15] Compile fused operator(18/56) failed: [Op(0x5561911a3de0:0:0:1:i0:o1:s0,array->0x5561911a3e80),Op(0x5561911a2360:0:0:1:i1:o1:s0,broadcast_to->0x5561911a2410),Op(0x5561911a37f0:0:0:1:i2:o1:s0,binary.mod->0x5561911a30a0),] 
    Reason: [f 0721 14:21:37.873882 48:C15] Check failed ret(256) == 0(0) Run cmd failed: cd /home/xxx/.cache/jittor/default/g++ && /home/xxx/.cache/jittor/jtcuda/cuda11.2_cudnn8_linux/bin/nvcc '/home/xxx/.cache/jittor/default/g++/jit/'     -std=c++14 -Xcompiler -fPIC  -Xcompiler -march=native  -Xcompiler -fdiagnostics-color=always  -I/home/xxx/anaconda3/envs/subdivnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jittor/src -I/home/xxx/anaconda3/envs/subdivnet/include/python3.7m -I/home/xxx/anaconda3/envs/subdivnet/include/python3.7m -DHAS_CUDA -I'/home/xxx/.cache/jittor/jtcuda/cuda11.2_cudnn8_linux/include' -I'/home/xxx/anaconda3/envs/subdivnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jittor/extern/cuda/inc'  -lstdc++ -ldl -shared  -x cu --cudart=shared -ccbin='/usr/bin/g++' --use_fast_math  -w  -I'/home/xxx/anaconda3/envs/subdivnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jittor/extern/cuda/inc'  -arch=compute_61  -code=sm_61  -o '/home/xxx/.cache/jittor/default/g++/jit/'
    0:   0%|                    | 0/37 [00:02<?, ?it/s]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 162, in <module>
        test(net, test_dataset, writer, 0, args)
      File "/home/xxx/anaconda3/envs/subdivnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jittor/", line 257, in inner
        ret = func(*args, **kw)
      File "", line 64, in test
        preds = np.argmax(, axis=1)
    RuntimeError: Wrong inputs arguments, Please refer to examples(help(
    Types of your inputs are:
     self   = Var,
    The function declarations are:
     inline DataView data()
    Failed reason:[f 0721 14:21:38.068584 96] Error happend during compilation, see error above.

    Any ideas on why this happens? I have downloaded the data of coseg-alien via the shell script provided.

    opened by unw9527 5
  • Could you please provide datasets with subdivision connectivity

    Could you please provide datasets with subdivision connectivity

    I found the datasets download via "sh scripts/<DATASET_NAME>/" are original datasets without the subdivision connectivity. Moreover, it is very hard to remesh them by for the remeshing is always interrupted by some problems in the program, especially for the Manifold40.

    Therefore, could you please provide the remeshed datasets with subdivision connectivity? Thank you very much!

    opened by liang3588 5
  • cannot reproduce results on Manifold40

    cannot reproduce results on Manifold40

    Hi, I'm trying to reproduce your results on Manifold40.

    I downloaded the dataset with the command sh scripts/manifold40/, which downloads the file I noticed in your instructions that it is possible to download a different version of Manifold40 "before remeshing". Which is the correct version to use for evaluation?

    I noticed that the version in contains approximatively 10 times the number of shapes contained in the original ModelNet40, why is that?

    I run the command sh scripts/manifold40/ to obtain the checkpoint for the model and then I run the command sh scripts/manifold40/ to perform evaluation. The evaluation runs fine but I get a very low accuracy. Do you have any idea of what I could have missed?

    Thanks in advance, Luca.

    opened by lykius 4
  • Data preprocessing

    Data preprocessing

    I'm trying to use your script to preprocess some meshes in order to feed them to SubDivNet. The meshes are obtained with marching cubes and I tried different resolutions to get meshes with different number of vertices/faces. The preprocessing fails in the decimate() function here, without any meaningful error (at least that I can understand).

    Do you have any suggestion? Is there any special requirement for the meshes in order to be able to preprocess them?

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by lykius 3
  • question concerning labeling the data

    question concerning labeling the data

    Hello, thanks for your great work and offered code.

    i'm working on a school project and i want to use the SUBDIVNET code to train my data, but there are some points i did not understand..

    in each .obj file there are 3 indexes:

    • raw_labels: each item here represents a label of a face in the original data.
    • sub_labels: each item here represents a label of a face in the data after remeshing it (after applying on it )
    • raw_to_sub: this i don't understand what does it represent, and what is its role

    another thing i didn't understand: length of raw_labels and sub_labels is 13776 but number of faces in each object is 16384. so if raw_labels and sub_labels are representing the label of each face why they don't have same length as faces.

    so can you please explain to me how can i preprocess step by step my data to before feeding it to the subdivnet? how can i make each object have the exact number of faces as in your input data (16384) and how to label my data, and if you can recommend me a tool i can use!

    thank you in advance

    opened by hamzam0n 2
  • Questions about input data for segmentation

    Questions about input data for segmentation

    Thanks for sharing the code of your nice work! I've been trying to apply the framework to my own dataset for segmentation. As I understood, the dataroot contains the folders 'train', 'test' and 'raw'. For each sample, there are three files: *.obj, *.json (labels), and the *.off (in 'raw'). What is unclear to me are:

    1. What are the data in the 'raw' folder? I expect the raw data to be *.obj. What is the purpose of saving the meshes in .off instead of .obj? The remeshing algorithms (MAPS and neural subdivision) have the finest mesh as input and downsample the meshes. However, the meshes in the 'raw' folders have a lower resolution than those in the 'train' and 'test' folders.
    2. How do you obtain the labels (*.json)?

    Thank you!

    opened by whsu2s 1
  • About one sample in Manifold40

    About one sample in Manifold40

    Hi, thanks for you great paper and code! When I want to make use of the new dataset Manifold40 you proposed from tsinghua cloud to training my own model, I found that there was a mere mistake in only one sample that is 'bookshelf_0099.obj'. The content of the version I downloaded is:

    Object res.obj

    Vertices: 245

    Faces: 842

    with 842 faces, not 500, so I remeshed it in meshlab to make the code works.

    opened by MyEternalMoon 2
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